Dark Victory

By Dr. Michael Evans
September 1999
Can Western forces that were unwilling to sacrifice a single life label the air war over Kosovo a victory?

Keeping the Peace Jointly

By Master Sergeant Michael M. Green, USAF
September 1999
First Honorable Mention, Colin L. Powell Joint Warfighting Essay Contest Peacekeeping operations have increased dramatically as has the pressure they place on combat readiness. A joint peacekeeping directorate and dedicated ...

Comment & Discussion

September 1999
"Parting with the Prowler" (See L. Bonzo, pp. 36-38, August 1999 Proceedings ) Brian F. Hussey, Sr.— The Prowler has proven to be an exceptionally good asset, even beyond Marine ...

Lest We Forget

By Lieutenant Commander Rick Burgess, U.S. Navy (Retired
September 1999
Heavy Photographic Squadron 61 (VAP-61) began as Patrol Squadron 61 (VP-61), flying PB4Y-1P Liberator aircraft out of Miramar, California, on 20 January 1951. VP-61 was assigned the mission of worldwide ...

Combat Fleets

By A. D. Baker III
September 1999
The Royal Navy’s 20,710-ton Invincible -class vertical/short takeoff and landing (VSTOL) aircraft carrier Illustrious was alerted between July 1998 and March 1999 to gain an 8% increase in flight deck ...

Points of Interest: The Anthrax Controversy

By Tom Philpott
September 1999
Since the military's mandatory anthrax inoculation program began last year, more than 300,000 service members have begun a series of shots to protect against the deadly virus. About 240 members ...

Join the Team

By Rear Admiral Jack Natter, U.S. Navy (Retired)
September 1999
For the past two years, all new officers—regardless of source—have received reserve commissions. Some of our enlisted men and women—regardless of personal desires—join the Navy as reservists. In walking along ...

Boost Sea Pay for Enlisted Sailors

By Captain Carlton W. Meyer, U.S. Marine Corps Reserve (Retired)
September 1999
Sailors assigned to ships work twice as many hours as most servicemen. Navy ships make routine six-month deployments. Even during their time at home, sailors must operate mess halls, provide ...

Book Reviews & Books of Interest

September 1999
Breakout: The Chosin Reservoir Campaign, Korea, 1950 Martin Russ. New York: Fromm International, 1999. 542 pp. Photos. Maps. Bib. Index. $27.50 ($24.75). Reviewed by Colonel Allan R. Millett, U.S. Marine ...

Professional Notes

September 1999
Pearl Pilot: The Future of Navy Ship Maintenance By Captain Jeffrey D. Conners, U.S. Navy Declining defense budgets, the end of the Cold War, and changes in the size and ...

The Lost Virtue of Leadership

By Captain Daniel R. Wagner, USMC
September 1999
Humility is an act of sacrifice for an ideal—a cause greater than oneself. Our Marines deserve leaders who embody this characteristic. Operations in the Arizona Valley, within the depths of ...

A Ship for All Reason

By Commander Sam Tangredi, USN
September 1999
Second Honorable Mention, Colin L. Powell Joint Warfighting Essay Contest A joint littoral supremacy ship—with a well deck, flight deck, and vertical launch tubes—that brings together the gators and the ...

A Revolting Development

By Lieutenant Commander Andrew L. Lewis, USN
September 1999
October 1949 congressional testimony, specifically from senior Navy officials, sent a shock wave across the entire country. The proposed carrier United States had been cancelled on 23 April, the B-36 ...

Gotta Get the Go-Fasts

By Lieutenant Commander Robert B. Watts, U.S. Coast Guar
September 1999
With sophisticated technology and small, oceangoing speedboats, smugglers have changed the drug war to a tactical-level struggle.

Scout from the Sea

By Commander Harry E. Wedewer, USN
September 1999
With the surveillance system upgrade, the S-3B Viking will allow the real-time targeting of all the weapons that carrier battle groups and amphibious ready groups bring to the fight. A ...

The Generals Need to Say No

By Major J. A. Craft, U.S. Marine Corps
September 1999
Honor, courage, commitment, and selflessness—these are the values that have made the Corps great. They are the bedrock and very heart of our character, and we in the Marine Corps ...

How Can We Save Ships with Small Crews?

By Lieutenant Commander David R. Klain, U.S. Navy
September 1999
Reductions in manning are possible without compromising damage control, but it will require fundamental changes—such as replacing this typically tiny escape scuttle with access shafts that can accommodate firefighters in ...

Radars Can Detect the Periscope

By Pete Stevens
September 1999
The Navy's existing surface search radars cannot deal with the incredibly small radar horizons for diesel-electric submarines and small combatants operating in the littorals. But fleet testing supports development of ...

The Business behind War Fighting

By The Honorable Jerry MacArthur Hultin
September 1999
U.S. combat forces are becoming more flexible, agile, and network-centric, but the Department of the Navy's business practices still are fighting the Cold War. Big changes are needed. The Department ...

Nothing Is Ensignproof

By Lieutenant Commander James W. Vernon, U.S. Naval Reserve (Retired)
September 1999
Landing on an aircraft carrier during the day was hazardous enough. The prospect of landing at night contained no element of romance for me. My infatuation with aviation suffered a ...

One JO Can Make a Difference

By Lieutenant Stephen F. Shedd, USN
September 1999
My reason for staying in the Navy is simple. I love leading sailors—not businessmen, factory workers, or other professionals, just sailors. They deserve good leadership and people who are dedicated ...

These Ensigns Today

By Lieutenant Fred W. Kacher, U.S. Navy
September 1999
When I attended Department Head School two years ago, conversation often centered on the new officers who recently had emerged from our various commissioning sources. As an aide and public ...

Asian Crisis Spurs Navy TBMD

By Captain Gary W. Schnurrpusch, U.S. Navy (Retired)
September 1999
When the Bunker Hill moved into the Strait of Taiwan to patrol and to detect and track any Chinese ballistic missile tests she not only signaled U.S. resolve but also ...

Where Is the Peace Dividend Now?

By Admiral Archie Clemins, USN
September 1999
We don't have enough ships, aircraft, submarines, sailors, and Marines to go around. We have to prioritize missions to allocate support, meaning that some missions are falling through the cracks. ...

21 Minutes to Belgrade

By Lieutenant Colonel Phillip C. Tissue, U.S. Marine Corps
September 1999
U.S. Marine Corps F/A-18Ds armed with laser-guided bombs and Sidewinders proved a deadly combination during Operation Allied Force. The two-seat crew concept was one of the keys to flexibility as ...

The Mission Must Be Worth The Risk

By Dr. Scot Macdonald
September 1999
Since the Vietnam War, the "casualty law" has dominated discussions of the use of U.S. military forces in regional contingencies from Central America in the 1980s to Kosovo. The law ...

Learning the Lesson We Want to Learn?

By Franklin C. Spinney
September 1999
The lessons learned in Kosovo will take a long time to digest, but one already is becoming clear: the miscalculations at the war's beginning prove that the unholy marriage between ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

Digital Proceedings content made possible by a gift from CAPT Roger Ekman, USN (Ret.)