Commentary: Reflections on a Naval Career

By Larry Di Rita
August 1995
On board the USS Boorda (CVN-80) —The ship is off the coast of Brazil, conducting rain forest preservation research as flag-ship for Commodore N. Singh Nifighandi, Bangladeshi Navy, Commander. U.N ...

Comment & Discussion

August 1995
“The Quick Strike Submarine” (See J. N. Giaquinto, L. L. McDonald, J. P. Madden, pp. 41-44, June 1995 Proceedings) William Christie—As an example of the roles-and-missions hysteria now sweeping the ...

Lest We Forget

By Bob Lawson
August 1995
Short-lived and effective sums up the career of the Navy’s World War II Patrol Bombing Squadron 106. Established 1 June 1943 as Bombing Squad­ron 106 under the command of Commander ...


August 1995
NOTEBOOK POLICY: Please submit notices five months in advance of your reunion. Reunions with specific dates will be given preference. Notices will be published only once and as space permits ...

Combat Fleets

By A. D. Baker III, Editor, Combat Fleets of the World
August 1995
Algeria’s Russian-built Koni-class (Project 1159) small frigate Rais Kellik is pictured calling at Antwerp on 8 May 1995 while en route to St. Petersburg to escort home the first of ...

World Naval Developments

By Norman Friedman, Author, Naval Institute Guide to World Naval Weapons Systems
August 1995
Mobile Missile Defeats F-16 The loss of a U.S. Air Force F-16 fighter over Bosnia brings up an interesting issue in missile countermeasures. Apparently the airplane was brought down by ...

Points of Interest: A COLA Catch-22 in Japan

By Tom Philpott
August 1995
Military people overseas will grumble from time to time that adjustments in cost-of-living allowances (COLAs) fail to keep pace with currency fluctuations, though statistical evidence dis­putes that notion. This summer ...

The U.S. Navy

By Norman Polmar, Author, The Ships and Aircraft of the U.S. Fleet
August 1995
Manning the (Smaller) Nuclear Fleet The end of the Cold War has brought drastic reductions in the U.S. Navy’s nuclear-propelled ships, both surface ships and submarines. But these reductions have ...

Book Reviews & Books of Interest

August 1995
The Nightingale’s Song Robert Timberg. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1995. 579 pp. Bib. Ind. Notes. Photos. $27.50 ($24.75). Reviewed by David C. Poyer The young nightingale, it is said ...

TQL Forum: Eliminating the ORSE

By Lieutenant Commander Charles K. Harris, U.S. Navy
August 1995
Implementing Dr. W. Edwards Deming’s 14 points in the U.S. Navy may well be the most difficult integration of his teachings ever attempted. Because the operational units of the Navy ...

Professional Notes

August 1995
Hybrid Ships: Variations On a Theme By John R. Meyer Conventional monohulls and multi­hulls using a combination of buoy­ant and foil dynamic lift offer hydrody­namic efficiency and improved seakeep­ing characteristics ...

"Nineteen, talk to me!"

By Lieutenant Commander Barrett T. Beard, U.S. Coast Guard (Retired)
August 1995
U.S. Coast Guard rescue swim­mer Michael Odom, dropped ear­lier from a helicopter, knows he is going to die. Alone, tossed by a winter storm in the Atlantic Ocean 350 miles ...

Commentary: The UCP: Time to Change

By Donald P. Loren
August 1995
Amid the turmoil of this multipolar, post-Cold War world, U.S. defense officials face a number of new challenges: ten­dencies toward joint force integration and reduced force struc­ture, accompanied by reduced ...

To Each According to His Needs

By Andrew G. Webb
August 1995
The current military compensa­tion system will pay service mem­bers more if they get married or have children, but it makes no basic pay distinction between a cook and a nuclear-trained ...

Parallel War: Promise & Problems

By Colonel Richard Szafranski, U.S. Air Force
August 1995
Air power like that applied in Desert Storm can reduce an industrialized state’s war­making capability rapidly, but it may be less useful in the more likely irregular-war­fare scenarios. These captured ...

Invasion Most Costly

By Norman Polmar and Thomas B. Allen
August 1995
Recent defeats and the steady bombing of Tokyo were wearing heavily on Japan. Then, atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki hastened the end of World War II. Had that ...

Manage the Shore Smarter

By Captain John L. Byron, U.S. Navy (Retired)
August 1995
Management of the Navy’s shore infrastruc­ture can be done with greater efficiency and cost-effectiveness through outsourcing. When private-sector contractors handle the management, maintenance, and operations of services ashore—like the tasks ...

Information Warfare in 2015

By Commander George F. Kraus, Jr., U.S. Navy (Retired)
August 1995
Information systems bring revolutionary capabilities—and increased vulnerabilities—to the battlefield. Revolutionary changes are under way in warfare, at least in part stemming from changes in information systems and their associated capabilities ...

Codes or Clues?

By Colonel Theodore L. Gatchel, U.S. Marine Corps (Retired)
August 1995
Operational code names used to preserve secrecy. Today, more often than not, they give potential adversaries information about the nature and location of operations—and provide grist for the propagandists and ...

Special Report: Military Options in Bosnia

By John M. Collins
August 1995
Bosnia-Hercegovina declared inde­pendence from former Yugoslavia in April 1992, partly to avoid domi­nation by ethnic adversaries. Bos­nian Serbs seized more than 70% of the new nation’s territory, besieged the capital ...

Strategic Air Power Didn't Work

By Major Stephen T. Ganyard, U.S. Marine Corps
August 1995
The bombing of "strategic" targets in Desert Storm failed to destroy the will of the Iraqi people—here, Hussein supporters rally on the third anniversary of the initial Gulf War air ...

It's Not Nice and Neat

By Lieutenant General Anthony Zinni, U.S. Marine Corps
August 1995
Today's military operations are not like the ones the services traditionally have trained to execute. But when "something" has to be done, U.S. Marines, sailors, soldiers, and airmen answer the ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

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