Death of a Sailor's Sailor

By David Alan Rosenberg
February 1996
The naval officer who quietly “slipped his chain” in the early-morning hours of New Year’s Day 1996 was well-known to the world—as a World War II naval hero and as ...

Russia, Inc.—Open for Business

By Thomas S. Momiyama
February 1996
Russia’s Mikoyan, Sukhoi, and Yakovlev design bureaus have grasped the need for conversion or dual-use technology in the wake of the Cold War, and are building on their traditional high-performance ...

Comment and Discussion

February 1996
“Submarine Design for the Littorals” (See J. E. Wright, pp.39-41, December 1995; J. J. Donnelly, pp.22-24, January 1996 Proceedings) Commander P. Kevin Peppe, U.S. Navy, Commanding Officer, USS Atlanta (SSN- ...

Lest We Forget: VC-5 "The Savage Sons"

By Bob Lawson
February 1996
Following World War II, the Navy was involved in a struggle with the Army and newly independent Air Force over roles and missions. In particular, a bitter battle was engaged ...

Combat Fleets

By A. D. Baker III, Editor, Combat Fleets of the World
February 1996
Let Rossiyskomy Flotu, the third 4,200-ton Russian Neustrashimyy-class frigate, had her name changed from Tuman in 1994 so that her 1996 launch could honor the 300th anniversary of the founding ...

Book Reviews

February 1996
Eisenhower and the Suez Crisis of 1956 Colonel Cole C. Kingseed, USA. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press, 1995. 166 pp. Bib. Ind. Notes. $22.50. ($20.25). Reviewed by Captain ...

Professional Notes

February 1996
Big Bucks for Weapons—Small Change for Lifesavers By Commander George Cornelius, U.S. Navy (Retired) Desert Storm did not highlight the air-to-air Combat Identification (ID) problem, but it most brutally called ...

Full and Equal Partners

By Wade Sanders
February 1996
Agree or disagree with the concept, but the reality is that naval reservists must be full and equal partners with the regulars. Just as the frontline carrier John F. Kennedy ...

Whatever Happened to ASW?

By T. A. Brooks
February 1996
A scant five years ago, the U.S. Navy was proclaiming that antisubmarine warfare was its top priority. The Soviet Navy was fundamentally a submarine navy. Their brief and rather star-crossed ...

We're Still Not Joint

By Lieutenant Colonel William G. Welch, U.S. Army (Retired)
February 1996
Lining up the different services’ aircraft alongside each other—here, F-15 Strike Eagles, F-14 Tomcats, A-6 Intruders, and other aircraft cover the runway at the Roswell Industrial Air Center, New Mexico ...

Behind Every Great Ship . . .

By Captain Christopher E. Weaver, U.S. Navy
February 1996
. . . must lie the appropriate shore support to keep it going. If the Navy wants to maintain the readiness of its operating forces, it must recognize this link—here ...

My Life with the PIMPS

By Captain Joseph K. Taussig, Jr., U.S. Navy (Retired)
February 1996
As WOMPO for the Severn River Naval Command, one naval officer took on the PIMPs by doing some PIMPing himself. But how does a WOMPO PIMP a brass band and ...

SSNs Aren't Enough

By Commander Paul Murdock, U.S. Navy
February 1996
In littoral warfare, the Navy’s present attack submarines may not always be able to accomplish the mission. A less sophisticated, more agile boat with an alternative propulsion system—the X-1 used ...

Harriers in the Breach

By Lieutenant Colonel Theodore N. Herman, U.S. Marine Corps (Retired)
February 1996
Marine Corps Harriers flew from forward expeditionary airfields and amphibious assault ship decks in Desert Storm to shorten response times—and eliminate the need for aerial refueling. These VMA-542 Harriers, each ...

The Making of a Jaeger Pilot

By Commander Joseph A. Gattuso, Jr., U.S. Navy
February 1996
Jaeger—versatile, creative, crafty, opportunistic, aggressive, smarter than his prey. A Jaeger aviator, employing maneuver warfare in three dimensions, fighting in a future so much different from anything we’ve imagined, will ...

Say It in Pilot Talk

By Captain Jerry Singleton, U.S. Navy
February 1996
In the course of three close air support (or battlefield air interdiction) workshops hosted by the Commander, Naval Air Forces, Pacific, through the summer of 1995, old concepts began to ...

What Is Info Warfare?

By Commander William E. Rohde, U.S. Navy
February 1996
It used to be that the side with the most bullets won the war. In the high-tech age, however, the victory will go to the side best able to exploit ...

End Sexism

By Captain John L. Byron, U.S. Navy (Retired)
February 1996
Sexism can be ended in the Navy—and in much less than a generation—if the service takes bold action, as it did during its fight against racism nearly 25 years ago. ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

Digital Proceedings content made possible by a gift from CAPT Roger Ekman, USN (Ret.)