The DD-21 as Deus ex Machina

By T. J. McKearney
July 1998
The Navy's plans for its next-generation destroyer, the DD-21, tout the new ship as the "land-attack destroyer," a nickname that bears some consideration given the ship's mission—and its implications. Apparently ...

Comment and Discussion

July 1998
"The Casualty Myth" (See R. Peters, p.10, May 1998 Proceedings) Lieutenant David A. Adams, U.S. Navy—In correctly dispelling the myth that the "American people will not accept casualties," Lieutenant Colonel ...

War Isn't a Rational Business

By Colonel T. X. Hammes, U.S. Marine Corps
July 1998
The information revolution notwithstanding, war will continue to be a brutish, chaotic, and emotional battle of wills. Network-centric warfare will not change that.

Paperless Navy . . . Pshaw!

By Lieutenant Michael Junge, U.S. Navy
July 1998
Ten years ago, Navy visionaries dreamt of ending the burgeoning flood and monetary drain of paper. There were flights of fancy about significant weight reductions, ship speed increases, and budgetary ...

It's Time to Face the Gender Paradox

By Mackubin Thomas Owens
July 1998
Society and the military have different purposes—the former to live, the latter to die, if need be. Nowhere is this paradox illustrated more clearly than in the debate over women ...

Obligations of the Citizen-Soldier

By First Lieutenant John P. Brown, U.S. Marine Corps
July 1998
In the United States, soldiers and citizens are all members of the same society. But the warriors have a special responsibility to it.

The Total Force Is the Future

By Stephen M. Duncan
July 1998
"This victory belongs . . . to the regulars, to the reserves, to the National Guard. This victory belongs to the finest fighting force this nation has ever known in ...

Let the Fleet Design the Carrier

By Captain Pierre G. Vining, U.S. Navy
July 1998
What characteristics should the next aircraft carrier have? Those who will sail the next-generation carrier may answer quite differently than those who are designing it.

ANGLICO: Deep Fires or Deep Six?

By Major Michael Morris, U.S. Marine Corps
July 1998
Marine ANGLICO companies fill an important niche in directing fires. We must rethink this decision to disband this potent force, and reshape it for the 21st century.

Because We Can, We Should

By Ensign Matthew Gilbreath, U.S. Navy
July 1998
Capstone Essay Contest The U.S. military has served as the big stick in U.S. politics for the last 50 years. Since the end of World War II, it has had ...

End the Zero-Defects Mentality

By Ensign Bethany Craft, U.S. Navy
July 1998
Capstone Essay Contest The U.S. military long has been one of the most respected and trusted institutions in the United States. While the armed forces continue to strive for excellence ...

Do More with Less

By Ensign Nicholas Pinson, U.S. Navy
July 1998
Capstone Essay Contest Because of military cutbacks and budgetary streamlining, less money is available to perform military missions. Yet the volatile state of world affairs demands that our armed forces ...

Get Psyched!

By Second Lieutenant Richard M. Rusnok, Jr., U.S. Marine Corps
July 1998
Capstone Essay Contest The great Chinese military theoretician Sun Tzu included as Ta primary concept in his seminal work, The Art of War , the idea of subduing one's enemy ...

Professional Notes

July 1998
Exercising the Operational Art in Steel Knight VII By Lieutenant Colonel Drew A. Bennett, U.S. Marine Corps Exercise Steel Knight VII combined strategic mobility and live fire to train the ...

Book Reviews

July 1998
A Fellowship of Valor: The Battle History of the United States Marines Col. Joseph. H. Alexander, USMC (Ret.). New York: HarperCollins, 1997. 390 pp. App. Ind. Photos. Maps. $35.00 ($31.50) ...

Combat Fleets

By A.D. Baker III, Editor, Combat Fleets of the World
July 1998
The Paraguayan Navy patrol boat Teniente Robles is seen here at Asuncion in December 1997. She and sister Capitan Ortiz were donated by Taiwan in 1994. The 47-ton, 71-foot, aluminum-hulled ...

Lest We Forget

By Lieutenant Commander Rick Burgess, U.S. Navy (Retired)
July 1998
Helicopter Mine Countermeasures Squadron 12 (HM-12) was the first of its kind. Established at NAS Norfolk, Virginia, on 1 April 1971, the Sea Dragons institutionalized airborne mine countermeasures (AMCM) as ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

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