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NOTEBOOK POLICY: Please submit notices five months in advance of your reunion. Reunions with specific dates will be given preference. Notices will be published only once and as space permits. Pass-Down-The-Line notices are published on a space-available basis, and non-members are charged $35.00 per notice. There is no fee for reunion notices.
AGC Flagships (AGC-1 to AGC-18), 28
Sept.-2 Oct. 94, Norfolk, VA. Contact: F. Reda, AGC Flagship Alliance, 104 Cuadro PI., Ormond Beach, FL 32174. 904-672-5481.
Battle of Leyte Gulf, 50th Anniv., 22-27 Oct. 94, Pensacola, FL. Contact: T. Lupo, Penthouse Suite, Smith Lupo Center, 145 Robert E. Lee Blvd., New Orleans, LA 70124.
Northwestern Univ. Midshipmen’s School' 1940-45, 15-18 Sept. 94, Chicago, IL. Contact: R. Wilch, N61 W29799, Stoney Hill Ct-- Hartland, WI 53029. 414-367-5643.
Tailhook Assn. Symposium, 12-15 Oct. 9-f San Diego, CA. Contact: Capt. C. Robinson- USN(Ret.), Exec. Dir., THA, 619-680-9223 of Fax: 619-578-8839.
MCB-7, Seabees, 13-16 Oct. 94, Windsor Locks, CT. Contact: K. Burnette, 7524 Major Ave. N., Brooklyn Park, MN 55443-3417 612-560-9035.
7th Bn. Veterans Assn., USNR, 24th, 25th, and 28th Div., 16 Oct. 94. Contact: J.
Graziano, 31 Harvey Rd., Clifton, NJ 07012. 201-777-3762.
National Assn, of Fleet Tug Sailors, USN and USCG Crew, 29 Sept.-2 Oct. 94, Colorado Springs, CO. Contact: G. Kingston, 1611 Woodbridge Cr. E., Foley, AL 36535' 205-943-4023.
USCGC Bibb (WPG/WHEC-31), 29 Sept Oct. 94, Cape May, NJ. Contact: R. Olson- 574 Wyoming Ave.. Maywood, NJ 07607. USCGC Courier (WAGR-410), 25-29 Sept- 94, Las Vegas, NV. Contact: D. Newell, P-H Box 1319, Pepperell, MA 01463-3319. 508433-2856.
Scenic Park St., Thousand Oaks, CA 913621719- 805-493-1465.
IJSS Ajax (AR-6), Oct. 94, Nashville, TN.
ontact: S. Munz, 305 Prospect Ave., Du- m°nt, NY 07628. 704-322-5445.
USS Ahtede (AF-48), 30 Sept.-l Oct. 94, R yrtle Beach, SC. Contact: H. Wall, P.O. ox 908, Marion, NC 28752. 704-724-4296.
Anderson (DD-411), 23-25 Sept. 94, Bal- 'm°te, MD. Contact: T. Stevenson, 1838 L’everon Rd., Baltimore, MD 21234. 410661-3040.
Manta (CL-51) and USS Juneau L-52) Survivors Assn., 28 Sept.-3 Oct. 94, Jjashvilie, TN. Contact: T. Grassi, 1010 ^enwood St., Canisteo, NY 14823. 607-698- iS69, 607-698-2873.
HSS Bagley (DD-386), 15-18 Sept. 94, fin»hVille’ TN. Contact: W. Morley, P.O. Box 8' West Dennis, MA 02670. 508-398-8553.
^SS Baltimore (CA-68), 1-4 Oct. 94, Las ®8as, NV. Contact: W. Baker, 2604 Nuckolls Kt*., Cumming, GA 30131-1518.404-781-5303.
^S Belknap (AVD-8/DD-251/APD-34), 13-
Oct. 94, Charleston, SC. Contact: O. John- °n, 8394 Kroth Ln„ Union, KY 41091.
j^Ss Belleau Wood (CVL-24), Crew and Idns., 14-15 Oct. 94, Cape May, NJ. Con- ^ct: F. Hallowed, 54 N. Island Rd., Bayville, J °872l. 908-269-0813.
'fS Bogue (CVE-9) and VC-42, 3-6 Oct. 94, en°, NV. Contact: R. Hiestand, 9068 Gem- tone DrLas Vegas, NV 98134-8558. 70204-4727
Bumper (SS-333), 1-4 Oct. 94, Syracuse, -Contact: E. Stone, 308 Merritt Ave., Syracuse, NY 13207-2713. 315-469-3825.
pSS Callaway (APA-35), 4-6 Oct. 94, San rancisco, CA. Contact: R. Stambach, 4283- “ Island Cr„ Fort Myers, FL 33919-4427. 813- “1-0359.
^ Ss Casablanca (CVE-S5), 29 Sept.-2 Oct. „ ’ St. Louis, MO. Contact: B. Noel, 3114 V°ve Way Dr., Corpus Christi, TX 78418- 3l- 512-937-1945.
^SS Cebu (ARG-6), 29 Sept. -1 Oct. 94, Myr- 'e fieach, SC. Contact: H. Bond, 75 Calabash Ur-’ Calabash, NC 28467. 919-579-3777.
pSS Champlin (DD-601), 18-23 Oct. 94, aarleston, SC. Contact: B. Gamber, Habitat ..PC 29, 966 Park Blvd., Cherry Hill, NJ u«002. 609-488-1368.
PfS Charles R. Ware (DD-865), 13-16 Oct.
• Charleston, SC. Contact: E. Chapman, 405 Ludiow st„ Portland, ME 04102. 704-322704-328-8553.
pj*S Columbia (CL-56), 29 Sept.-2 Oct. 94, '-aarleston, SC. Contact: B. Bohne, 248 Wor- fel1 Dr., Springfield, PA 19064. 610-543-9073.
Copahee (CVE-12) and VGS-12, 13-15 Rct- 94, St. Louis, MO. Contact: J. Downs, 5. Box 787, Huntsville, AR 72740. 501- ?38-6374.
USS Curtiss (AV-4), Crew, Flag, Sqdn., and MarDets., 12-17 Oct. 94, Norfolk, VA. Contact: H. Oliver, 1575 W. Valley Pkwy., #37, Escondido, CA 92026. 619-480-0575, 619741-7831.
USS DeGrasse (AK-223/AP-164), 1-5 Oct. 94, San Diego, CA. Contact: G. Nichols, 1546 N. William Wells Cr., Bluffton, IN 46714-9355. 219-824-5207.
USS Edgar G. Chase (DE-16), 12-15 Oct. 94, Orlando, FL. Contact: E. Allen, 5125 Old Canton Rd. #205, Jackson, MS 39211. 601956-7255.
USS Elokomin (AO-55), 6-9 Oct. 94, Charleston, SC. Contact: G. Lehner, P.O. Box 546, Wolfeboro, NH 03894-0546. 603569-1322.
USS Fanshaw Bay (CVE-70) and VC-66/-68/-10, and VOC-2, 22-27 Oct. 94, Pensacola, FL. Contact: D. Iossi, 310 Edwards St., Ft. Collins, CO 80524. 303-482-6237.
USS Franks (DD-554), 6-9 Oct. 94, Providence, RI. Contact: M. Bak, 346 10th St., Surf City, NJ 08008. 609-494-7148.
USS Fullam (DD-474), 4-6 Oct. 94, Baton Rouge, LA. Contact: P. Beyer, 11915 Grandview, Overland Park, KS 66213. 913-451-4982.
USS Goldsborough (DD-188), 7-10 Oct. 94, Arlington, TX. Contact: J. Mansmann, 975 Kirsopp Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15200. 412561-8248.
USS Guest (DD-472), 30 Sept. 94, Treasure Island, FL. Contact: J. Lopez, 20064 Gulf Blvd., Indian Shores, FL 34635. 813-596-7602.
USS Honolulu (CL-48), 30 Sept.-2 Oct. 94, Pittsburg, PA. Contact: L. Rich, 29 Greenview Rd., Jeannette, PA 15644-9674. 412-832-7115.
USS Hornet (CV-8/CV/CVA/CVS-12), 29
Sept.-2 Oct. 94, Colorado Springs, CO. Contact: C. Masse, USS Hornet (CV-8/-12) Club, Inc., P.O. Box 7526, North Port, FL 34287. 813-426-8551.
USS Hex (SS-482), 4-9 Oct. 94, Norfolk, VA. Contact: R. Liles, 5254 E. Huntington Ave., Fresno, CA 93727. 209-252-0344.
USS Jupiter (AVS-8), 23-24 Sept. 94, Ro- hoboth Beach. DE. Contact: J. McKeever, 5 Woods End Rd. #2, Doylestown, PA 18901.
USS Kwajalein (CVE-98), 13-15 Oct. 94, Springfield, MO. Contact: M. Allen, 4116 Pembroke Ln., Lees Summit, MO 64064. 816478-8107.
USS Lacerta (AKA-29), 7-9 Oct. 94, Kinston, NC. Contact: D. Humphrey, Rt. 7, Box 528, Kinston, NC 28501. 910-527-9417.
USS Langley (CV-l/AV-3), 22-24 Sept. 94, Baltimore, MD. Contact: H. Cokor, 11643 County Line Rd., Gates Mills, OH 440409501. 216-423-3487.
USS Langley (CVL-27), 8-10 Oct. 94, New Orleans, LA. Contact: W. Thompson, 7925 Canna Dr., Port Richey, FL 34668. 813862-0997.
USS Ludlow (DD-438), 25-29 Sept. 94, Ocean City, MD. Contact: B. Javins, 537 Clark’s Run Rd., La Plata, MD 20646. 301-934-8955.
USS Mayrant (DD-402), 5-8 Oct. 94, Springfield, MO. Contact: R. Easter, Box 263, Noel, MO 64854. 417-475-3252.
USS Monrovia (APA-31), 5-9 Oct. 94, Portland, OR. Contact: H. Dana, 3799 S. Banana River Blvd. #507, Cocoa Beach, FL 32931-3486. 407-784-0619.
USS Monssen (DD-798), 7-10 Oct. 94, St. Louis, MO. Contact: M. Melvin, 69 Heritage Dr., Portsmouth, RI 02871.401-683-1756.
USS New Mexico (BB-40), 23-25 Sept. 94, Kansas City, MO. Contact: V. Dascher, 10513 Repose Dr., St. Louis, MO 63137. 314-867-2747.
USS O’Brien (DD-725), 29 Sept.-l Oct. 94, Minneapolis, MN. Contact: A. Blevins, 4024 Trapp Rd., Fairfax, VA 22032. 703-323-1062.
USS Oracle (AM-103), USS Revenge (AM-110), and USS Skirmish (AM-303), 26 Sept.-l Oct. 94, San Diego, CA. Contact: R. Thomas, 2658 Worden St., #228, San Diego, CA 92110-2110. 619-224-4218.
USS Oriskany (CVA-34), 12-16 Oct. 94, San Diego, CA. Contact: R. Hawley, 348 San Felipe PI., San Diego, CA 92114. 619-460-9998.
USS Philippine Sea (CV-47), 13-15 Oct. 94, Newport, RI. Contact: R. Thompson, 11 Day Cr., Woburn, MA 01801-5443. 617-933-2183.
USS Point Defiance (LSD-31), 29 Sept.-2 Oct. 94, Williamsburg, VA. Contact: J. Nicolosi, 6 Shore Hill Rd., Gloucester, MA 01930. 508283-9024, 508-741-6108.
USS Quillback (SS-424) and USS Trutta (SS-421), 26 Sept.-2 Oct. 94, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Contact: W. Russell, Apt. 7-B, 6000 NE 22 Way, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33308. 305938-8013.
USS Ramsden (DE/DER-382AVDE-482), 811 Sept. 94, Lancaster, PA. Contact: E. Toczylowski, 168 Topsfield Rd., Ipswich, MA 01938. 704-322-5445.
USS Randolph (CV/CVA/CVS-15) and Air Groups, 4-9 Oct. 94, Norfolk, VA. Contact: W. Timmons, 785 Temple Ave., Orange, FL 32763. 904-775-3721.
USS Rapidan (AO-18), Oct. 94, Cruise. Contact: T. Papp, 82 Seneca Lake Rd., Rt. Sparta. NJ 07871. 201-729-2647.
USS Roe (DD-418), 6-9 Oct. 94, Daytona Beach, FL. Contact: J. Campbell, 661 Cockatoo Loop, Lakeland, FL 33809. 813-853-2059.
USS Roper (DD-147/APD-20), 6-9 Oct. 94, Chattanooga, TN. Contact: R. Chamberlin, 6000 Athens Ct„ El Paso, TX 79905. 915772-6980.
USS Saratoga (CV-3/CVA-60), Crew, Sqdns.,
and MarDet., 13-16 Oct. 94, Las Vegas, NV. Contact: P. Tonelli, P.O. Box 9540, Las Vegas, NV 89191-0540. 702-656-1776.
USS Sigourney (DD-643), 6-9 Oct. 94, Balti-
F°r brochures on the Action Series and Ceremonial Certificates and Ship and Aircraft photographs, send a self-addressed, stamped, business- size envelope to: U.S. Naval Institute, Photo Library, 118 Maryland Ave., Annapolis, MD 21402-5035. Quantity discounts available.
more, MD. Contact: M. Conti, 1341 Poplar Hill Dr., Annapolis, MD 21401. 410-974-4043.
USS Taylor (DD/DDE-468), 29 Sept.-2 Oct. 94, Charleston, SC. Contact: J. Lane, 926 Wolf Run Rd., Lexington, KY 40504. 606254-9587.
USS Tilefish (SS-307), 4-9 Oct. 94, Norfolk, VA. Contact: J. Richardson, 5215 E. Emile Sola, Scottsdale, AZ 85254-3613. 602996-9261.
USS Van Valkenburgli (DD-656), 12-14 Oct. 94, Daytona Beach, FL. Contact: B. Graham, 3124 W. Campbell Rd„ Lakeland, FL 33809. 813-849-1386.
USS Witek (EDD-848), 29 Sept.-2 Oct. 94, Annapolis, MD. Contact: R. Sylte, 6202 Manchester Way, Elkridge, MD 21227. VC-35/VAAW-35, 6-9 Oct. 94, San Diego, CA. Contact: R. Escajeda, 7664 Le Cont Dr., El Paso, TX 79912. 915-585-3468. VPB-114/VPW-3/VPM-3/VPHL-3/VX-4/VP- 23/VJ-2/VW-4, “Hurricane Hunters”, 6-10 Oct. 94, Williamsburg, VA. Contact: Hurricane Hunters, 2818 Cedarcrest Dr., Orange Park, FL 32073. 904-264-6078.
VPB-146, 22-25 Sept. 94, Nashville, TN. Contact: H. Haines, P.O. Box 29, Monmouth. ME 04259. 207-933-4519.
VQ-1/-2/-5/-6, 7-9 Oct. 94, San Diego, CA. Contact: B. Lagland, 619-421-8402.