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CSS x,
fj" Jersey (BB-62), 13-16 October “’Nle’ii | ew Orleans, Louisiana. Contact: %tricLe°nar0’ General Delivery, Hwy. 413, s’ LA 70783. (504) 638-9368.
'er 1988, Riviera Hotel, Las
Fonshaw Bay (CVE-70), 5th reunion, Caiif October 1989, Red Lion Inn, Ontario, *arl°?ia- Contact: Duane D. Iossi, 310 Ed- 6237 St'’ Fort Collins’ co 80524. (3°3) 482- %,hiSmark Sea (CVE'95’ VC-86), 12-16 Kev ,er *988, Union Plaza Hotel, Las Vegas, 298Wa ^on,act: J*m Taylor, HC 2, Box ’ Canyon Lake, TX 78133.
(DD-610), 12-16 October 1988, pe n at Lackawanna Station, Scranton, •ill) Vania. Members of USS Kalk (DD- Con.,and CSS Gillespie (DE-609) welcome. 20o pt: Cel mar Durland, Sr., R. D. #2, Box ' ha|ls, PA 18615. (717) 388-6506.
l9jj§ ^Whony (DD-515), 13-15 October Ne|s’ Chicago, Illinois. Contact: Robert M. 60jn,n' 3M435 Broadview, Addison, IL UJU3032.
Css /
elude eyle (CV-32) Association, which inair grS0 CVA-32, CVS-32, AUT-32 and all anng.. UPS that served on board, our second lieu reunion, 13-15 October 1988, to be tri0,s n board the USS Yorktown (CV-10), Pa- Q)ari °'nt Naval and Maritime Museum, B. paeslon’ South Carolina. Contact: Clarkson '23n->rnsworth, hi5 Sanders Ave., Scotia, NY (5'8) 346-5240.
4) "oxer (CV-21, CVA-21, CVS-21, LPH-
Utah ~16 October 1988, Salt Lake City, f;0rCs, °ntact: Paul M. Lane, 1116 Sherwood 833-5o54'’ Birmingham, AL 35235. (205)
j-’ss ,,
988 neywood (APA-6), 13-16 October l3|5’ aHas, Texas. Contact: Jim Young, 12]4, ee St. #1, Commerce, TX 75428.
CeVS86~6768’ or Lee Haze1’ 39220 N-
3S6'7526 * Dr’’ Lake Villa' IL 60046- (312)
iJ-l6 °'"ns (DD-417) Veterans Association,
^Otrtj V^tober 1988, Arlington, Virginia. ^1, u-' J°m Traweek, 8605 Queensmere PL, lcnmond, VA 23229. (804) 270-1674.
II Marine/Navy Paratroopers,
Vegas, Nevada. Contact: Col. Dave Severance, P.O. Box 1972, La Jolla, CA 92038.
USS Gladiator (AM-319), 14-16 October 1988, West Springfield, Massachusetts. Contact: Don Westerlund, 4708 E. Florian Circle, Mesa, AZ 85206. (602) 830-1161.
USS Newcomb (DD-586), 14-16 October 1988, on the Queen Mary, Long Beach, California. Crew and officers of ship’s company plus DesRon 56 are invited. Contact: Norman D. Kohl, 17972 Romelle, Santa Ana, CA 92705
USS Rocky Mount (AGC-3), 14-16 October 1988, Clearwater Beach Hilton, Clearwater, Florida, 11th reunion for ship’s company, staff, war correspondents, and others assigned to ship. Contact: Lewis Unterman, 7466 Bay- shore Dr., Apt. 403. Treasure Island, FL 33706. (803) 360-3943.
VN-14, VO-VCS, and VN-15 (Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, FL, 1941-44), 14-16 October 1988, Orange Park, Florida. Contact: R. V. Jolley, 751-10th St., E. Lot 503, Palmetto, FL 34221. (813) 720-4038.
USS Badoeng Strait (C VE-116), 16-19 October 1988, Reno, Nevada. Contact: Henry C. Trotter, 106 Sage Dr., Universal City, TX 78148. (512) 658-3447.
USS Paul Hamilton (DD-590) and USS Twiggs (DD-59I), 17 October 1988, Nashville, Tennessee. Contact: Doug Link, Box 333, Route #2, Cottontown; TN 37048.
USS Metcalf (DD-595), 19 October 1988, San Antonio, Texas. Contact: John M. Chittum, 350 South Walnut St., Huntington, WV 25705. (304) 523-6963.
USS New Orleans (CA-32), 9th reunion, 1922 October 1988, Hyatt Edgewater Hotel, Long Beach, California. Contact: Ed Sow- man, 936 Santiago Ave., Long Beach, CA 90804, or Spike Lewis, 4763 Mount Hay Dr., San Diego CA 92117.
USS Sepulga (AO-20), 20-22 October 1988, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Contact: Don Westerlund, 4708 E. Florian Circle, Mesa, AZ 85206. (602) 830-1161.
USS Stockton (DD-646), 20-22 October 1988, Charleston, South Carolina. Contact: Phillip D. Schlosser, Route 1, Box 117, Redmond, OR 97756. (503) 548-3086.
USS Joseph T. Dickman (AP-13), 20-23
October 1988, Ashville, North Carolina. Contact: Ed “Polly” Polakoff, 1407 Kensington Road, Hendersonville, NC 28739-2353.
Bombing Squadron Five (VB-5) of World
War II, 21-23 October 1988, San Antonio, Texas, Contact: George H. Wenglein, 3022 Letitia Lane, San Antonio, TX 78212. (512) 826-1142.
USS Princeton (CVL-23), 21-23 October 1988, Charleston, South Carolina. Contact: Sam Minervini, 251 Marlboro Rd., Woodridge, NJ 07055. (201) 935-6175.
USS Wisconsin (BB-64), 22 October 1988, recommissioning and reunion, Biloxi, Mississippi. Contact: USS Wisconsin Committee, Box BB-64, Port Edwards, WI 54469, or Edmund G. Maul, 16 Locust Rd., Pleasantville, NY 10570. (914) 769-7485.
USS Kitkun Bay (CVE-71, VC-5, VC-63, VC-91), 22-25 October 1988, Charleston, South Carolina. Contact: John G. Richter, W63 N374 Hillcrest, Cedarburg, WI 53012. (414) 377-2297.
USS St. Lo (CVE-63,VC-65), 23-26 October 1988. San Mateo, California. Contact: E. H. “Holly” Crawford, 1910 Windsor Way, Reno, NV 89503. (702) 747-0884.
USS Thatcher (DD-514), 26-29 October 1988, Austin, Texas. Contact: Bob Hartley, 288 Roxalana Hills Dr., Dunbar, WV 250641902. (304) 766-7497.
USS Osmond Ingram (AVD-9, DD-255, APO-35), 28-30 October 1988, Sand Dunes Resort Hotel, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Contact: Bob Hale, 7101 Pierce St., Arvada, CO 80003. (303) 422-2982.
Pass-Down-the-Line Notes
Undersea Defense Technology Conference and Exhibition, supported by the Institution of Electrical Engineers and the Institute of Acoustics, 26-28 October 1988, Novotel, London. Contact: Microwave Exhibitions & Publishers Ltd., 90 Calverly Rd., Tunbridge Wells, Kent TNI 2UN, England. Tel. 089244027. Telex: 95604 MEPNCL.
American Society of Naval Engineers Tidewater Section Symposium, “100 Years of Naval Engineering,” 12-13 October
lngs / October 1988
(Solution to lust month’s puzzle)-
1988, Virginia Beach Pavilion, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Contact: Dick Dunbar, (804) 855-2736.
U. S. Air Force Academy 13th Military History Symposium, “The Intelligence Revolution: A Historical Perspective,” 12-14 October 1988. Contact: HQ USAF DFH, Attn: Captain Mark A. Clodfelter, USAF Academy History Dept., Colorado Springs, CO 808405701. (719) 472-3230 (Commercial) or (719) 259-3230 (Autovon).
Index to Advertisers.
Aerospatiale......................................................................... 101
Ameron Marine Coatings Division..................................... 184,185
Antheil Booksellers............................................................... 175
Armour of America............................................................... 206
AT&T................................................................................... 42
The Boeing Company...................................................... 152,153
CAE Industries....................................................................... 85
Caswell International Corp........................................................ 29
Caterpillar, Inc...................................................................... 189
Control Data..................................................................... 92,93
The Corporate Word, Inc........................................................ 175
Crouzet S.A........................................................................... no
Deutsch E.C.D....................................................................... 8,9
Diagnostic/Retrieval Systems.................................................... 90
Digital Equipment Corporation.......................................... 168,169
E-Systems Inc., ECI Division.................................................. 179
EDO Corp., Government Systems Div........................................ 83
EDO Corp., Western Div.......................................................... 45
E.H. Industries Ltd............................................................. 17,19
Electronic Data Systems Corporation........................................ 199
Electrospace Systems, Inc......................................................... 71
Ferranti O.R.E, Inc................................................................ 180
Flight International................................................................ 178
FMC-Naval Systems Div.......................................................... 10
Ford Aerospace....................................................................... 89
Fusion Video.......................................................................... 57
GE Company,
Aircraft Engines...................................................................... 15
Naval & Drive Turbine Systems.......................................... 4,5,6,7
Undersea Systems Dept.......................................................... 129
General Dynamics.............................................................. 94,95
General Quarters Software........................................................ 34
Ferde Grofe Films................................................................... 23
Grumman Data Systems....................................................... 137
Hampton Company............................................................. 28,34
HDW........................................................................ 3rd Cover
Herb Hewitt........................................................................... 28
Hercules Aerospace Company............................................. 32,1%
Hertz............................................................................... Onsert
Hollandse Signaalapparaten B.V.............................................. 167
Intergraph Corporation............................................................. 80
Intermarine SpA.................................................................... j3
Kollsman, Div. of Sequa Corporation...................................... (63
Leigh Instruments Limited.................................................. ...
Loral Corporation.................................................................. (4
Lyric Software, Inc.....................................................................
MagneTek ALS................................................................... (60
The Marine Corps Historical Foundation................................ ‘^31
Martin Marietta............................................................. V-0ver
McDonnell Douglas................................................... *** 19O
Metric Systems Corporation........................................................
Motorola, Inc...........................................................................
The Nautical & Aviation Publishing Co. of America.................. jj2
Naval Institute Press............................................................. 54
Naval Submarine Base, Kings Bay.................................... rj'33.^*
Naviator Shirt Co...................................................... ’ (64
Newport News Shipbuilding................................................. .66
Norden Service Company, Inc........................................... Covef
Northrop Corporation................................................. Zn (g8
Oto Melara SpA................................................................ .77
Panasonic Industrial Company.............................................. .65
Plessey Naval Systems......................................................... (66
Presidio Press.................................................................... .28
S.T. Preston & Sons, Inc..................................................... ...
Raytheon Company................................................... V.... |95
Rockwell International, Autonetics Marine Systems Div- ’ ‘' (74
Sanders, A Lockheed Company............................................. .62
Sea-Land Services.............................................................. .22
Shayna Gold Creations....................................................... ... I
Sparton Defense Electronics................................................. ,34
S&S Supply Co.................................................................. ...2
Syscon Corporation...............................................................
Texas Instruments Incorporated....................................
Textron Lycoming........................................................ 60.1®*
Thomson-CSF................................................................... ,.53
UNC Incorporated............................................................. ,.82
Vitro Corporation............. ...
Wang Laboratories............
Willbros Butler Engineers, Inc ,. |6l
Zenith Data Systems......
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