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Developments in artificial intelligence, robotics, and other technologies could reduce drastically shipboard manning in tomorrow’s Navy. Remove the “life- support” systems and their required spaces on board ships and even a 1,200-ship Navy becomes feasible. Ironically, it is up to naval professionals to ensure that these people-saving technologies find their way to the fleet.
very naval professional must consider what s" technologies as computers, expert systems, rob^
___ ics, fiber optics, fuel cells, and composite mater*'
could mean to warship configurations in the year 2000 a beyond. Surely there will be a great deal more sys*e' automation, advanced communications, dramatically *'jt proved ocean surveillance, and high-performance com systems. If electrical superconductor development *j| proaches speculated goals, even ship propulsion and *> forms are likely to be radically different from what t are today- ,hips
It is conceivable that we will move toward wars' < with greatly decreased manning. New technology app1'4^ tions surely will supplant manpower in many ways ^ board ship, just as they are doing in factories ashore-
^shed hard, shipboard manning might be decreased dra- c, lcally, or even eliminated, while maintaining military Pability—or even increasing it. te Uch developments would dramatically alter the archi- Ur£ of naval ships. People and their “hotel require- w nts now account for most of a ship’s space and ^nt. If there were no people to support, a ship would need: berthing or messing spaces; food storage or ba^arat'on facilities; potable water; a laundry, sick bay, ^ er shop, ship’s store, chapel, library, or other amenity ’. provisions for bacteriological/chemical warfare pro- e| lon; sewage holding or processing capability; far less th£CtriCa' power-generating capacity and only a fraction of Ca c°.nventi°nal heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning W-fCit.y' Deck spacing would not have to be seven feet. Jt^erfight integrity, fire containment and extinguishment, •ia!l^enera* damage resistance could be increased substan- c, y- Hulls might be pressurized with inert gas to pre- e fires and minimize corrosion. Only minimal under- the same time. But would the nation ever countenance sending a warship to sea with little or no human control? Probably so, for two reasons. First, if there were a major threat of attack against our country, the danger of accidental harm to other shipping, aircraft, or people would be accepted. Second, we have already made considerable progress along these lines with cruise missiles and intercontinental ballistic missiles. The concept of an unmanned ship is not so distant from that of an unmanned aircraft, which Tomahawk certainly is. And the Tomahawk can deliver nuclear warheads.
We have seen increasing applications of automation in our ships in recent decades, but there is nothing to suggest that we are approaching such a drastic reduction in ship- borne personnel. One key to such a development is the potential of expert systems combined with robotics. Expert systems, a category of artificial intelligence, are much more than examples of sophisticated automation. The essentials of an expert system application are a set of rules, a
t °re’ tra'n'n8 budget could be reduced in proportion] d°.tTlanr|ing, and the results probably improved. Ships of be home-ported almost anywhere, with the morale Unit ' °rS anc* their families a reduced concern. Deployed rotat W°Uld not have 1° t>e scheduled for liberty ports, and to e'°n Would be a logistic decision. Ships might not have DioSt er P°rt except for periodic overhauls. Perhaps the ^Profound difference would be that a battle com!° emh^Cou'^ use these assets without concern for danger bnSe<j arked personnel; a combat risk decision would be q. °n material issues alone. c0s[ ?n SUch advantages, which would greatly reduce the uble t° ^P’oying a warship, the United States might be 0 afiord a 1,200-ship Navy and reduce the budget at
knowledge base, and an “inference engine.” Only the set of rules is readily analogous to what we call automation in contemporary ship systems. We install automated devices to respond in accord with rules like: if the pressure goes up, turn the fuel down; if the water rises in the bilge, ring the bell; if the ship is off course to the left, give it some right rudder; and so on.
Some modern weapons have control modes with fairly elaborate sets of rules—the Phalanx close-in weapon system, for example. The Phalanx can be set to function automatically: If its radar sees a qualifying target, it fires. But many rules come into play before those bullets fly. Phalanx is also a good example of our peacetime reluctance to relax human control when a system can cause real damage. It is safe to assume that Phalanx is rarely switched to
The computer company people did the knowledge
its fully automatic response capability. Still, the Phalanx, for all its sophistication, is not an expert system. It has no knowledge base and cannot draw inferences from partial or incomplete data. If a target detection meets prescribed criteria, the Phalanx shoots; if the signal does not qualify, it does not. In contrast, an expert systems-controlled Phalanx would weigh nonquantifiable circumstances—much as a human battery-control officer would. The probability of an attack would be based on a number of qualitative factors. The most recent experience or outcome of a similar target detection and engagement would be considered. The urgency of the moment—a special vulnerability or emergency damage situation on board—would bias the instant judgment of a control officer.
A closer approach to artificial intelligence can be found in modern electronic support measures (ESM) systems. Signal-intercept analyzers have knowledge bases that catalog the characteristics of the electromagnetic signals that are likely to be encountered, both friendly and enemy. The ESM intercept system compares what it detects with its stored knowledge base. It tries to identify its contact by going through a stored set of parameters—frequency, wave form, repetition rate, etc. Again, programmed rules are followed in the analysis. The operator is advised by display about what kinds of emitters the ESM gear “thinks” it has detected. Possibilities may also be ventured. This is not quite artificial intelligence, but advanced ESM systems do undertake evaluation functions that would otherwise be assigned to trained and experienced personnel, and the systems may do the job more quickly and accurately than average watchstanders. Where ESM systems fall short of artificial intelligence is in applying judgment, perhaps guessing that a foreign radar might have been modified to create what appears to be a discrepancy, or acting on the possibility that an operator is introducing unusual factors because of the current tactical situation, or considering electromagnetic interference from unexpected sources. An expert system promises these kinds of extensions of automated processes. It would further the effort to bring the experience and heuristic thought processes of a human operator into the machine, which would carry out these processes with incredible quickness.
A giant step up the ladder of automation in combat systems was Aegis: extensive automated self-testing features; sophisticated performance in automatically detecting, tracking, and engaging air targets; and provisions for operational control modes ranging from normal console-operator involvement in every function to total hands-off operation. Still, Aegis is not an application of expert system technology. It was conceived before artificial intelligence became practical on a large scale, and at a time when computer capabilities were far less than those that exist today. Aegis was a pioneering achievement, exploiting the available technology. Its derivative systems will embrace artificial intelligence and other new technologies.
A current Defense Department program is attempting to develop an expert system called the “pilot’s associate” to do much of what a qualified copilot would do. For example, an aircraft pilot might depend on an expert “phantom” to monitor an array of interrelated flight instruments, make adjustments to flight systems in accordant with standard doctrine, and alert him if unacceptable con ditions exist. A reading on a given instrument may not be sensibly interpretable using simple rules; acceptance might depend on values simultaneously reported by seV eral other instruments as well as parameters of the instan flight environment. A trained aviator understands these complex relationships and has developed skill in assimilat' ing, correlating, and deciding at a glance if his aviofflc* are functioning properly. There are reasons to believe tha such skills can be “canned” to a safe and useful degree an expert system.
Expert systems are capable of audio communicatio11' responding to spoken questions, or acting to carry out pr0 cedures on limited oral commands. A current field off® search related to artificial intelligence involves the devt’ opment of “natural language” communication vVlt_ computers. The goal of natural language is to permit coto puters to be controlled by whatever sensible orders human might speak, write, or type. As this effort Pr° gresses, it will become less necessary to learn and folk* rigid procedures or commands in using computers. 1 devices will become increasingly user friendly, interpw ing any reasonable human utterance correctly. The va* ^ of a natural language interface with the “pilot’s assocl ate” is obvious. ..
An example of an industrial artificial intelligence apP1 cation is illustrative. A major food-packing comPan^J with help from a computer manufacturer, built an exp^ system to help run its soup canning cookers. The cookers multi-story, building-sized installations—handle tens thousands of cans of product at a time and do so ve efficiently. There are many interacting factors to be tored and controlled, and if things go awry there can great loss of production, and a lot of waste and clean-uP As these processing installations evolved over several de ades, the company came to depend heavily on one vete ^ employee, a man who was peerless in diagnosing 1 subtle causes of problems and determining correc1 action before they became crises. He was well loved a^ well paid, but he was approaching retirement and his s pervisors realized that they could be in a lot of tr°u without him. The solution was to formulate his knowle i base, “rules,” and inference logic into an expert syste .
neering and inference engine parts by working with human expert for many months, modifying their syst. repeatedly, and consulting countless times when unsa factory results were encountered. The human expert coW erated enthusiastically, and now his professional capaD ity is immortalized. .
It is not difficult to think of situations in which ana gous skill-capture could be valuable to the Navy. I013® 0- being able to clone the abilities of top-notch systems Pc pie in the fleet; to be able to install the diagnostic capah1^ ties of the best E-6 fire-control technician you ever kn into every ship carrying the systems that he had masted < Then, when an even better systems diagnostician tur up, the expert system could be improved and revised sf ware distributed to concerned ships and support activm
r°tat°^an en*‘stment> advancement in rating, sea-to-shore
iSe j. - -
® ir>reat to your ship’s readiness.
"ear ; unitary departments would be among the first to Sgs thP? .
liven, nat m'ght be of interest to the military would ac- seek DoD sponsorship. If an inventor organization
llcators, ASW people, and so on. No longer would the
ry,„ —. or just plain exhaustion of a key crew member ^ a th F
great 0t*CS’ a comPan'on technology, appears to have /^Plication in our culture, both civilian and military. t()rn ^as alreadY accomplished much with robotics: sUbm °eS’ §u'ded missiles, automatically loaded guns, nl0rear'ne devices, automatic detection systems, and Whi , An old example is the steering engine on a ship, Pilot 1S clearly a robotic device when coupled to an auto- $trj ' ^hen the sizes of naval guns and ordnance out- injQ ed the ability of men to handle them, robotics came |0 P'ay with ingenious ammunition-handling systems, WiJ devices, and power-driven gun-laying systems. dev , °n§er ranges, the need for better accuracy drove the fire °Pment of gun directors and computers. The early <°ntro1 computers were artificial intelligence robots, aCcoe °r.less- With springs, wires, cams, and gears they fire ^Phshed what skilled men had done in calculating tetlt|C°ntrol values, but they did it faster, more consis- and probably more accurately.
'vl>enKhines not l‘re or exPer>ence survival anxiety a qq a 11ets are flying. A machine can be designed to do c0n(p ■ at function well and fearlessly. It can function in heat 1 l0ns where a man cannot—in darkness, smoke, ^ and noise.
e,therni‘,ny areas the Navy has been a technical leader, sP°Hs tar°uSh its in-house research and development or by search0rin8 programs in industry and the university re- that thg °mmunity- Until recent years, it could be assumed
of r> ■ ■ •
lhiogs Pr°mising inventions. People with ideas for new
V% ^
could get a military contract to develop its idea, it could hope to exploit it commercially as well as sell it to the armed forces. Consequently, military planners could feel confident that American industry was working for them, that the best brains in the country were tuned to solving military problems. Their challenge was in sorting out the offerings and picking the best ideas for funding.
That situation has changed. The military is no longer the best customer for some of the technologies that may be critical to winning future wars. The Pentagon can no longer wait passively for great ideas to be delivered to Washington for approval and funding. New technologies are vital to the military, but the big dollar pay-off is in the worldwide civilian marketplace. A recent DoD-sponsored study reported that certain advanced microelectronic chips may be available only from foreign suppliers unless action is taken to foster domestic development and production.
So what can a naval officer do about all of this? What would be the point of wardroom discussions about technology trends or future operational requirements if there is no way a shipboard sailor can influence such matters? Fleet people have to do their best with what they have in the way of ships, aircraft, equipment, and munitions. Sailors may wonder why some new things they read about, or see in the marketplace, are not available to them.
Perhaps in the back of his mind. Lieutenant Jones tells himself that he will have his chance to get some things moving for the fleet when his career takes him to Washington, but meanwhile he cannot do much to influence “the system.” He will run his operation to the best of his
ability and strive for a good fitness report. Besides, the skipper has already told him to stop griping about things beyond control of the command. The captain, too, is striving to run a good ship and get a good fitness report.
What are their counterparts thinking in Crystal City? How much time do they spend on technology forecasting and pursuing new capabilities? For the most part, “coping with the circumstances of the moment” is occupying their time as well. Navy offices are usually a blur of managerial problems: getting through the “in” box, generating information requested by higher echelons, satisfying the inquiries of congressmen, fending off contractors and would-be contractors, and generally addressing a host of unscheduled, unanticipated, and undesired minor crises. Long- range planning, which they know to be of great importance, is very hard to fit in.
Most people have difficulty in formulating views on what is likely to happen in the future, but this is the essential basis for planning in both private and professional life. Individuals are also discouraged by the near certainty that any creative scenarios they might generate will be attacked by their peers, by their superiors, and by almost everyone else who reviews them, congressional committees included. Lack of time and the probability of painful criticism deter imaginative long-range planning. Thus, when one has to produce a planning paper in the government, it tends to be a conservative extrapolation of the previous version. As a well-known, progressive engineering flag officer used to say, “As soon as anyone rises above the
muck, the antibodies swarm to dissolve him.
One thing that is effective in motivating the shore e:
lishment is a strong statement of need from the opei'aIlj'-' forces. We need a grass-roots movement to propel tlL
Navy into reaching for and exploiting new technology such as robotics and artificial intelligence. All officer an
senior enlisted professionals should consider themself obliged to think about where things are headed in a1® field, and to formulate their own judgment as to whetn or not that is a sound course. If they are not sufficieT1 ' informed to make such a judgment, they should attemp1 , learn more about Navy plans and programs for resea and development, procurement, shipbuilding, etc. ANjD dant information is publicly available. Having forme 1 judgment, the naval professional should take or make °V portunities to express it. Proceedings is a great forum
Navy professional opinion, and letters to Washington
fices are quite proper, following the chain of comma1 Are you among the masses who are waiting for ted1 cal breakthroughs to happen, or are you disposed to try make things happen in the best interests of the Navy a
the United States?
Commander Keen was commissioned in 1946 and retired in
served in a variety of unrestricted line assignments, with speed ^ phasis in electronics engineering. Following active naval service worked for 20 years with a major Navy contract research-and-uc ment organization
The U.S. Naval Institute is proud to announce its fifth annual Arleigh Burke Essay Contest, which replaces the former annual General Prize Essay Contest.
Three essays will be selected for prizes.
Anyone is eligible to enter and win. First prize earns 82,000, a Gold Medal, and a Life Membership in the Naval Institute. First Honorable Mention wins S1,000 and a Silver Medal. Second Honorable Mention wins 8750 and a Bronze Medal.
The topic of the essay must relate to the objective of the US. Naval Institute: “The advancement of professional, literary, and scientific knowledge in the naval and maritime services, and the advancement of the knowledge of sea power.” Essays will be judged by the Editorial Board of the U.S. Naval Institute.
1. Essays must be original, must not exceed 4,000 words, and must not have been previously published. An exact word count must appear on the title page.
2. All entries should be directed to: Publisher, U.S. Naval Institute, Annapolis, Maryland 21402.
3. Essays must be received on or before 1 December 1988 at the U.S. Naval Institute.
4. The name of the author shall not appear on the essay. Each author shall assign a motto in addition to a title to the essay. This motto shall appear (a) on the title page of the essay, with the title, in lieu of the author's name, and (b) by itself on the outside of an accompanying sealed envelope containing the name and address of the essayist, the title of the
essay, and the motto. This envelope will not be opened until the Editorial Board has made its selections.
5. The awards will be presented to the winning essayists at the 115th Annual Meeting of the membership of the Naval Institute.
Letters notifying the award winners will
6. All essays must be typewritten, double-spaced, on paper approximately 8!4”xll”. Submit two complete copies.
7. The winning and honorable mention essays will be published in the Proceedings. Essays not awarded a prize may be selected for publication in the Proceedings. The writers of such essays will be compensated at the rate established for purchase of articles.
8. An essay entered in this contest should be analytical and/or interpretive, not merely an exposition, a personal narrative, or a report.
Deadline: 1 December 1988