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NOTEBOOK POLICY: Please submit notices five months in advance of your reunion. Reunions with specific dates will be given preference. Notices will be published only once and as space permits. Pass-Down-The-Line notices are published on a space-available basis, and non-members are charged $35.00 per notice. There is no fee for reunion notices.
7th Bn. Veterans Assn., USNR, 24th, 25th, and 28th Div., 5 Nov. 94. Contact: J.
Graziano, 31 Harvey Rd., Clifton, NJ 07012. 201-777-3762.
Banana Fleet Marines, 2-4 Nov. 94, Fort Walton Beach, FL. Contact: W. Trepagnier, 535 Park Ave., Mandeville, LA 70448-4914. 504-626-3618.
Deland NAS, WWII, 11-12 Nov. 94, DeLand, FL. Contact: J. Hays, City of DeLand, P.O. Drawer 449, FL 32721-0449. 904-736-3900 (Ext. 746).
Inti. Chosin Few, Korea, 29 Nov.-3 Dec. 94, Miami, FL. Contact: R. McDonald, 1222 Huntcliff Way, Clinton, MS 39056.
Iwo Jima Boat Crews, 5-7 Nov. 94, Fort Pierce, FL. Contact: E. Brisbois, P.O. Box 3328, Fort Pierce, FL 34948. 407-468-8875.
Navy Aviation Cadets and Naval Cadets, 1936-present, 10-13 Nov. 94, Pensacola, FL. Contact: Naval Aviation Museum Foundation, 800-327-5002.
USS California (BB-44), 20-24 Mar. 95, Tucson, AZ. Contact: H. Bean, 616 W. Lafayette, Staunton, IL 62088. 618-635-5638.
USS Crockett (APA-148), 3-6 Nov. 94, Wilmington, NC. Contact: E. Wilson, Butter & Egg Rd., Jacksboro, TN 37757. 615566-0624.
USS Eberle (DD-430), 4-6 Nov. 94, Lake Buena Vista, FL. Contact: R. McKenzie, 309 Catawba Ave., Newfield, NJ 08344. 609697-1587.
USS Effingham (APA-165), 3-6 Nov. 94, Wilmington, NC. Contact: J. McMahon, 66 Tower Hill Dr., Box 13, Red Bank, NJ 07701-2473.
USS Endymion (ARL-9), 26-28 Jan. 95, Port St. Lucie, FL. Contact: A. Schneider, 179 S. Parliman Rd., LaGrangeville, NE 12540. 914227-4076.
USS General Robert L. Howze (AP-134), 6-8
Nov. 94, Las Vegas, NV. Contact: D. Finn, 748 Santa Susanna Ct., Concord, CA 94518. 510-689-5817.
USS George K. Mackenzie (DD-836), 28-30 ' 1
Nov. 94, Las Vegas, NV. Contact: R 1 Gunvalson, 3101 Tomahawk Dr., Lake : Havasu City, AZ 86406. 304-925-1492.
USS Kephart (DE-207/APD-61) and any other vessels that took part in Battle of Ormoc Bay, 30 Nov.-4 Dec. 94,1 Washington, DC. Contact: B. Griggs, 22 Mt- Vernon Way, Whippany, NJ 07981-1908. 201-887-2896.
USS Lexington (CV-2), 4-5 Nov. 94, Corpus Christi, TX. Contact: M. Holzhauer, USS Lexington (CV-2), P.O. Box 20376, Corpus Christi, TX 78403. 991-512-6848.
USS LST-625, 23-25 Feb. 95, West Palm Beach, FL. Contact: J. Rochester, 13350-157th Ct. N„ Jupiter, FL 33478.407-575-3214.
USS Mullinnix (DD-944), 3-6 Nov. 94, Myrtle Beach, SC. Contact: W. Elkins, 2441 Laurel Cove, Va. Beach, VA 23454.704-322-5445.
USS Newcomb (DD-586), USS H. L- Edwards (DD-663), USS Richard P. Leary (DD-664), USS Leutze (DD-481), and other ) destroyers in DesRon 56, WW II, 23-26 Oct. 94, Baton Rouge, LA. Contact: N. Kohl, < 17972 Romelle Ave., Santa Ana, CA 92705. 714-639-3316.
USS Renville (APA-227), 19-22 Jan. 95, Charleston, SC. Contact: O. Lox, 12 Lenox Terr., S. Orange, NJ 07079. 201-762-4560.
USS Smith (DD-378), 2-5 Nov. 94, Scottsdale, AZ. Contact: W. Stanek, 14538 Yosemite Dr., Sun City West, AZ 85375. 602584-8564.
USS Suribachi (AE-21), Decommissioning, 2 Dec.94. Contact: Lt(j.g.) Craugh, USN, USS Suribachi (AE-21), FPQ AE 09587-3000.
USS Willard Keith (DD-775), 3-6 Nov. 94, Myrtle Beach, SC. Contact: W. Elkins, 2441 Laurel Cove Dr., Va. Beach, VA 23454. 704322-5445.
YU-1, NAS Barbers Point, Nov. 94, San Diego, CA. Contact: D. McLean, 225 Union Ave., Oakdale, PA 15071. 412-693-0578.
Proposed Reunions
2d Bn., 1st Regiment, 1st MarDiv., Vietnam, 1965-71. Contact: R. Hughes, Jr., 27 Seasound Ave., Palermo, NJ 08223. 609390-3157.
Air Group One (VBF-1) who served aboard USS Bennington (CV- 20). Contact:
R. Buckner, 12607 St. Claire Rd., Louisville, KY 40243.
JBUSMC, All Delegations, Brazil. Contact:
R. Pender, 3262 Marydon Dr., Baton Rouge, LA 70814-2583. 504-928-5961.
Naval Air Navigation Radio School, Gainesville, GA, 1943-47. Contact: D. Yarbrough, Navy Recruiting Stn., 975 Dawsonville Hwy., Shop 7, Gainesville, GA 30501.
Subic Bay-26th Provisional Marine Co., 1945-46. Contact: B. Durham, 2045 Pebble Beach, Palm Springs, CA 92264. 219324-3604.
USN Radio Stn., Port Blakiey, Bainbridge, IVA. Contact: H. Johnson, 1257 Cresthill Rd., El Cajon, CA 92021-3305. 619-442-8514.
USS Bennett (DD-473). Contact: H.
Hurlburt, 48 Tracy Dr., Burlington, VT 05401. 802-862-2137.
USS Chatelain (DE-149). Contact: A. Davis, 1534 Dunlap Dr., Deltona, FL 32725. 407574-6418.
USS Hopewell (DD-681). Contact: M.
Halldorson, 848 W. 9th St., Chico, CA 95928. 916-891-1814.
USS Lynde McCormick (DDG-8), 1962-66. Contact: D. Srur, 1045 Borgert Ave., N., St. Cloud, MN 56303-2525. 612-252-9162. VX-4/VW-2 Patuxent River, MD. Contact: T. Moran, 3045 Mission Village Dr., San Diego, CA 92123. 619-292-5021.
Researcher seeks information on or contact with crew members of one or both antisubmarine aircraft on separate flights over Yellow Sea assisting HMCS Cayuga, HMCS Huron, and HMNS Van Galen attack on submarine contact on 29 July 1951. Only aircraft identification is from HMCS Cayuga's deck log, which recorded the voice calls Knave
210 and Knave 208 and that shore-based aircraft had joined the search. Contact: A. E. March, 12710 Old Fort Rd„ Fort Washington, MD 20744-2859. 301-292-2763 (collect). Member seeks back issues of Proceedings from 1920 through 1953. Contact: A1 Wege, P.O. Box 198, Bensenville, 1L 60106.
Seeking the whereabouts/status of several officers who served aboard USS Newman (DE-205,\APD-59) from 26 May 1943 through 31 May 1946. Contact: W. J. Lopez, 3305 Pelham Rd., Toledo, OH 43606. 419536-5993.
Seeking members assigned to the VQ-1 Squadron during March and April 1969,
operating near Korea, as well as, USAFE NCO Academy graduates to correspond with. Contact: MSG Thomas W. Young, Sr., USAF(Ret.), 830 W. Amsden St., Denison, TX 75020-7929.
Researcher seeks copies of “Brevity code” lists (official or unofficial, tactful or profane) used by aviators and ground crew/controllers, any period from WW1I through present. Any background or anecdotes on how the codes evolved and how they were used/abused would be appreciated. Contact: WO-4 John Lawson, USN, 718 N. Forty Rd., Morehead City, NC 28557.
President of the USS Ozbourn (DD-846) Assn, seeks members of the boat crew that rescued then-Ensign R. M. Tvede, USN, off the Korean coast on 18 Feb. 1951 after his F4U Corsair was ditched. Lt(j.g.) John Moriarty, USN, was the boat officer and received a bronze star for his action on that occasion. Contact: Robert Whitten, 1117 Yorkshire Dr., Cupertino, CA 95014. 408252-9213.
Naval Institute member seeks a member of the USS Catskill (LSV-1) crew. He would like to share his picture of “War Cruise of the USS Catskill (LSV-1)” with a crewmember. Contact: Richard Ebeling, 2120 Pleasure View Rd., Aurora, II 60506.
Member seeks former VPB-208 squadron
members to correspond with. Contact: Robert Dunavan, Casa Murrieta Estates, 26913 Via Valdez, Sun City, CA 92585.
Researcher seeks information, anecdotes, etc., relating to LtGen. Oliver P. Smith, USMC. Contact: Clifton La Bree, 102 Wilson Hill Rd.. New Boston, NH 03070.
VW Aircrew: Navy Lt. conducting research for doctoral dissertation on VW aircrew (WV-2s) and squadrons that flew AEW Barrier Operations from 1956-65. Contact: Edwin Armistead, 10433 Leeway Ave. NW, Silverdale, WA 98383-8805. 206-613-0938.
Member seeks recollections from aircrew of U.S. reconnaissance aircraft intercepted by or fired on by Soviet Bloc and ChiCom forces during the Cold War. Contact: Bob
Bublitz, 16104 Country Club Rd., Melfa, VA 23410. 804-797-1042.
Member has 1946 U.S. Naval Academy Lucky Bag available for member interested.
No cost. Contact: Richard Rushing, 2025 Drumheller Ct., Va. Beach, VA 23464. 804474-0839.
Organization seeks anyone involved in Operation Crested Ice, a cleanup operation of radioactive debris from a B-52 that crashed with four H-bombs aboard near Thule, Greenland, in 1968. Contact: Natl. Assn, of Atomic Veterans, P.O. Box 4424, Salem, MA 01970-6424.
Author seeks anyone who served in U.S. submarines during WWII for a book about life in the boats during the war. Especially interested in anyone who served in any of the 52 boats lost during the war; this book will be focused on their stories. Contact: Jack Mark, 201 S. Main St., #900, Salt Lake City, UT 84111. 801-350-9140. Fax: 801350-9142.
Researcher seeks information, data, stories, and photographs concerning USS Iowa (BB-61) from initial construction to her present condition in the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard. All material will be copied, returned, and credited. Contact: ETC(SW) Mark Mathews, USN, 400 Knightsbridge Way, American Canyon, CA 94589.
Member seeks Sept. 1966, July and Oct. 1968 issues of Naval Aviation News magazines to complete his collection. Contact: J. S. Haldane, 12 Turfbeg Ave., Forfangus, Scotland DD8,3L J.
The DAV and Senior Citizens Volunteers of the Buffalo, NY, chapter American Lung Assn, seek donations of cancelled postage stamps. These are donated to the VA hospitals of Buffalo, NY, Washington, DC, and across the nation. Individuals are asked to send stamps to Stamps for Veterans, c/o Bernie Elmore, P.O. Box 398, Depew, NY 14043-0398.
Collector seeks Teddy Roosevelt and Franklin D. Roosevelt-era political buttons. Paying up to $1,000 each for rare items. Send xerox of items. Contact: Tom Cook, 670 W. 31st, Euguene, OR 97405.
The 2nd Marine Division Assn, is seeking former or present Marines who were ever in or attached to the Second Division. Contact: Bill Smith, 21500 Lassen St. #168, Chatsworth, CA 91311. 818-341-0504.
Researcher seeks aircraft carrier memorabilia, particularly Essex-class. Contact: Lt. Robert Cieri, USNR (Ret.), 18 Parish Ct., Alameda, CA 94502. 510-523-0383.
U.S. Navy Cruiser Sailors Association seeking new members. Contact: Ronald Maciejowski, 55 Donna Terr., Taunton, MA 02780.
IUSS Caesar alumni Assn, for current and former military, government, and private industry civilian persons (inclusive of family) who served/worked in the IUSS/Caesar program has been established. Contact: Cdr. Edward K. Dalrymple, USN(Ret.), Director, 6113 Eagle Landing Rd., Burke, VA 22015. 703-425-6365.
For brochures on the Action Series and Ceremonial Certificates and Ship and Aircraft photographs, send a self-addressed, stamped, business- size envelope to: U.S. Naval Institute, Photo Library, 118 Maryland Ave., Annapolis, MD 21402-5035. Quantity discounts available.
(Continued from page 82)
Krulak, Charles C. (LGen.)
Cdr., U.S. Marine Corps Forces Pacific/Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force Pacific/Cdr., Marine Corps Bases Pacific (7/94) Kuklok, Kevin B. (BGen./Re- serve)
Commanding General, 2d Marine Expeditionary Brigade (Designate) Libutti, Frank (MGen.) Commanding General, 1st Marine Division (6/94)
Lynch, B. Don (MGen.)
Director, Marine Corps Staff (6/94) Magnus, Robert (BGen. Sel.) Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Aviation (AP) (7/94)
McKissock, Gary S. (BGen.) Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff, Installations and Logistics (Plans) (5/94)
Mize, David M. (BGen.)
Deputy Director, J-3, U.S. European Command (7/94)
Murray, Terrence P. (BGen.) Director, Public Affairs (7/94) Mutter, Carol A. (MGen.)
Cdr., Marine Corps Systems Command (5/94)
Myatt, James M. (MGen.)
Deputy Commanding General, Marine Corps Combat Development Command (7/94)
Neal, Richard I. (MGen.) DepCdr. in Chief/Chief of Staff, U.S. Central Command (7/94) Nyland, William L. (BGen. Sel.)
Assistant Wing Cdr., 2d Marine Aircraft Wing (6/94)
Pace, Peter (MGen.)
DepCdr., U.S. Forces Japan (7/94) Palm, Leslie M. (BGen.) Commanding General, Marine Corps Air-Ground Combat Center (7/94)
Punaro, Arnold L. (BGen./ Reserve)
DepCdr., Marine Reserve Force (Designate)
Reinke, Claude W. (MGen.) Commanding General, Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton (6/94) Rhodes, John E. (MGen.)
Commanding General 2d Marine Aircraft Wing (7/94)
Richard, Ronald G. (BGen.)
Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff, Manpower and Reserve Affairs (Reserve Affairs) (8/94)
Smith, Ray L. (MGen.)
Assistant Chief of Staff, C-5, Republic of Korea Combined Forces Command/J-5, U.S. Forces Korea (7/94)
Stanley, Clifford L. (BGen.)
Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff, Manpower and Reserve Affairs (Manpower Plans and Policy Division) (7/94)
Wilhelm, Charles E. (LGen.)
Commanding General, Marine Corps Combat Development Command (6/94)
Zinni, Anthony C. (LGen.) Commanding General, I Marine Expeditionary Force (6/94)