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°ne can overpower him who is
|(|f -■ two can resist him. A cord of %e s,lan^s is not quickly torn • —Ecclesiastes 4:12
% 'S VCrSe carr'es time-honored truth 5S aPPhes to battle group effectiveness, eH as to personal relationships. Put in the shoes of our adversaries: you prefer to approach or engage a cJv surface combatant or a surface s0r( atar>t that is operating in close con- c0o VVlth other battle group units that are andPerativeiy employing their sensors is^P^haps, their weapons? The choice bat l0Us- But consider our surface com- H0 ln a dispersed formation. Even Uujt . it is operating as a battle group % * k® approachable and engage- ton, as a single unit without effective
‘HIT- • ~
,^clever adversary, has a way of in w factors into situations tha :rs thought they had “wired.’ P^bb"'1 nava* officers respond to C
hmand and control (C2). e variables of tactical situations are ITletable, and Murphy’s law, aided
J-4V-4 V Cl J , UUO U V* l >11
c0tt) 8 uew factors into situations that Thel'?an^ers thought they had “wired.” Pf0b| st naval officers respond to C2 ietl) .erris by anticipating how the prob- that 1S Soing to try to unravel. They know tivei ltlle pressure here and there, selec- Ptev aPP*‘ed in a timely fashion, can toaent,many tactical miscues. The talent of,h lc'Pate, to stay ahead of and on top the tactical problem, is a key element of ^ Quality naval officer’s makeup. To- °Wever> die C2 task is taking on
y new facets. It must provide weapon ffatrj rvati°n, facilitate steps to avoid ti0risClclet and coordinate emitter opera- ju to Prevent mutual interference, the ? a. glance at the superstructure of
^aku, is enough to see the em- diat the Soviets are placing on trar 0nic
v,et’s newest Kiev-class aircraft
: warfare. That emphasis will
°tir c e lnt0 extensive efforts to disrupt b|e0 'dniunications, to deceive or disa- of Q r sensors, and to encourage misuse fende^ WeaPons. The Soviet aim is to >o S. Navy C2 ineffective in order our weapon inventory limita- °re hostile platforms and im-
nibg enemy weapons will add to the _ ou r °f tactical responses that a battle Tj. 5 .I111181 produce. In response, the
oUp °f tactical responses that a battle
onicaiV a"
cate 'y> these acquisitions will compli-
‘veUp0 avy needs more advanced sensor, dQnir..1?.’ and communication assets. But,
More alfeady aggravated C2 problem. 313 an<y more combat system ele- °n board each battle group unit
will add new dimensions and complexity to the C2 equation. C2 technology that allows the best use of today’s combat system assets is a priority. The next step is to have C2 in place that is ready to deal with the challenge of employing and integrating systems infused by new technology. We need cutting-edge C2 to add focused effectiveness to existing and new sensor and weapon procurements.
The Navy’s Challenge: Past track records show that it now takes eight to ten years to develop, test, and deploy a new fleet system. This excruciating pace has been the rule for C2 systems. A delay of this magnitude puts the fleet at the peril of operating with C2 that is not by any means “state-of-the-art.” The “waterfall” design approach that begins with requirements debate and proceeds through a maze of software standards is simply too laborious and slow. The waterfall approach must be abandoned in favor of a more responsive C2 systems development. The deployment of advanced sensors and weapons will at best be partially effective if it does not depend upon the concurrent deployment of advanced (or technologically comparable) C2 systems. There is a critical need for system automation to cope with the vast variety and volume of data in required reaction times, for C2 support that is tested thoroughly and will perform reliably under heavy data loading (despite disruptive enemy measures), and for automated C2 response to assist the already overburdened naval officer and decision maker. And when automated weapon response is involved, that response must be predictable and reliable. As the deficiencies of C2 become severe (that is, critical), the surface combatant in our example becomes a more isolated asset in the face of a more deadly threat. The cutting-edge C2 system must feature the near-real-time capability to integrate new and existing combat system assets. Only in this way can new combat system technology be effectively introduced to the fleet.
Flexibility and the Ability to Grow: Knowing that there is a critical need for accurate tactical information and precise C2 has been more than disturbing for today’s fleet commander and commanding officer. The prospect of deploying with antiquated systems and the knowledge that new C2 systems are years away from
deployment, have caused commanders to take the initiative. Fleet officers have developed a panoply of stand-alone, personal-computer-based systems to fill the information gap. These personal computers have been surprisingly effective, but because of limited interface with the battle group sensors and the absence of control over the data links, they provide only limited C2. What they do provide is more data. The net result is a proliferation of systems that has brought larger quantities of partially correlated data to the fleet with limited means to pull this data into a single, cohesive tactical picture. In other words, these procurements do not address the problems of deficient C2.
The stand-alone procurement syndrome is not affordable in terms of deficient naval C2 for our ships, naval officers, and enlisted personnel. And although these systems fill an information gap, they have had the detrimental effect of diluting the U. S. Navy’s focus on the optimum C2 architecture. The question that must be answered now is: What can be done to short circuit the development delay of a C2 system to be responsive to
When the new Soviet carrier Baku sailed through the Turkish Straits in June with formidable new radar and electronic warfare equipment, she probably was looking for some of the U. S. Navy’s C2 computers that “cannot talk to each other.”
capabilities into ^ by tomorrow’s nj\
fical demands off
fleet needs? The cutting-edge combat direction system (CDS) must demonstrate two essential qualities to answer these questions: flexibility and the ability to grow.
The next-generation CDS for the carriers is the Block 1 Advanced Combat Direction System (ACDS). When the fleet receives this next-generation CDS, will the new system—“mature” technology upon deployment—immediately and rapidly begin to fall behind the increasingly complex C2 problem? Will the C2 shortfall then steadily increase for the next eight to ten years while the next C2 system is defined, specified, and developed? Does this signal the start of another laborious development cycle? Hopefully, the ACDS Block 1 will mark the start of a new era of CDS processing, because this system will introduce to the CDS world flexibility and the ability to grow.
In terms of C2, flexibility may be defined as the capacity and capability to operate in a wide range of tactical scenarios, including those scenarios that have not yet been experienced. Flexibil'O; therefore, is an essential element of systems. C2 system designers must res's the alluring temptation to impose the “expertise” (or prejudices) on new sys terns. Even if you were there, or ha been there for X- number of years, y° probably won’t “be there” when the sy tem you have helped design will be ployed. Collectively, designers tn^, learn to incorporate that may be tailored officer to meet the tai
CDS: The Combat System Trigger
systems and provides it in some palatable display
tance to solve the tactical problem. What could the system have done to help formulate a timely resp1 The Aegis command and decision (C&D) processor used on board USS Ticonderoga (CG-47)-class j guided-missile cruisers points in the right direction- an Aegis C&D had been processing the data that tn Stark’s systems detected, the probable result would
As unfortunate as the USS Stark (FFG-31) incident was, it prompted the naval community to produce many insightful articles on shipboard systems design, tactical procedures, and Persian Gulf perspectives. Within this wealth of information, one analysis distinguishes itself with its clarity and objectivity. This is the House Armed Services Committee (HASC) report on the Iraqi Mirage attack.
The report details the Stark’s system capabilities, and the probable status of each system at the time of the Iraqi F-l attack. It then summarizes the probable reasons for the failure of the ship’s combat system to respond. Following these sections, the report outlines the capabilities, status, and possible employment of each primary system of interest on board the Stark, with one exception: the ship’s combat direction system (CDS).
In the Stark incident, every indication points to a fully operational CDS that was doing the job for which it was designed, that being the processing and display of data received from the frigate’s sensor and weapon systems. It is, however, the combination of the weapons, sensors, communication assets, and the CDS that comprise the combat system. Yet, any discussion of the CDS was conspicuously absent from the HASC report. Why?
The Combat System Sight and Trigger: The ability to engage targets, deceive weapons, track contacts, and communicate data resides in operational combat systems (of which the Stark had a full complement). The decision to employ those assets must be made by the tactical action officer (TAO), who will base his decisions largely upon the data that is first received and then displayed to him (and to his operators) by the CDS.
If we draw a loose parallel to a rifle, the weapons, sensors, and communications gear provide the ability to deliver the bullet. As the CDS provides processed data displays, it basically is the “sight” that puts the combat system “cross hairs” on the target. When the TAO has made the decision to engage, radiate, or communicate, (and the cross hairs are on the target), the CDS will provide the means by which the TAO’s decision is implemented, either through a direct digital command to the required system, or through a verbal command to the operator of the on-board system required to do the job, or both. By implementing the TAO’s decisions, the CDS becomes the TAO’s “trigger.” No doubt the rifle analogy will seem simplistic to many experienced naval personnel, but if the CDS is in faC the combat system “cross hair and trigger,” then d should have been a key item in the HASC report on the Stark incident. Again, why the omission?
Possible Answers: The answer to this question m# reside in a prevailing attitude that the CDS is merely “display system” rather than the combat system cr°s hair and trigger. The “display system” terminology implies a CDS that passively accepts data from other
for the operator. A display system, in this sense, h»s very little combat potential. The naval tactical data s; tem (NTDS), as the incumbent CDS for most surface units (Aegis-class ships being the notable exception^ may be responsible for this attitude, simply because provides 1960s-vintage processing capabilities, whW rely on the TAO/tactical operator to mentally pr°v‘c^, much of his own data processing and tactical respon Facing the reality of what is actually deployed today' naval officers have learned to expect little real-time tactical support from the CDS. The attitude that has been created is that CDS is merely a “display system,” and not a dynamic tactical asset providing timely operator support. . v
The Aegis Precedent: It is apparent that the comb tion of the Stark’s CDS and whatever hard-copy data.s_ was available did not provide sufficient real-time as
have been a series of interrogate/engage recommej tions for the inbound Iraqi Mirage. Recomrnendatm would have been system-generated by the C&D’s aC tive doctrine statements. Doctrine statements would ^ have reflected the rules of engagement (ROEs) and CO’s direction for that precise tactical area and si[ll^_ tion. Each recommendation would have required a cisive go/no go selection by the TAO, and one of 1 decision points may have defended the Stark from incoming attack.
The Aegis C&D has taken the first step to infuse new technology into CDS processing. The “if ■ ■ ,,
then” doctrine statement processing that Aegis C& f. providing to the fleet today performs situation mon1
the^Ue s'tuat*on- For example, until now,
: e CE>Ss have offered a man-machine ^efface (MMI) that was rigidly fixed, a consideration for change. While the f. °f the world adopted holographs in Spectrum color, the Navy has labored ard with primarily monochrome C0^at systems
^ why the MMI inflexibility? The MMI 0ns a*ways been a design football. Every- ^ seems to “know” how to build the i^st MMI. Meanwhile, the fleet supplies °hcn conflicting inputs and waits for one approach or another to garner enough supporters and momentum to hurdle the competing approaches and get deployed. Thus, the MMI that finally arrives in the fleet is the product of the design and approval of a relatively small number of agencies and personnel who never envisioned half of the display needs imposed by integrated environmental data, for example. How much better would it be instead to allow a commander to select an MMI scheme with tailorable display formats and colors and display filters, customized to his operations?
The design community must recognize that it cannot define the ultimate capability for systems that are scheduled to be deployed years from the design’s inception. Older software technology, limited by its rigid software code, may have imposed such restrictive, early design decisions. New software technologies such as object-oriented databases, don’t impose that rigidity. The community cannot build the ultimate system (as defined ten years before it is introduced and deployed
djs ^ Block 1 software provides tactical full-color of P.TS on modified UYQ-21 consoles. Here, a Gulf ’ 'dra scenario.
info ^at helps the TAO and combat direction (formerly and Nation) center (CDC) personnel to respond quickly ^ambiguously to the tactical situation. More im- >he a?[’ °Perational Aegis personnel view the CDS as sh0u| |lCc where tactical support for the CDC operator ^ d be implemented.
eir Technology for New CDSs: The Naval Sea Sys- ('hief(~0rnrnand, ur,der the direction of the office of the °Prn ^aval Operations, is responsible for the devel- cruj ent °f the CDS for the carriers and non-Aegis sys, ers of the 1990s. The advanced combat direction Pew0*11 (ACDS) brings new hardware (in Block 0) and •he fatware and software technology (in Block 1) to eet- As the next-generation CDS, ACDS Block 1
ally J‘InS the carriers, non-Aegis cruisers, and potenti- capajj!any other ships up to and beyond the tactical vide baseline established with Aegis. It will pro-
advanced software architecture that will allow
lt»rgerne Processing to be expressed in a significantly large nUfnber of statements, which can be applied to a tqre ar|d detailed track file. With this doctrine struc- s°Hn | °Perational commander, TAO, and even per- •he c6 *°Wer in the CDC hierarchy will benefit from Mtrvi,°nt'nual software assessment of a vastly increased gent of tactical data.
ci|jt ^0t,d doctrine processing, ACDS Block 1 will fa- •ija^ e 'he integration of Link 16 (a high-volume, an- 9chiev 313 *'nk) w*,d new tracking algorithms to <tetaj| e higher track data accuracy, more identification - and greater track processing capacity. An inte-
grated intelligence database will improve features such as automated status board (ASTAB) development and threat evaluation. In addition, task organization and combat system status ASTABs are provided, the threat summary is supported by continual processing of operator-controlled automation, doctrine statements can express the ROEs and preplanned responses, and force TAO and shipboard TAO pass-down logs are stored and recalled by system software for rapid review.
Automatic Combat System Checklists: ACDS will also provide a creative application of the “if . . . then” doctrine processing, called automatic combat system checklists (ACSCL), which will support both the force and ship-board TAOs. This feature allows the system operator to input combat system checklists that represent specific combat system configurations, predetermined by the CO and his staff to be the best configuration to deal with a specific tactical situation.
The checklist contains system operating modes and required actions that will be taken to place the force or ship into a posture that optimizes the use of its sensor, weapon, and communications equipment. Although each checklist may be recalled and reviewed at any time, a specified checklist can be automatically displayed as a doctrine statement response. The selection of criteria for the doctrine statement is the means by which the tactical situation is described. The checklist is input to a CDS file and then specified as part of the doctrine statement response. When the CDS detects the predefined tactical situation, the system initiates the set of operator-prespecified responses at computer speed, including the recall and display of the appropriate combat system checklist, which details the CO-approved combat system posture.
The ACSCL capability represents the type of CDS support that will be essential in the tactical evolutions of the next decade. Many systems deployed today feature hard-wired, inflexible capabilities, which may or may not meet the needs of tomorrow’s exercises or battles. With the ACSCL feature (as with ACDS Block 1 doctrine), the force TAO and the ship’s CO/TAO decide how to respond to specific tactical situations; that guidance is then incorporated into system doctrine. The checklist file gives them the absolute flexibility to select the required tactical response—from system activations, to CDC procedures, to required tactical communications. The result, created by a meshing of the operator’s irreplaceable tactical expertise with the data assessment power and speed of the CDS computer, will be timely and accurate combat system responses.
—Jay P. Parker
system, the weapons’ response may
process^ soft'
on board the USS Midway (CV-41) as a action officer.
in the fleet), so it must instead build in CDS flexibility. The community must also learn to trust the officers of tomorrow, to believe that they can use effective leadership and standard operating procedures to control system flexibility; and to realize that these officers understand the importance of fleet standardization and can effect it.
“The ability to grow,” in terms of C2, may be defined as the system structure that allows logical modifications and additions to the system according to changing fleet needs. A system’s ability to increase its locally hosted processing features is certainly a part of this capability. To provide such growth requires system memory and central processing unit horsepower, both of which are not available in software architectures that have basic inefficiencies. The ability to grow also entails the rigorous challenge of interfacing and working with other onboard systems. One reason why CDS development is so difficult is that the CDS takes on the burden of interfacing with the majority of the combat system assets on board ship. On a major combatant, this is no small task. But herein lies the payoff inherent in new sensor and weapon systems acquisitions. Integrating the new systems data and controlling the new system’s tactical capabilities is the only way to realize the tactical effectiveness of those systems.
Consider the case of the carriers. The carriers are targeted for a number of weapon and sensor systems. The ships, however, have already procured a number of other planning and information systems. Before the Navy designs and schedules a host of new systems, shouldn’t it think about making the systems that are scheduled or already deployed work together? Within the CDS, this means providing a capability to accept other combat system data and the capability to provide control or direction back to those systems. In other words, the drive to add combat systems assets must be preceded by the addition of a new CDS that can integrate those systems that already have been procured with the systems that are on the technological horizon.
Today’s CDSs have left a wide C2 gap. The rush to fill this gap has resulted in systems proliferation that will be difficult to sustain in today’s tight budget environment. A cutting-edge CDS, which features the ability to grow, will be able to integrate existing and on-the-way sensor and weapon capabilities for the naval tactician. The Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Carlisle A. H. Trost, has commented; “It is for consideration whether
we will have the discipline and the foresight to build one fused system, with no matter how many peripheral components, or have the equivalent of a couple of hundred individual personal computers that cannot talk to each other.”
Every person who has dealt with system interfaces knows the difficulties and obstacles that can arise before the interface is accomplished. These obstacles tempt designers and sponsors alike to go off and develop stand-alone systems. While such efforts attempt to solve near term/local problems, stand-alone systems ultimately will aggravate the C2 problem.
A CDS for the Cutting Edge: The ACDS Block 1 is scheduled to go to the aircraft carriers beginning in 1992. As the next major CDS scheduled for the fleet, designers are considering flexibility and the ability to grow as pivotal features. This design provides system flexibility. The tactical capabilities in ACDS Block 1 can be adapted to the needs and direction of the ship and embarked command operators while at sea. The pioneering features of the Aegis combat system, such as “if . . . then” doctrine processing, and flexible automatic status board formats, have been extended in significant ways. Not only will more automation be provided, but it will be provided for every operator in the CDS (referred to as the C&D in Aegis terminology).
Within ACDS Block 1, there are a number of new features that provide automation and the ability for the deployed commander to control or adjust the system’s automation. The ability to grow is also embedded in these designs. If the tactical commander desires, for example, to use a new or different kind of tactical data in doctrine statements, the system will allow this modification without any software restructuring.
A cutting-edge C2 feature that has real operational impact is the ACDS Block 1 inclusion of an automated electronic surveillance (ESM)/emitter identification, association, triangulation, and tracking capability. As track numbers increase and the number of emitters per platform skyrockets, this capability will be welcomed in the fleet as a long overdue arrival. And because the ESM automation is integrated into the CDS, it can work on electronic warfare inputs that come from nonreal time, and off-board (via data link) sources as well as from local sources such as the SLQ-32 electronic countermeasures system. Automatic ESM processing in ACDS Block 1 results in operator cues and alerts that are configurable by the operator at sea. Automatic, integrated
ESM processing is one new ACDS Bloc 1 feature that has built-in flexibility j Another EW sensor or system hung 0 on the periphery of the ship’s superstru^ ture, providing its own processing 1 ESM intercepts, cannot hope to provl this level of combat effectiveness.
The stand-alone ESM system will & tect real inbound threats, but because t*
not integrated with the rest of the co:
fatally time-late. The stand-alone system will detect hostile and tactics ) significant emitters, but that data m • remain inconclusive because it is not i tegrated with the other sensor data board that unit and within the bat group. What is true for ESM is true 0 other sensors, for weapons, and for in' , mation systems. Integration in the cen CDS is essential to combat system e'|e tiveness. ,e
Creative, flexible, and expand3 ACDS Block 1 C2 features have bN provided in tracking, automatic iden" cation, gridlock, decision display filtering, threat evaluation training. Early productions of this ware are now running in San Diego,L fornia. As the coding and testing c tinue, designers should remember when in doubt, give the control, 'he f tion, and the decision on how the syst will run (that is, the flexibility) 10 people who will know best—-the ployed naval officer and his crew. ,s A second reminder is that the syste ability to grow must influence every sign decision. ACDS Block 1 must . capable of integrating and fusing dNe kinds of data into the expanding d base. Whether the ship has last-geI1l^sl tion sensors or weapons, or the very l3 g in sensor and weapon systems, the must be able to accommodate the in tion of those systems. In addition, , CDS must provide precise system .tate and direction. Using the coherent P'c provided by a single database. 111 ^ tained by a growing CDS, will aH0^.^! naval tactician to exercise CDS tac ^ control, which has been coordinated e the actions of the battle group- ^ j battle group coordination impleme ^ through a cutting-edge CDS will ke£P ^ “cord of three strands”—the naval b3 group—a taut, tactical fighting f°rce’
Mr. Parker is a senior systems engineer *°r Ground Systems. Over the past seven years* jvan^ completed extensive systems design for the ^ Combat Direction System Block 1 program- ' year naval career included tours in VQ-1.