Combat Fleets

By A.D. Baker III, Editor, Combat Fleets of the World
June 2001
The fifth and final La Fayette -class frigate for the French Navy, the Guepratte , is seen on trials off Lorient in April. The 3,600-ton, 407-foot ship is to conduct ...

The Kursk Salvage Plan

By Norman Polmar
June 2001
Preparations have begun for an effort to salvage the stricken Russian nuclear-propelled submarine Kursk , which was ripped open by explosions and sank in the Barents Sea last August. The ...

Book Reviews

June 2001
In Harm's Way: The Sinking of the USS Indianapolis and the Extraordinary Story of Its Survivors Doug Stanton. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 2001. 333 pp. Photos. Bib. Index ...

Do Smoking Hulls Measure Success?

By Lieutenant Colonel Gene Myers, U.S. Air Force (Retired)
June 2001
For some time now there has been a debate raging in the popular press as well as the halls of the U.S. government and defense establishment about the alleged failure ...

Protect Our Very Shallow Water MCM Force

By Commander Jack B. James, U.S. Navy
June 2001
In any mine countermeasure (MCM) operation, assessments must be made to determine the time required to complete the task and to estimate the risk involved. At assessment level "Risk Directive ...

The All-MV-22 Fleet Is the Answer

By Colonel Timothy C. Hanifen, U.S. Marine Corps
June 2001
The V-22 is a revolutionary joint common aircraft designed to meet validated requirements of the Marine Corps for 360 MV-22s, of Special Operations Command for 50 CV-22s, and of the ...

Buck Rogers Comes to Life in the 21st Century

By Lieutenant Colonel C. Reid Nichols, U.S. Marine Corps Reserve and Commander Zdenka Willis, U.S. Navy
June 2001
Not long ago, building integrated and authoritative maps of the world's littorals was something done by Buck Rogers in the 25th century of science fiction-today it is reality. In harsh ...

Submarine Escape Training--Are We Serious?

By Lieutenant (junior grade) Michael Yawn, U.S. Navy
June 2001
Since the loss of the Russian submarine Kursk and the subsequent rescue effort, there has been renewed interest in U.S. Navy submarine escape and rescue procedures, equipment, and capabilities. Because ...

International Port Security Standards

By Lieutenant Commander Michael A. Edgerton, U.S. Coast Guard
June 2001
The terrorist attack on the USS Cole (DDG-67) in Aden, Yemen, highlighted a problem that has been festering for years: the lack of internationally accepted port security standards. No international ...

Coast Guard Goes Expeditionary

By Captain Wayne Gibson, Commander Tom Vitullo, and Lieutenant Commander Joe DiRenzo III, U.S. Coast Guard, and Captain Craig Peterson, U.S. Coast Guard Reserve
June 2001
More and more the Coast Guard is deploying worldwide to support national objectives and international engagement—port security units, here practicing shiphandling, are a familiar sight in foreign harbors. An Expeditionary ...

Identifying Kaga

By Jonathan Parshall, with Anthony Tully and David Dickson
June 2001
In September 1999, undersea explorers located some intriguing wreckage on the bottom of the Pacific near Midway Atoll. The question was, exactly what had they found? To answer that, a ...

SEALs Need Dedicated Helo Support

By Lieutenant Martha S. Dunne, USN
June 2001
Special warfare forces operate extensively with surface and subsurface assets that deliver them from the sea, but they lack the rotary-wing support they need to carry out their littoral missions ...

Advocate of 'Wooden Walls'

By David McCullough
June 2001
In his new biography of John Adams, the award-winning author and historian credits his subject with being the first of the Founding Fathers to champion a navy. The following is ...

A New Blueprint for U.S. Defense

By James Blaker and Daniel Goure
June 2001
As the Defense Department prepares to release its comprehensive review of the U.S. military, it is clear that the force of the future—now of age after operations in Bosnia and ...

Expeditionary Forces at the Crossroads

By Captain George Galdorisi, U.S. Navy (Retired)
June 2001
The ability of naval expeditionary forces to accomplish their missions is dependent not only on strategy, concepts, and doctrine, but also on the equipment they have available. Today's naval expeditionary ...

Are Big Decks Still the Answer?

By David A. Perin
June 2001
Compared to the alternatives, a large-deck carrier will give the nation more flexibility and growth potential to meet a variety of 21st-century challenges. In June 2000, the Defense Acquisition Board ...

Comment and Discussion

June 2001
"Network-Centric Warfare Meets the Laws of the Navy" (See S. Scarborough, pp. 30-33, May 2001 Proceedings ) Lieutenant Colonel Gerry Nalepa, U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, Office of Naval Research— What ...

Publisher's Page

By Tom Marfiak
June 2001
In April 1995, Herman Wouk made a rare public appearance at the Naval Institute's Annapolis Seminar. He spoke without notes, and the words he delivered, flawlessly, were captured by Naval ...

World Naval Developments

By Norman Friedman
June 2001
Improvements to Stealthy Radar Probably the most exciting news at the April 2001 Navy League show was new radar being developed bv Thales Nederland. For some years the company has ...

USS Trumpetfish (SS-425)

By Eric Wertheim
June 2001
The Balao (SS-285)-class submarine USS Trumpetfish (SS-425) was commissioned into service with the U.S. Navy on 29 January 1946. Though she missed the end of World War II by a ...

End the Silence of the Wardroom

By Lieutenant Neil A. Wilson, USCG
June 2001
The prize-winning entry in the Vincent Astor Memorial Leadership Essay Contest calls for junior officers to stop being silent and speak up about problems in the services and future leadership ...

We Can't Let This Happen Again

By Julian Schofield
June 2001
The recent collision between U.S. and Chinese aircraft over the South China Sea should be a wake-up call for the two countries finally to sign an incidents-at-sea agreement.

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.