Editor's Page

By F.H. Rainbow
October 2004
Last month in this column, we said our seminar program is Proceedings Live—and at Forum 2004 on 7 September in Crystal City, the 18 speakers, panelists, and moderators delivered on ...

Comment and Discussion

October 2004
"How the Terrorists Can Win" (See J. Kelly, p. 30, September 2004 Proceedings) Paul J. Madden-I agree with Captain Kelly. We need to save Iraq for the 15% of Iraqis ...

Culture-Centric Warfare

By Major General Robert H. Scales Jr., USA (Ret.)
October 2004
Todays warfare demands of the military an exceptional ability to understand people, their culture, and their motivation.

Swift Boats: Hard Day on the Bo De

By Admiral Paul A. Yost Jr., USCG (Ret.)
October 2004
In an excerpt from his oral history, the former Coast Guard Commandant recalls a harrowing Swift boat operation he led up the Bo De River in Vietnam.

Will Judgment Be a Casualty of NCW?

By Lieutenant Commander Larry LeGree, USN
October 2004
Technology is a powerful enabler, but it threatens to compromise the decision-making prerogatives of the commander closest to the action.

Save the Tico!

By Scott C. Truver
October 2004
For nearly four years, the Bush administration has focused on a no-holds-barred transformation of the U.S. military to meet daunting, if ambiguous, 21st-century asymmetrical threats and challenges to security at ...

Let Them Eat Democracy

By Steven Pressfield
October 2004
"We are here to help the Vietnamese. Because inside every gook is an American trying to get out." The quote above—from Stanley Kubrick's film, Full Metal Jacket—was of course played ...

A Farewell to the Gulf

By Commodore P. D. Jones, Royal Australian Navy
October 2004
The author arrived in the USS Paul Hamilton in late 2002 to command maritime interception operations in the Arabian Gulf and become a strong and vital link in the Coalition ...

Officers Have Exceptional Responsibility

By Lieutenant Colonel Gary E. Slyman, USMC (Ret.)
October 2004
As exemplified by Commander Scott Waddle, who voluntarily retired after the 2001 collision of the USS Greeneville (SSN-772) with the Japanese fishing boat Ehime Maru, officers' heightened accountability for the ...

Strike Subs Before They Are at Sea

By Rear Admiral W. J. Holland Jr, USN (Ret.)
October 2004
By the end of World War II, Allied naval forces were attacking Adolf Hitler's U-boats long before they could reach convoys. Sixty years later, antisubmarine warfare has reverted to the ...

Keep Men in the Loop

By Major William D. Hallahan, USMC
October 2004
Third Prize Winner, Armed Forces Joint Warfighting Essay Contest Sponsored by a grant from Boeing After serving for decades on the front lines of the Cold War at sea countering ...

It Pays to Do the Dirty Work

By Ensign Anne Gibbon, U.S. Navy
October 2004
Second Honorable Mention, Vincent Astor Memorial Leadership Essay Contest Ensigns can learn a lot when they roll up their sleeves. When I stepped onto the brow of the USS Reuben ...

Professional Notes

October 2004
Naval Coastal Warfare: The Fleet's Eyes in the Littorals Lieutenant Commander Christopher Rawley, U.S. Navy During the 1991 Gulf War and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF), the U.S. military was virtually ...

Nobody Asked Me, But...Breach of Contract

By Captain Brian Hayes, U.S. Army Reserve
October 2004
The event itself was horrible—American bodies mutilated, dragged through the streets, and hanged from a bridge, casualties of a roadside ambush and an angry mob in Fallujah, Iraq. Its symbolic ...

Book Reviews

October 2004
In the Company of Soldiers: A Chronicle of Combat Rick Atkinson. New York: Henry Holt, 2004. 319 pp. Photos. $25.00. Reviewed by Jeffery A. Charlston Rick Atkinson's latest book recounts ...

Nobody Asked Me, But...The Court Has Adjourned

By Master Chief Torpedoman's Mate Michael R. Vimislik, U.S. Navy
October 2004
The sun finally has set on our traditional chief petty officer initiation. Many changes to the initiation process over the years seem to have been driven by political expediency and ...

Combat Fleets

By Eric Wertheim, Editor, Combat Fleets of the World
October 2004
rior to and during the 2004 Olympic summer games, dozens of Greek naval and coast guard vessels, in conjunction with maritime forces from NATO's Standing Naval Force Mediterranean, helped monitor ...

Rethinking the Principles of War—One Year On

By Vice Admiral John G. Morgan, U.S. Navy, and Dr. Anthony D. Mc Ivor
October 2004
One year ago this month, Proceedings published our "Rethinking the Principles of War." Intended as a call to reflection, the article generated considerable action. A survey at this juncture offers ...

Joseph K. Taussig Jr. & USS Langley (CV-27)

By Lieutenant Commander Thomas J. Cutler, U.S. Navy (Retired), and A. D. Baker III
October 2004
Joseph K. Taussig Jr. On 7 December 1941, Ensign Joseph K. Taussig Jr. had just relieved the officer of the deck on the battleship Nevada (BB-36) and was in the ...

Naval Institute Foundation

October 2004
In His Own Words: Earl F. Rippee When World War II broke out, I joined the Coast Guard. I was from Kansas, and liked the idea of going to sea ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.