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By Lieutenant Commander Michael S. Loescher, U.S. Navy
Today, in the wake of the Cold War, the Navy is restructuring its command, control, communications, and intelligence (C3I) strategy, from the seabed to the stratosphere, in a comprehensive manner not undertaken since World War II. In Operation Desert Shield, our command-and- control systems are the finest we have ever built. But to move into the 21st century, we must solve two problems. The first is to develop new technologies to integrate sensors, facilitate tactical decision-making, and solve communications capacity problems. For that, we will need the help of industry. The second is to build and articulate a new architecture, organizational infrastructure, and doctrine to integrate both modern war at sea and crisis management. For that, industry needs our help.
This article provides a look at the Navy’s new CJI strategy for the post-Cold War era. The term “Copernicus Architecture'' is appropriate; we are in the process of shifting the center of the universe.
Vice Admiral Jerry O. Tuttle, U.S. Navy
New challenges require new approaches. In the next decade, the U.S. Navy will go through a period of great transition. Political policy will affect naval strategy; technology will influence tactics; and the new world order will cause the naval force structure to change.
Tactically, we will find ourselves in an exciting military era—a technological revolution spawning a tactical revolution. History will prove the last ten years of the 20th century as a time—not unlike the 1930s when air power rose to new heights—of great innovation in naval warfare: the technological achievement of global C3I and the tactical emergence of space and electronic warfare (SEW).
The rate of change in technology is already accelerating before our eyes. The downside is programmatic; the generation length for a microcomputer is now less than the average tour length of Navy men and women and approximately one-third the length of the acquisition cycle. The upside is operational; the astounding growth of the microcomputer and workstations and the sophistication of shore-based sensors have at last made global surveillance and electronic warfare a real possibility. But we must develop the C3I infrastructure to support it.
Doing so will require a markedly different command- and-control strategy. As a result, the U.S. Navy is shifting its perspective in C3I for the first time in nearly 45 years.
The development of naval C3I in the last 50 years passed through three eras. The great innovation in the World War II U.S. Navy was the organization of command and control into a system. Communications connected organic sensors, nonorganic sensors, and intelligence fusion centers to the task force, which used these assets to support and develop tactical doctrine. This development paralleled, and in no small sense made possible, the successful deployment of large carrier-based task forces.
A period of great technological innovation in C3I followed World War II. Various Navy and national organizations built increasingly complex and independent sensors and communications systems. This preoccupation with form—the technology of C3I—has accelerated in the past two decades with the advent of the computer and satellite communications. During the past 20 years, the components of naval C3I have grown increasingly out of proportion to the system.
The third era is beginning today. We are determined to restore operational and technological proportionality and build a new C3I system to unite form with function—to found a new school of naval tactical thought. This school, perhaps best described as “operational technology,” will take as its mission the welding of high technology to new command-and-control doctrine. This will be nothing less
In 1543, Copernicus swept away superstition to assert that the sun was the center of the universe. Today, the Navy is striving to simplify its C3I system in a similar manner. This universe will center on the operators—such as these in the Independence (CV-62) in the Middle East.
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than a shift in perspective from technology per se to operations. We call this shift, which will take the decade to complete, the “Copernicus Effect,” and the resulting new system the “Copernicus Architecture.”
Copernicus and the Simple Solution
In the Renaissance, science awoke from superstition. The distinguished Polish churchman and astronomer Nicholas Copernicus published a volume in 1543 that changed the world: De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium (The Revolution of Heavenly Orbs).
His thesis was published when he was 70, after a lifetime dedicated to the proposition that nature must be simple, that the mathematics of astronomy had grown so complex and had so many contrived variables that it was outdated and invalid.
The analogy between Copernicus’s dilemma and ours is fanciful, but useful. For Copernicus, the problem was that the geocentric view, the earth as center of the universe, necessitated unwieldy and unnecessary calculations. Copernicus thus rejected the geocentric view and placed the sun at the center of the universe. This simplified and corrected astronomy: individual planets revolve in their own elliptical orbits around the sun.
We need only look at our current C3I to see a similar problem. The proliferation of sensors, their different formats, protocols, organizational sponsors, complex programmatic agendas, and conflicting operational goals have made the mechanics of our C3I “astronomy” far too complex. Each shore-based sensor, each organization that feeds and cares for it, has become its own center of the universe.
The 1970s saw the development of the national and Navy sensors and the organizations and doctrine to support them. By the early 1980s, the product from these sensors began to flow seaward to the officer-in-tactical- command (OTC) in the form of variously formatted record messages—each of which required dedicated communications nets to send it to sea.
The proliferation of these nets brought several serious problems that still plague the Navy. First, these nets waste precious ultra-high-frequency (UHF) communications capacity. Second, they are sensor-specific; they do not consolidate information from all sensors. This presents both technical and operational problems of correlation at sea and ashore and requires human intervention to consolidate the data. Third, they tend to be locked in technically and doctrinally to focus on the Soviets.
Great inroads into these problems of all-source fusion and over-the-horizon targeting (OTH-T)—the central tactical dilemmas of the 1980s—have been made in the last
five years. The advances have come from computer workstations, which are beginning to correlate diverse sensor inputs into a consolidated targeting output. Nevertheless, a trio of persistent problems—multilevel security, a residual poor communications architecture, and a proliferation of different hardware and software—still exacerbate the consolidation of tactical data streams.
The solution should be as simple as Copernicus’s: To create a new center of the universe that can control, yet
’ accommodate the individual “planets”—the shore-based and afloat sensors—that revolve around it.
We therefore are constructing a new top-down “planetary” architecture—built around common technology and I centralized standards, but with a decentralized implemen- I tation that will maximize innovation.
Shortfalls in Current Architecture
From an engineering standpoint, the current system is not responsive to the operators, who get what can be developed within the budget and acquisition constraints rather than what they need.
Moreover, C3I components, once procured and installed, are generally a technological generation behind commercial counterparts. Once we field a system, if it is technologically obsolete, we then have to await the next opportunity within the programming cycle to upgrade the system. One does not need a crystal ball to see there will be fewer such opportunities in the future.
We cannot solve this problem by arguing endlessly for acquisition reform, and we certainly cannot solve it by constructing complex vertical C3I architectures that risk collapse when appropriations shift beneath a big-ticket building block. We should expect and plan for the builddown of the Defense Department to be less orderly than its recent buildup. And we must therefore devise a flexible investment strategy.
Operationally, the thawing of the Cold War portends a new national strategy to contend with contingency and limited-objective warfare operations and regional conflicts. C3I to support prolonged regional conflict or spe- i cific crisis intervention is quite different from that required for blue-water operations. We have learned much about C3I requirements for contingency operations in the last decade. In the past, most of our contingency operations have had ad hoc connectivity and makeshift—and largely inadequate—command centers.
The central C3I problem in contingency operations is how to focus many sensors—often the entire national inventory—in area. The capacity is there, because we make it available to the detriment of other communications. But the intelligence doctrine and the C3I support infrastructure are not there.
In marked contrast, the central C3I problem for blue- water operations is buying battle space—which is time— through early, certain indications and warning (I&W) obtained during emissions control (EmCon) and minimal communications. OTH-T assumes a central role in sea control. The task becomes deciding how to pipe the right amount of correlated intelligence seaward, using limited (because it is shared rather than concentrated as in the contingency scenario) and vulnerable satellite capacity.
We also have several technological problems. The Navy is transfixed by the communications systems and keeps looking for ways to fit more and more into static satellite channels.
We in the Navy are mesmerized by capacity. Like pre- Copemican astronomers, however, the problem with our constellations is staring us in the face. Of course capacity
is a problem if we view the UHF and extremely high- frequency (EHF) constellations as merely alternate, redundant paths, and if we continue to ignore super-high frequency (SHF). Of course capacity is a problem if all we do is transfer our existing data streams up to EHF one-for-one or down to the lower baud rates of high frequency (HF). We have to change our data streams and look at the constellations and the lower-frequency media as a whole system, a switchable rail system over which compatible trains can operate. We do not have a true multifrequency capability—we cannot use HF, UHF, SHF, and EHF interchangeably.
We also need a “volume switch”—the ability to slow the baud rates in our data-exchange streams in times of short capacity. We must use new multiplexers to expand the capacity of individual channels. This would allow true dynamic band-width management—the ability to load the channel tactically. And we are ignoring media that can be useful—sophisticated graphic displays, video, facsimile— while so clinging to record traffic that we have built a culture around the morning message meeting.
Organizational and doctrinal problems are also evident. We have lacked properly equipped command centers, especially for contingency operations. Only now is the intelligence community making hard decisions about the amount and types of data to be passed to the fleet. We are working hard to place upper limits on communications capacity for intelligence and to nail down realistic requirements. However, we continue to lack a true handshake between the intelligence fusion centers ashore and flag plot afloat—the tactical flag command center (TFCC)— principally because our connectivity from the sensors to the shooters still looks like steel wool—or perhaps like pre-Copernican astronomy.
The Copernicus Architecture
To solve these problems, we intend, like Copernicus, to find a new center for our system: the operator. The Copernicus Architecture will structure C3I around four pillars:
- A series of eight, theater-wide, parallel Global Information Exchange Systems (GLOBIXS), constructed to acquire, standardize, and concentrate shore-based sensor and other data for Navy and joint uses
- A consolidated fleet command center (FCC), marrying the functions of several existing organizations to several new ones, to form a single, high-technology focus for the commander-in-chief ashore
- A series of 14 Tactical Data Exchange Systems (TAD1XS) that serve the purpose of exchanging nonorganic sensor data from the GLOBIXS with organic sensor data afloat
- The TFCC at sea, which through the use of the GLOBIXS-TADIXS information exchange, can make concentrated, tactical use of that data
The GLOBIXS/TADIXS architecture—the Copernicus Architecture—properly realigns the focus of our C3I to center on war-fighting functions: consolidating sensor, battle management, and shooter linkages into a single, flexible system capable of support across the maritime bat- tie continuum from cueing and I&W to tracking, targeting, and battle damage assessment (BDA). It will shift the perspective of our C3I in the future from the Naval Communications Area Master Stations (NavCAMs), which are components of the communications subsystem of C3I, to the FCC and TFCC, which, as the operational centers of command and control, are more properly the center of the architecture’s universe.
On the shore-based side, the eight GLOBIXS networks will each have a common intersection with the FCC. These wide-area networks, the precursors of which are in place today in several communities, will be operated theater-wide (and, in some cases, globally) over the Defense Data Network (DDN) and the Defense Satellite Communications System. The FCC would consolidate, size, and format the shore-based data from the GLOBIXS to suit the tactical situation and send it cross-mission to sea over the TADIXS.
The TADIXS should not be considered separate communications nets. In implementation on the Copernicus communications subsystem, the TADIXS information will be compiled and consolidated for piping over the various satellite constellations at the NavCAMS and shunted onto the dynamically multiplexed channels.
Instead of attempting to load more rigid data on inflexible channels, we will organize a communications subsystem with structured, flexible input onto dynamic channels. The operator, not the communicator, engineer, or programmer, will occupy the center of a system that will operate much like air traffic in stacked patterns, sharing common runways cued by controllers.
The parallel, mission-specific GLOBIXS—the aircraft traffic patterns—reflect the modem requirement for global I&W derived from the shore-based sensor communities. The construction of GLOBIXS networks allows us to leverage our shore-based I&W infrastructure for tactical use within specific mission areas. At the same time, the crossmission TADIXS focus the product from the GLOBIXS for tactical use—a 21st century force-multiplier effect stemming from the ability to concentrate sensors and data that is analogous to concentration of forces.
GLOBIXS also provide the new organizational and doctrinal base required for the post-Cold War contingency missions. Each mission-specific GLOBIXS can bring to bear skilled shore analysts sharing analytic software with TADIXS analysts afloat. GLOBIXS components will include the specific sensors, platforms, and analysis centers within the mission area belonging to the GLOBIXS. In addition to a common intersection with the FCC, some GLOBIXS will intersect each other to accommodate cross-sensor fertilization in the shore-based analytical process. The precise connectivity and nodes of one GLOBIXS will differ from another in order to tailor the connectivity to the mission function.
The consolidated FCC will assume five missions:
- Provide a coordinated theater- and campaign-level picture for the shore command authorities
- Provide a joint and combined gateway into the Navy Copernicus Architecture as well as intratheater connectivity among other FCCs
- Provide direct, multiformat high command (HiCom) connectivity from the shore command to the task force commander at sea—especially critical for contingency missions
- Provide the organizational and technological infrastructure to facilitate the handshake between the shore-based sensor community and the composite warfare commander (CWC) afloat
- From the GLOBIXS’ input, the FCC will build tailored, consolidated intelligence and targeting TADIXS for transmission over satellite constellations
The TADIXS, like the GLOBIXS, have precursors today. TADIXS in the Copernicus Architecture share a common function; they provide the tactical linkages among the shore-based sensors and the at-sea organic sensors, tying the FCC with the TFCC to provide as near a common tactical picture as possible.
It is the ability of the GLOBIXS and TADIXS to leverage and concentrate information for tactical use that revolutionizes C3I. The FCC and the TFCC, operating with tailored doctrine established by each OTC, will have the technological capability to determine whether and to what degree to filter shore-based data. Operationally, two major innovations are achieved.
First, much tactical discussion in the 1980s centered on the question of whether to fuse intelligence data ashore or afloat. In hindsight, the debate was to a great degree a technological issue in the guise of an operational one. Copernicus provides the technological ability for simultaneous fusion ashore and afloat. It does so by decanting operational traffic from administrative traffic, by providing increased computing and communications capacity, and by making direct organic and nonorganic data correlation possible in a tactically significant timeframe.
Second, and also stemming from a 1980s tactical concept, the movement toward a tactical goal of an increasingly shorter “sensor-to-shooter” vector was the mirror image of the fusion issue above—it was an operational issue in reality, in the guise of a technological issue. One of the clearest lessons of naval history is the importance of BDA, the determination of whether the naval tactical goal of “attack effectively first” has in fact been achieved after the initial salvos. (See Fleet Tactics, Captain Wayne P. Hughes, Jr., U.S. Navy [Retired]. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1986.) While a sensor-to-shooter vector can provide targeting for the first OTH-T salvo, accurate BDA in the 21st century with large battle space requires a nonorganic-to-organic sensor cycle in which the OTC is provided a continual and agile, “Look, Look, Shoot” capability.
To complete our architecture, we must recognize two additional communications requirements: the continuing need to record traffic, and the urgent need to consolidate and secure the research and development and weapons development community.
Record traffic is important. Today, however, the fleet broadcast is a potpourri of tactical traffic, war plans, operations orders, logistics data, and staff directives. Worse, it occupies much of the jam-resistant communications capacity available at the expense of other, more critical nets
GLOBIXS | Purpose | ||
GLOBIXS A | SIGINT Management | ||
GLOBIXS B | ASW Management | ||
GLOBIXS C | SEW Management | ||
J GLOBIXS D | Command » | ||
GLOBIXS E | Imagery Management | ||
GLOBIXS F | Data Base Management | ||
1 GLOBIXS G | RDT&E Coordination | ||
GLOBIXS H | Navy-wide Admin | ||
TADIXS | Purpose |
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TADIXS F | Taclntel |
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TADIXS G | Cruise Missile Tgting |
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TADIXS H | High Command |
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TADIXS K | Common High-Band Data Link |
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TADIXS M | Combined BCST |
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TADIXS N | Single Integrated Satellite BCST |
| |
The new C3I system will be built around 8 Global Information Exchange Systems (GLOBIXS) and 14 Tactical Data Exchange Systems (TADIXS). The channels will be dynamic and flexible, much like air traffic in stacked patterns, sharing common runways cued by controllers.
and does so in a rigid format: 16, 75-baud subchannels. We have only rudimentary ways of sifting the potpourri: setting “minimize,” adding software toggles to eliminate administrative messages (as long as they are manually flagged by the originator) and, to some degree, dropping old messages from the system.
But these address the symptoms, not the disease. Minimized conditions arise because we pump messages from 33,000 originators into the 16 trickling garden hoses. The task force commander, lacking another vehicle to pass traffic of any length, is forced to send messages roundabout—to the NavCAMs ashore and back to sea on the fleet broadcast—to communicate with his own task force only miles away. Like astronomy before Copernicus, C3I today revolves around communications, when communications should revolve around C3I.
OTCIXS was the first-generation cut at the problem, and it solved a multitude of difficulties associated with the tactical exchange of data. But the full solution is to boil off the fleet broadcast and pour the several supernatants into separate nets. The remaining record traffic will be principally administrative in nature, which we propose to shunt into NAVIXS, which will then compete with the other TADIXS for space on dynamically managed channels.
The final GLOB1XS component of our new architecture involves the research, development, test, and evaluation community. This is not a C3I problem per se, but a communications security problem—a critical one. Currently the system commands, their laboratories, and test ranges have no structured communications system. The security risk is as obvious as it is worrisome. The computer networks that exist are largely unsecured. Cooperative exchange of data is limited.
The answer lies in expediting secure telephones to these critical commands and in establishing data exchanges over the DDN networks—MILNET and DSNET I, II, and 111. We must do so under an umbrella architecture, however, to ensure a secure and efficient structure. This structure will be the Research-and-Development Information System (RDIXS).
The new architecture offers several other advantages over the current one. Because it is a standardized blueprint, it provides the ability to produce a viable investment strategy over the six-year defense plans. From a programming and technological perspective, as long as uniform architectural standards and formats are imposed, the further down echelon net composition decisions (software applications, for example) can be made, the better. Although the communications backbones and the TADIXS terminal equipment will have to be proscribed centrally, much of the GLOBIXS and RDIXS, especially analytic software, can be tailored within the parent community.
Operational experts, not bureaucrats, will develop the nets themselves in a decentralized manner. Ten years ago, this was not possible; today, the communications backbones are understood increasingly by the user, the end
Can We Manage the Radio-electronic Battle?______________ I
terminals familiar, and the software application specific. Navy men and women are becoming increasingly sophisticated technologically. By developing the mission-specific components of the architecture, such as the application software within a community, we ensure for ourselves an ability to innovate operationally. This is not the strong suit of programmatic staffs.
The focus in the next decade will shift to four tasks:
- Build GLOBIXS and the required analytical tools
- Formulate and format the right mix of TADIXS to support both the blue-water sea-control mission and a contingency-power-projection mission
- Construct the FCC and TFCCs
- Systemize our constellations, develop a dynamic multiplexing system, and incorporate DDN ashore to build the architecture’s communications backbone.
Operational Advantages: Space and Electronic Warfare
The chief advantage of the architecture lies in its operational advantages. GLOBIXS help us manage the battle space—air, surface, subsurface, space—and the array of sensors and invisible wizardry on which modern naval war depends. TADIXS conserve satellite capacity through true redundancy—multiple paths—instead of the dangerous illusion of redundancy we currently have (for example, in our intelligence reporting to the fleet). And together the exchange systems provide a truly coordinated and consolidated tactical picture.
Like its World War II antecedent, the Copernicus Architecture is a true, coordinated, war-fighting system; it is not merely a collection of high-tech gee-gaws amalgamated by acronyms.
Some critics of REBM go further, asserting that existing systems cannot and future systems will not be able even to manage the C2 data. While accepting the REBM notion as technically feasible on paper, they say that in practice it ignores real-time decision-making limitations, and it is too expensive. One source even questions the technical feasibility, noting that REBM-type links j and associated software are not sufficiently established in today’s worldwide military command and control system to enable the system to function effectively in peacetime, much less in a nuclear environment.
As for the problems of realtime decision making, Admiral Boyes says that he and others had their reservations over whether an REBM system can close the crucial gap between the tactical action officer (TAO) and the commanding officer (CO). Regardless of the system’s capability, the TAO is not always accessible to the CO in combat. Operators note, however, that whether under a combat system doctrine, a CO’s battle orders, or both, a TAO will have weapons release authority. Even so, says Vice Admiral Henry C. Mustin, U.S. Navy (Retired), “Because the problem is not solely one of processing
Soviets will not need to be comprehensive. Proponents counter by saying that information systems and sensor technologies will continue to advance and become available to the Navy and that REBM will certainly have its application in any conflict or situation involving the use, or possible use, of naval forces.
Vice Admiral Jon Boyes,
U.S. Navy (Retired), a leading participant in the Navy-21 REBM Group, says that two schools of thought emerged from discussions among the 19 members of the group. The first, he says, was the technology school, which had an “enchantment with REBM, thinking that the Soviets had a capability that we didn’t.” A second school, however, was more practically oriented and focused on the command and control (C2) aspects of REBM as “tools” for a commander. The first group reflected the view of the information resources manager, while the second leaned toward the viewpoint of the operational commander. The key difference, says Boyes, is that the first group believed—incorrectly in his opinion—that it is possible to “manage battles,” while the second was looking only to “manage C2.”
Two years ago, the National Research Council and the Office of Naval Research released the Navy-21 study—requested by the Chief of Naval Operations— that looked at the implications of advancing technology for naval operations in the 21st century.
In that study the term radioelectronic battle management (REBM) referred to surveillance, combat information, and command, control, and communications (C3) as “an organic whole.” An REBM system, says Navy-21, is supposed to improve the operational commander’s ability to target enemy forces and to prevent them from targeting his.
For some, REBM may be a new paradigm in maritime warfare that could challenge the traditional naval command structure as well as the war-fighting doctrine based on the carrier battle group. REBM critics, however, are quick to note that the Navy- 21 study has become dated, for a key assumption in the study was that the Soviet Union will probably remain the Navy’s primary antagonist. Now, two years later, many take issue with that assumption and argue that in the new era of regional threats, the applicability of an REBM system conceived to fight an all-out war with the
Proof of genuinely new military innovation lies in its ability to permit genuinely new tactics. The architecture will provide the support to conduct true space and electronic warfare. All modern navies have recognized the need to control and manage information. The Soviets have had a radio-electronic combat doctrine for 20 years—the same basic concept as our SEW—but, like all other navies, they lacked the organizational and technological leverage to conduct it. Successful modern warfare requires all three.
The heart of space and electronic warfare is the ability to collect, manipulate, and disrupt the enemy’s C3I, which in turn requires a global capability to move data and analyses about SEW operations in a coordinated ashore and afloat organization. More than any other discipline, SEW requires a rapid, coordinated horizontal flow of information across the community—and that community, also more than any other discipline, will be a multiservice, joint effort. We must provide for simultaneous offensive and defensive operations in all sorts of conflicts. Most important, tactical SEW operations require the same global and theater handoffs that ASW and A AW currently do.
Lacking these capabilities, the huge amount of discussion in the past about electronic warfare, C3I countermeasures and radio-electronic combat will have amounted to wishful thinking.
Commander Loescher is Special Assistant for Cryptology to the Director, Space and Electronic Warfare.
By John F. Morton
and software but one of the human’s ability to deal with the information, no technical solution has been provided to manage the data in a timely way to respond.” At issue here is the well-known possibility of ‘‘communications overload.”
Proponents believe advancing REBM technology will enable the CO to make a ‘‘nano-second decision.” Then a question arises as to who decides ‘‘what experienced knowledge goes into the device,” says Boyes. ‘‘Operational commanders with salt on their brass don’t have time for that kind of drill.” For the moment, the problem is more a “cultural” one that, he says, will improve over time, as computer-savvy junior officers rise to become the next generation of ship drivers.
As for cost, it depends on what level REBM system would get deployed. The system ought to apply both to a ‘‘cold war” situation, i.e., until the first shot is fired, and to a hot war situation, once hostilities have commenced. The application of REBM to antiair warfare (AAW) Problems illustrates some differences between the two. Much of the present published AAW doctrine dates from the Vietnam War era, when naval forces were in a reactive mode and where
Implications of Advancing Technology for Naval Operations in the Twenty-First Century
Volume I: Overview Hi. ■
m m
A key member of the Navy-21 REBM group, Vice Admiral Jon Boyes, USN (Ret.), says electronics should influence command decisions, not dictate them.
one MiG might venture forth to attack a naval force on Yankee Station. In this ‘‘cold war” instance, an aviator cannot take his own initiative. He must request permission from his CO to fire. Some SEW opponents say that such a case requires one relatively simple level of REBM system.
Some war-fighting scenarios studied at the time of Navy-21,
however, envisaged attacks by regimental-sized forces of Soviet Backfire bombers, using deception and other electronic countermeasures, which require an entirely different set of procedures and equipment. If the assumptions about the Soviet Union are no longer relevant, say the critics, then the Navy no longer has a requirement for this level of REBM system. The equipment is simply too expensive to justify, in view of the trade-off against other weapons priorities more relevant to war fighting across the whole conflict spectrum. Such technologies seem to evolve without any requirements to guide them. In this case, the Navy does not have an operational communications concept.
On the other hand, REBM may be a useful C31 tool in an era where technology and weapon systems allow and regional threats still require the dispersal of maritime power projection capabilities. The Navy-21 study speaks of redistributing main combat power from a “unipolar” configuration based around the carrier to a “flexible triad” in which the carrier is only one element of a three-part battle group that includes missile-launching surface combatants and missile-launching sub-
marines. REBM would allow the battle force commander to command and control ships in different oceans in operations that can be both joint and combined.
This capability leads Admiral Boyes to ask whether the technology renders obsolete traditional naval organization.
REBM, he says, could provide a paradigm that would “clean up the command structure” and reduce much of the “layering.” Operational commanders reluctantly acknowledge that within the Navy itself, the traditional notion of command is weakening, both with respect to
the authority of the CO and to the inviolability of the chain of command. Many object, however, to the assumed virtues of a highly centralized command structure that they see as implicit in REBM. They note the irony that while the centralized command concepts of the Soviet doctrine of radio-electronic warfare may have influenced some of the thinking behind REBM, the Soviets themselves are moving toward decentralization as the result of their experience in Afghanistan. The centralization assumptions in REBM and Navy-21, they also say, contra
dict the well-documented vie''0rc of those with World War H !” :1°r nior command experience,
as Admiral Arleigh Burke an^Uct'
General John Vessey, who b°! ' have long argued for decently f ized command and against the,fere(
notion that commanders can ^ control combat from afar. Tty
further observe that the NavHr’11
study does not make clear "ty t'A
-, aibnij
the “node” of command ui‘ REBM system will ultimately reside. |r.v
These reservations reflect if lc
part the traditional Navy avd
sion to “rudder commands fir1®1 the beach.” REBM certainly Pe
Space and Electronic Warfare Comes of Age
On 1 August after almost a year of conceptual preparation, the Navy’s Space, Command, and Control Directorate, OP-094, became the Space and Electronic Warfare Directorate, and Vice Admiral Jerry Tuttle, who had been OP-094 Director since 23 May 1989, remained at the helm. With the establishment of space and electronic warfare as a directorate on par with surface, air, and undersea warfare, the radio electronic battle management (REBM) concept suddenly had an institutional home and a high- powered advocate. Says Admiral Tuttle, “REBM is definitely a new warfighting area which we have changed into a more appropriate acronym, ‘SEW,’ for space and electronic warfare.”
The deployment of naval over-the-horizon targeting systems in recent years—the Tomahawk missile for instance—contributed to the establishment of SEW as a new warfare area. Over-the-horizon targeting must rely on shore-based sensor fusion systems and global command, control, communications, and intelligence
tern shore terminal from surface warfare (OP-03) and the A s XII IFF and passive horizon extension system air terminal > J) air warfare (OP-05). As a three-star advocate, Tuttle could CL O lenge the program world directly during the program objeity memoranda process, but instead he is going to the fleet and!1"6'
(C3I) architecture—hence, SEW. The two overarching objectives for the new office are first, the development of SEW doctrine and second, the development of a new C3I architecture that will serve all warfare areas.
Contrary to the view of the REBM skeptics, OP-094 does not speak so much of battle management, but rather the necessity to provide the Navy with C2 links that are “transparent and interoperable.” SEW supporters argue that the technology is now available at an affordable cost. OP-094 has nearly solved the allshore fusion problem in its C2 links. “What cost $250 million in 1980 now costs $25 million on a Sun workstation,” says one source.
By comparison to the so-called platform sponsors, OP-094 has a relatively small annual budget of roughly $3 billion for SEW authority. Responding to the assertion that his office has very little program authority, Admiral Tuttle says, “I don’t have to own the Cadillac to drive it.” Of the some 30 SEW-type programs added to OP-094’s charge, the Admiral says, “We inherited the orphans and the waifs” like the Mark XV identification friend-or-foe and the battlegroup passive horizon extension sys-
1990, OP-094
hosted a conference at Dam- Neck, Virginia, where a number of senior commanders met to discuss SEW, assign projects, and set date lines. Among key participants were:
Admiral Richard Macke, Commander Carrier Group Four;
Admiral Richard Allen, Commander Carrier Group Six; am
Admiral Thomas Paulsen, Commander Cruiser Destroyer
Two. While these senior officers are all Atlantic Fleet flag
manders, staff representatives of many Pacific Fleet comni;U|f attended as well. According to Admiral Tuttle, Rear A^ '
Ronald Zlataper, Commander Carrier Group Seven, is 3.
. . . ®Vy
sponsor of the SEW effort in the Pacific. u
The SEW function will enter into the composite warfare ^ mander concept, says Admiral Tuttle. Most carrier group^ cruiser-destroyer group commanders retain the electronic function at the staff level, he says—a fact that could infltyta (
how SEW will fit into the composite warfare commander coflj
He would like the SEW to be on the group commander’s
andpcture. With respect to the i bo|d war scenarios, the Navy ntrarV have to accept a greater thfpee of political intrusion by in ,°Se authorities than it would T^e- Admiral Boyes, a submari- ivff’ notes that as the capability ivlid two-way communication with in A Marines improves, the com- telyian<l authorities may see partic- !<lr value, for example, in comat ifnicating directly with a verged missile submarine as- 5 fr^nc<J to a battle force, for ex- 1lyflPle, that could compromise
the battle force commander’s ability to use the asset—or other assets—as he may see fit.
How an REBM system would affect COs and the chain of command also relates closely to rules of engagement issues. Admiral Boyes is worried that “severe” rules of engagement would force COs themselves to bypass the command structure and use an REBM system to deal directly with the command authorities. Other operational commanders express the concern differently with an eye to C2 with their subordinates. They worry over whether the combi-
n<infterconnect Sea, the Gulf of Oman, and the Persian
UP,”1' Combined forces now have a system, he says, that “main-
shooters that have already deployed. The current C2 archi- transmits shore-to-ship large quantities of unprocessed,
pever, he will leave it for the fleet to debate and decide lether a SEW will be a coordinator or a commander as in AAW
2 yt As for q2 within the battle group, Tuttle says that SEW will j| i,Centralize those functions without changing their structure. As d c!|^2 external to the battle group, the Admiral does not fear that edv W will result in intrusion down the chain of command. Instead, nd'^verses the question, saying that the system will improve the ts.Jmission of information up the chain.
- f Admiral Tuttle believes that the Navy will grow in SEW exper-
'n the same way as it does with ASW and the other warfare ■as- Although currently short on SEW training, the Navy, says ^ Admiral, has already made some positive changes in the postdate school curriculum. Tuttle has purposely gathered around • a staff of officers with command-at-sea experience. He says ae would prefer to have the perspective of destroyer squadron
- inlanders to hit that of those with typical electronic warfare
grounds who “see the world a through a Pod 9 or a SLQ- H' The Admiral also appears to be drawing upon the naval ■^igence community, saying that the relationship between OP- I and naval intelligence (OP-092) has never been as fully inteas it is now.
, utde says that his biggest gains so far have been in proce- ;t;f £s, doctrine, and connectivity. Operation Desert Shield, says X ^.Admiral, particularly illustrates how far the Navy has come in :r; 'A c°nnectivity. Military representatives from France, the idf'ed Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Italy met in Bahrain to ^ w 'S^ communications that would be interoperable and secure "'ould use high frequency and satellite communications links
- an entire, incredibly complex air picture.” The on-scene d commander can now talk to the multinational navy, army, e lCsair forces in Oman, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emir- uP,u]°n secure communications. Three years ago, the U.S. Navy \V3f-r?. not do it.
Ie OP-094 goal is to find a better way to transit new targeting unanalyzed data in the form of messages. The result is “reams of paper in alpha-numeric form” that the shooter cannot digest. Instead, Admiral Tuttle wants a system to process, analyze, and display for the shooter the over-the-horizon targeting data in the form of a “green dot” on a screen. What he needs most in the near-term is even higher frequency—“bigger pipes” with wider bandwidths.
OP-094 says that its proposed architecture, intended to accommodate SEW and all the other warfare areas, should not be seen as just a vector-like sensor-to-shooter link, but rather as a cycle— sensor-to-shooter-to-sensor and back again, i.e., simultaneous fusion ashore and afloat. Standardized fusion boxes throughout the net means that the ship will have the same capability as those shore-based. SEW advocates say that this capability would decentralize command to the flag commander afloat, because he would have at his disposal all the C3I data that until now is only available ashore.
Advanced data fusion is already here within a platform. When the Saratoga (CV-60) deployed for Operation Desert Shield, she had on board the first Navy Warfare Tactical Data Base, a new information correlation system. It uses the Standard Desktop Computer II and a fully rack-mounted Sun-4 workstation to host the software for display systems such as the joint operational tactical system two and the tactical flag command center II Plus. The Independence (CV-62) battlegroup, now deployed with Desert Shield, has the Standard Desktop Computer II and the Sun-4 for operational evaluation. All battle groups will now get the system as they deploy. Admiral Tuttle says that in February a follow-on system will begin development to go into the fleet. The goal is to upgrade the system every 18 months. The Navy intends to outfit the system on all its ships in the combatants and logistics force.
The idea behind the Standard Desktop Computer II, says Tuttle, is to get “a standardized operating system, in a common language with common protocols and interfaces and make it seamless all on a distributive local area network within the platform.” The connectivity with signals intelligence and general surveillance networks will come later, he says, and “will accommodate with national systems during my watch.”
John F. Morton
nation of “communications overload” and severe rules of engagement, requiring permission to fire, would encourage COs not to engage. Boyes would agree, noting that when weapons become so expensive, every shot becomes a cost and replenishment question that discourages command initiative.
A relatively simple problem illustrates both the technical and the organizational problems associated with REBM—the implementation of the “forward pass” concept in AAW. Operational concepts for AAW are especially crucial now, because regional powers tend to have much stronger air than surface or submarine forces and thus present a greater threat to the Navy. From a technical standpoint, the “forward pass” cannot work, because each platform’s database must be exactly the same as every other platform in the system. To a great extent the problem here is with the sensors. Radars have fade zones and blip scan ratios of .5. No radar has a 100% detection capability on every target, meaning that each platform will number its targets differently. Thus, the databases will not be exactly the same. These discrepancies frustrate “forward pass” and centralization under REBM, because the solution, therefore, will be that a ship commander will “throw up” his missiles and tell his aviators to do with them as they will. Such a course belies any notion of battle management and instead validates de-centralized command. Boyes would agree, saying that REBM is intended to de-centralize the battle force, from the unipolar configuration to the flexible triad, as mentioned previously.
Vice Admiral Mustin, who conducted exercises to test “forward pass,” says the concept cannot work in an organizational sense, either. He had attempted to use an Aegis cruiser, whose SPY-1 radar cannot be jammed, to detect a target for AAW cruisers and destroyers who would fire the missiles. The AAW ships were electronically silent until, over a Link 11 on an E-2C aircraft, the Aegis data was able to tell them that the target was in their range. At that point, the ships would turn on their radars, acquire the target, and fire. To work, the concept required changes to the central computers in each node of the system to relay information. By extension, it also required each platform to adjust its own combat priorities, i.e., for the Aegis SPY-1 radar and for the systems on the E-2C, the cruisers and the destroyers.
Authority over the Aegis is with PMS-400 in the Naval Sea Systems project office. Authority over the E-2C is in the Naval Air Systems project office. Authority over the cruisers and destroyers is in a different sea systems project office. Organizationally, no Navy command has program or budget authority over a project officer in any of these offices. Thus, Admiral Mustin found that he could not implement the concept. He concluded that if REBM priorities cannot be established because of a lack of program or budget authority over an REBM-type “link” in this relatively simple subset, then the interoperability difficulties for REBM compound at the battle group level, not to mention at the level of joint and combined operations.
The new Navy Space and Electronic Warfare office (OP- 094) is supposed to reconcile these types of problems. It has authority over the REBM-type “links,” such as the joint tactical information distribution system and the NATO multifunctional information distribution system, which Admiral Boyes says are at the heart of REBM. But some question whether it can do anything beyond coordinating REBM efforts. While OP-094 may have responsibility coordinating the “links” with these information distribution systems or some elements of the Navy tactical data system, its responsibility is still not complete. Where the joint tactical information terminals go is the responsibility of the shipbuilding or aviation section. Responsibility over the personnel that operate them is with Naval Personnel. Moreover, OP-094 has no authority over development and testing of programs or budget control, such as with the Aegis or the DDG-51 program.
As one source puts it, an office that is a “coordinator” is not an office with authority and cannot be expected to drive initiatives forward. For REBM proponents, this truth validates their call to use the concept to reconfigure Navy organization. Admiral Boyes, however, believes that the roles and missions of OP-094 must be defined more explicitly to ensure that fleet operational C2 requirements are not preempted by the REBM technologist thinking. “The creation of the new Space and Electronic Warfare Office,” he says, “is a direct reflection of the attitude in the Navy-21 study that it is possible to manage battles.”
Operational commanders still skeptical of REBM view it in terms of the trade-off between communication systems and weapons. With limited budgets and limited space on board ship, they fear that expensive and expansive communications gear will take away from weapons at “the business end of a battle force.” They ask the technologists who are promoting REBM whether it is worth the expense to solve the problems of REBM now, or in the future, if it means expending the vast resources that could be applied to other programs relevant to combating the Navy’s more likely regional antagonists in the 21st century.
Mr. Morton is an editor and writer for the international defense bulletin Report From America.