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“Because she has little chance of delivering a surprise attack at short range, the surface ship should always endeavor to attack at maximum range, thus minimizing the danger of a counterattack.” The view opposite shows the launching of an Asroc, maximum range five miles, from the destroyer Farragut (DDG 37). While little has been done in recent years to improve their antisubmarine weapons, all U.S. surface antisubmarine ships have been gaining from better sensors than they once had and from better techniques in their use. Some have helicopters to extend the range of their otherwise modest weapons and a few new ones can run very quietly. Much, of course, depends upon the ranges at which the foe can attack the ships he wishes to sink. | ^^C^ell over thirty years have gone by since the last time any one’s submarines tried to sever an opponent’s sea lines of common1 cation. Memories of the brutal realities of the campaigns centering on that effort have dimmed, and few participants still serve in an) navy. Now, after years on the distant fringes of attention, debate flares inside and outside the U.S. Navy over the ways to nneet present and future submarine threats. Analysts’ estimates of American antisubmarine capabilities range from buoyant confidence to somber doubt. Some hold that because there is not and never will be any chance of defeating a Soviet submarine assault on shipping, ASW efforts should be abandone > with the funds reserved for the construction of so much replace ment shipping that the losses to submarines in war would be out paced. Those who hold this view fail to consider either r^e criticality of the cargoes lost or the availability of replacement crews, let alone other more probable conflicts involving sU marines. Others have been so optimistic about the U.S. Navy’s ASW P tential that they have suggested the Soviets would soon reach similar conclusion and stop building submarines. Unheeding, l^e Soviet Union and most other maritime nations continue to devel°P and build or buy submarines. There is little doubt that submarine present a formidable threat to all ships on the surface of the sea, but there is no demonstrable evidence that the threat is invincm if the technology now available is provided and employed by determined, professional navy. The degree of emphasis we place on one type of fighting ship ‘ another in the fleet depends on the kinds of warfare we are prepaf 1 ’C fP' ing to fight. But the kinds of war we really have to fight, » ^ quired to do so at all, will not likely be a choice open to the U- ' Navy or even to the United States. Our general policy is to maintain forces sufficient to deter poten tial aggressors. If war comes, it will likely develop along unantic1^ pated lines and arise from our failure to present a complete an convincing deterrent. ^ There is a wide range of potential threats, of which the m dangerous is a Soviet attack on NATO. But that is far from be*^ the only possibility. Those analysts and program managers presume to forecast warfare requirements without preparing f°r c full range of contingencies accept the risk that a determined gressor will take advantage of real or perceived deficiencies in 1 |
168 | 1 0^ Proceedings / Naval Review A |
than the cost of providing an additional platform
forces in planning the time, place, and nature of their aggressive action.
In his report as Chief of Naval Operations in 1977, Admiral James Holloway wrote that “Sea control is the fundamental function of the U. S. Navy and connotes control of designated air, surface, and subsurface areas. It does not require simultaneous control over all international waters, but is selective and exercised only where and when needed. Sea control is achieved by the engagement and destruction of hostile aircraft, ships, and submarines at sea or by the deterrence of hostile actions through the threat of destruction.”
Moreover, Admiral Holloway says, naval forces involved in sea control efforts “must assure the security of those sea lines of communication between the United States and its overseas-deployed forces, between the United States and its allies, and the lines of sea commerce linking the United States and its allies with the sources of the world’s critical raw materials, particularly energy, upon which the economic survival of the free world depends.”
According to Admiral Holloway, fleet readiness and modernization are the main responsibilities of the U.S. Navy. Readiness is the capability to carry out any assigned role in prompt response to orders. Modernization is the continuous replacement of old ships and equipment in the fleet with new. The former CNO further said that “shipbuilding is the most complex and demanding [part of fleet modernization] because [of] the long life and high initial cost of a ship. . . . Therefore, the most careful planning is required to insure that a ship will be a useful investment over its programmed lifetime. Because of the unique investment considerations involved in fleet modernization, new ships must produce a force structure which at all times retains the warfighting balance to cope with coordinated air, surface, and submarine threats in any theater.”
If we could produce the optimum system for a long-term defense posture, that would appear to be both efficient and economical. But because systems of fixed characteristics will not be adequate for long against potential aggressors who have the option of time, place, and form of aggression, in reality it would be neither efficient nor economical. The modernization of the fleet must, therefore, include the flexibility to adapt changing technologies to minimize the attractiveness of new options to a potential aggressor.
The case for surface warships as an essential element of sea control is based on the perceived characteristics of such ships which include the facts that:
► They have the mobility to reach distant locations on short notice without negotiation for base or access rights;
► They provide a viable and authoritative representation of national interest;
► They can remain on station for extended periods in widely dispersed areas under almost all environmental conditions even without local base support;
► They have some ability to perform a wide range of tasks;
► They possess communications and command and control systems capable of supporting a wide range of activities;
► Most are highly adaptable to modernization.
The concern expressed by Western analysts over
the extensive expansion and modernization of the Soviet Navy’s big-ship surface fleet offers ample evidence that modern surface warships provide at least a perception of capability. So long as nations depend upon merchant ships for the transportation of their resources and industrial products, the use of surface warships to attack or defend them will remain an option open to planners. The question is not whether surface ships should be included in the sea control force, but what realistic requirements for surface warfare systems are.
The potential threat to shipping and to friendly control of the sea obviously includes surface and air forces as well as submarines. 'To survive in an operational environment that presents a constant threat of attack from any one or a combination of these requires the “warfighting balance” called for by Admiral Holloway. No “platform” can do it all. The submarine can offer no help to other ships under attack by aircraft or small, high speed, shallow draft missile boats such as hydrofoils or surface effect craft- Aircraft lack both the endurance of ships and their ready access to more ammunition in a magazine' though when operating from a ship these shortcomings can be alleviated. For the foreseeable future' surface warships will continue to be necessary to the power who would control the sea.
When the need for surface warships is accepted, 0 role for them in antisubmarine warfare follows easily- If surface ships can provide some defense against a particular threat, it appears unwise to do without that defense because some other platform might pt°' vide the defense more effectively. It is particularly unwise if that other platform cannot be relied on t0 be available at all times and under all circumstances- The cost of providing and maintaining such defensive power in an existing surface ship, usually much lesS different type, must be weighed against the risk t0
th • • e„rruss*on ‘f the power is not available. rr-Urt”er’ t0 have maximum practical self- 'ciency in each unit of an escort or task force both uces the need for special purpose units and in- reases the Navy’s ability to accomplish its purposes. course, if nuclear submarines and ASW aircraft, be Ct”er considered singly or in combination, could thr^*6^ °n t0 e^m'nate ah °f a major submarine eat within a few days of the opening of war, there °uld be little to gain from deploying ASW-capable ace ships unless the surface ships could do the job i*C Cr' however, there is no indication that the su^rnarine threat can be eliminated quickly. Rather, tfannes, both nuclear and electric-drive, present allenge in terms of numbers and capability that egest prolonged action and a long campaign. *7^'iencejn War C l u marines were ineffective as combat units until cam ^ w^en unrestticted U-boat warfare e close to cutting the Allied lines of communica- | gle, the Type XXI and Type XXIII U-boats emerged in 1945 to launch a new era in submarine warfare technology. By 1964, after nearly twenty years of peacetime effort, the threat of this new family of so- called conventional submarines was considered to be containable by a combination of underseas surveillance systems and submarine, surface, and air ASW forces. That the submarines were restricted to torpedo attacks was implicit in this belief. Missile threats to shipping were something else. And it was at this time that a variety of nuclear-propelled submarines were emerging to dominate the attention of both submarine and antisubmarine planners. The new submarines, almost totally independent of the surface, and capable of better sustained speeds than most surface ships, seemingly were invincible to all but their own kind. In the major navies, notably our own, they almost totally eclipsed diesel-electric submarines. Nonetheless, in many nations, including the Soviet Union, diesel-electric submarines continued to be improved and produced. Nowadays analysts tend to discount assumptions or conclusions of future ASW potential based on ac- |
| + |
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n‘ ^be success of convoy tactics in 1917-18 and ain’ ^°StWar development of sonar (“Asdic”) led Brit- re S ^anners to unjustifiably optimistic conclusions sub t*le'r ^eets ability to overcome future jn ^"*ar*ne threats. Though the Battle of the Atlantic t>ess °r ^ ^ar ^ again demonstrated the effective- 'ngS convoying, it required four years of sea fight’ °f new technologies, of air support, and of cam- ashor COorcl‘nation from informed headquarters Ola • t0 overc°me the coordinated tactics of Ger- TJS sul>mersible torpedo boats. en> too late to affect the outcome of the strug- | A Mahan-c/tfjj destroyer screens a troop convoy in the Pacific early in 1942. the hig four-stacker is the 24-knot Cunard liner Aquicania doing duty as a transport. Some of the other ships in the photo might have made 15 or 16 knots when new many years beforehand. Because the Japanese seldom attacked shipping, for the greater part of the war in the Pacific most ships could steam unescorted. But troop convoys always got protection. Sonars were short-ranged and depth charges were the only weapons destroyers had for use against submarines. |
Surface Waro. . _ ________ . |
tual events in such warfare. However, there are several principles which are not only relevant but important in any analysis of maritime warfare, regardless of the state of technology. These are the principles of the objective, of flexibility, of coordination, and of preparedness. World War II provides illustrations of each:
► The objective. It must be assumed that any war begun by a major aggressor against the United States will have some objective beyond the sinking of merchant ships or the defeat of naval forces by submarines. If the objective warrants a war, it will most probably warrant its continuation, even if the forces initially engaged on one side or the other were to be defeated. The opposing forces in the battles of the Atlantic in both world wars went through a series of tactical and technical initiatives (convoys were countered by wolf packs, which were countered by aircraft and support groups; submarines attacking on the surface at night were countered by radar, which was countered by radar detection devices, and so on) in spite of devastating losses, until the German nation submitted. In neither war was the submarine threat eliminated until the very end. On 11 November 1918, a U-boat building program of over 200 submarines was well under way and, had Germany not been forced to surrender in May 1945, the production of type XXI and XXIII U-boats would have presented a radically more dangerous threat to Allied shipping than the Type VII and Type IX U-boats which had been mastered in 1943. On the other hand, the Allies were always successful eventually in finding a counter to new initiatives by the U-boat command, and the combined forces of the Allied navies were able to keep open the lines of communication despite each new submarine threat.
► Flexibility. An aggressor can be expected to apply whatever technology and tactics are available. Unless a war ends quickly, there will be time to change tactics and adopt new technology to meet newly-evident needs. Several times during the second Battle of the Atlantic the advantage shifted from the submarine to the antisubmarine forces, and back, following the implementation of a new doctrine or a technical initiative by the losing side.
► Coordination. After extensive analysis the Royal Navy credits World War I U-boats with sinking no more than seven ships from air-escorted convoys. Although aircraft sank no submarines during that war, it was their presence around convoys that kept most U-boats from attacking. In the next war twenty ships were sunk from air-escorted convoys, more than in the first war, but still not many. In both wars the U-boats were devastating to independently routed ships, to ships in weakly escorted convoys, and t0 those unsupported by aircraft. The much publicize hunter-killer operations by escort carrier task groups were successful when they were directed by intelh' gence or surveillance sources from headquarters ashore to a high probability area. Except when nt- tacking unescorted shipping, the U-boats were most successful when operating in coordination with one another and with aircraft under direction of £he U-boat command ashore.
► Preparedness. Even though it had been engage^ against the U-boats in the mid-Atlantic for months before Pearl Harbor, in 1942 the U. S. Navy waS poorly prepared for the U-boat offensive off our own East Coast. There were many reasons for this, not the least of which was lack of any established policy °r any plans for implementation of a policy upon com' mencement of hostilities in American waters. Unless the United States is prepared for the full range 0 potential submarine threats, a brief, concentrated effort might well succeed in achieving the aggressors objective before the defense forces can react effeC' tively. As we have seen, it took nearly twenty yeafS of peacetime development and tactical experimentation before the Type XXI equivalent was considere potentially in hand. During the succeeding fifteetl years, all or nearly all ASW technology has been 4' rected at the nuclear submarine threat, with a resultant reduction in our capability to meet the challen£e of the advanced diesel-electric submarine. Vastly irn' proved, with high capacity, long-endurance bac" teries, the modern diesel-electric submarine cannot be countered with the systems and tactics optimize for the nuclear threat. Reportedly, recent advances 1,1 active sonar have made it effective against diesel electric submarines when used properly.
The Submarine s Vulnerabilities
As a basis for developing antisubmarine require ments and policy, the potential enemy submarine should be examined for its vulnerabilities as well ‘lS for its capabilities. One way to do this is to examine the operational constraints imposed on the potenti* threat by the nature of its probable and possible m|S sions.
At all times, submarines can be considered to n in one of four operational phases, each of which i*11 poses constraints and limitations on a submarine, o knowledge of the effect of these constraints and lm11 tations on the operating characteristics of each tyPe of submarine will provide guidance for both AS^ planners and ASW operators. The first phase inclu4eS
and their
own state of readiness, but they ate not
may be compounded by enemy employment of
| e submarines’ building, and their upkeep, refit, ‘tout, training, and local exercises in their home Port or advanced base area. The local waters are under friendly control and to penetrate them an enemy would need to mount a major strike. The marines are constrained by the nature of the area
°ncerned about enemy action.
The second phase is the transit between the base a and the objective area. Constraints on the sub- mes during this phase include routing, speed, r need to remain covert, requirements to com- de n'Cate wfih the shore or with other forces, and the bme of enemy control of the transit area.
e third phase is the patrol or time spent in the *°n area before beginning the objectives of the the <Trnent- Constraints during this phase include t|^nSU^rnar'nes’ need to remain covert, communica- f Instructions, requirements to get into position the execution of the objectives, and the level of ^ ASW effort.
e fourth phase is the engagement with the y as directed by the operation order. The sub- min'005 °^iect'ves w‘d range from reconnaissance, eva ln&’ delivery of saboteurs or agents, and survivor ation, to attacks on military or mercantile ship- i Constraints in this phase are primarily those "’hi li ^ ctrcumstances of the engagement,
j vjy v-uviuj v.uipiwjnit.111 wi
a<jj. Ic and electromagnetic warfare techniques in
^ ltlon to “normal” ASW efforts. Other restrictions
y arise from the need to communicate for down-
missile guidance or for a coordinated attack.
ter.rnar*ne fire control and weapon system charac-
arij lcs affect their movement, relative positioning,
exposure to hostile sensors and weapons.
U- ■
capability can have any of three possible effects on the production and operation of a potential opponent’s submarine force. The latter may be deterred from planned aggressive action, it may be encouraged to proceed as is, or it may be challenged to develop new capabilities. Whatever, it is important to understand what the effect actually is.
In order to perceive the strength, skill, and purpose of the foe as accurately as possible, intelligence must be collected and analyzed. The full range of the potential enemy’s submarine capabilities to harm one’s own interests must be compared with the constraints upon and vulnerabilities of that threat. This will provide guidance as to the foe’s probable reactions to the ASW capabilities he perceives us to have.
The major ASW role of surface warships is the protection of military and mercantile shipping against the submarine in its fourth, or engagement, phase of operations. Only if surface warships are plentiful are they likely to be ordered to pursue submarines operating in their patrol or transit phases.
So far, hunter-killer tactics have been successful only when the Huk forces are directed to intercept submarines as a result of advance information on their intended movements. Even with such information, the ability of surface ships to cover a patrol or transit area depends upon the ability of their sensors
to operate effectively in that particular environment. With innovative approaches to convoying now gaining attention, long-range active/passive sensors, and relatively high convoy speeds, it is possible to conceive of tactical formations such that submarines | There is no significance to the order of presents' tion of characteristics. Each must be considered by the operational commanders and their staffs during their planning for combat readiness. |
are effectively forced to operate simultaneously in the transit, patrol, and engagement phases while in the vicinity of surface escorts. Such formations would wrest the tactical initiative from the submarines, forcing them to work harder than they otherwise would for tactical information and a good engagement position. Attrition of submarines in strategic straits or passages by surface warships is feasible where the operational environment permits and other systems are not available. The quest for optimum antisubmarine warship design is an old one, and a favorite pastime of professionals and amateurs alike. It has been said that if a program manager wanted advice on the design of a new destroyer, he had but to go to any corridor in the Navy section of the Pentagon and shout his request. At least a dozen ex-destroyer captains would appear instantly, each with an ultimate, and unique, design. Several attempts to produce the ultimate ASW ship have fallen short of approval. Project Seahawk came close to implementation in 1963, but promises of major improvements in sonar, propulsion, and systems coordination from the R & D community influenced funding decisions for more advanced R & D projects and a cancellation of the construction program. Underlying this action was the debate over the roles of surface warships in ASW. Since Seahawk’s demise, the Knox. Spruance. and Oliver Hazard Perry classes have proceeded to production for more specialized roles than were envisioned for Seahawk. Once introduced into the fleet, operational necessity frequently demands shifts in their roles from those originally intended. In such circumstances, these ships’ perceived shortcomings feed the debates over surface techniques, tactics, and requirements. The debates are not to be regretted; they are healthy symptoms of a dedicated service striving to improve its preparedness for combat. The ASW Ship's Characteristics Let us examine the elements of the debate so we can explain the assorted considerations in the various shades of grey required in most combat situations, as well as the blacks and whites of special situations. | Speed In ASW the primary need for speed in a surface warship is to contain a submarine within range of her sensors and her weapons for a long enough time f°f her to sink the submarine. If her sensors and weapons require the ship to be within close range of the submarine, she must have a speed advantage over tbe submarine. However, in most operation^ environments, surface ships’ sensors have a reasonably chance of detecting and tracking a submarine, an weapons can then be delivered by aircraft or rocked If they have the ability to detect the enemy and de" liver a weapon at long range, it is as unreasonable to require all surface antisubmarine warships to attain speeds greater than those of the fastest submarines aS it is to require antiaircraft cruisers to be able t0 steam supersonically. Surface conditions, particularly high sea states, lfl fluence surface ships in ways that fully submerge^ submarines can dodge. Hydrofoils, hydroplanes, an surface effect ships can reduce such unfortunate surface effects significantly, but they do it at a cost in payload, endurance, or ASW system effectiveness. The speeds at which surface warships operate affeCt their ability to detect, classify, and track submarine as well as their vulnerability to attack by the enemy- These are particularly significant when the ships afe in range of enemy air and missile systems. At high speeds, the great amount of energy converted t0 noise is easily tracked by a submarine’s passive sonafj unless oceanographic conditions frustrate souf propagation or the energy is vented into the atm°5' phere. The fast surface ship is a difficult target f°r submarine torpedoes but a relatively easy one f°r missiles. Some cargo ships can sustain higher speeds f°r longer distances than many surface warships. Though it is desirable to cross dangerous ocean areas at highest speeds possible, the primary objective of atl^ crossing is the safe arrival of the cargo at its destm3' tion. The probability of that cargo’s safe arrival maf be increased considerably by reducing the ship* speed to keep her within the protective envelope 0 the escorts’ ASW systems. Yet, the increased exposUr£ to the threat resulting from the lengthened translt time may overcome the advantages of reduced detec tability and the presence of protective systems rived from low speed. Endurance costs speed, and speed costs endurance |
174 |
to 1/'10na^ escorts. The number will vary according e speed advantage while leaping and the area of rage while searching. Again, any increased sus-
1 'bility to detection of the escorts due to highsPeed 1 i-i
legs must be offset by counter detection and
capability when the escorts are in the search
■ e speed of advance for a convoy or naval force $ubU ° ^*e near the upper limit at which the anti- tfarine systems of the escort forces are effective. t ntt tb*s will vary with the environmental condi- ns over a long route, it follows that the transit c 6e should vary accordingly, rather than remain thnSCant Should reliable intelligence indicate that . C IS little ir\7 nf cnhmarines
ittle probability of submarines being present transit area, speed may be increased to rnum. In favorable environments it may be pos- t0 maintain protected lanes within which ship- g can proceed at its maximum speed.
sible to
n°ise has been a major issue in determining ti0[^Ce sh'P requirements in recent years. High selfsimultaneously announces one’s presence and fate S Slrnflar noises from submarines. Surface war- ^ers had become so accustomed to machinery e and active sonar sounds that the old “that’s the
^ 1C is syndrome was hard to break. Additionally, silencing of propulsion systems involves high design, production, and buffering. How-
COsts for
ever, the elimination of noise can mean removing or reducing its cause, which is likely to be an inefficiency in the machinery. The net cost of a quiet ship might be far less than that of a noisy one on a life cycle basis. Since this is a relatively new issue for surface ships, convincing statistics from operational experience in realistic situations have not been developed.
Surface ships have an advantage over equally noisy (or equally quiet) submarines in terms of detection by passive acoustic sensors, for unlike a submarine, a percentage of their self-noise can be vented to the atmosphere and some more may be trapped in nearsurface propagation, depending on oceanographic conditions, at shallower depths than the submarine’s sensors.
Flow noise, caused by the movement of a ship or a towed body through the water, also contributes to
detection and sensor efficiency equations. It can be reduced significantly by improving the shape and smoothness of wetted surfaces. The addition of rubber windows to surface ship sonar domes has improved passive detection greatly.
The coating of a hull with long chain polymers can further reduce flow noise by decreasing friction. How to do this is still under examination. It may soon be practical for increasing efficiencies in liquid piping systems as well as for propulsion.
Special attention to reduction gear and propulsion shaft alignment, shock mounting, shaft alignment of pumps, generators, converters, and other internal systems, and the design, pitch, and cleanliness of propellers are well worth the time and expense they take. The cleaning of underwater surfaces has become much more practical than before now that we have diver-operated cleaning gear. The potential all these provide for winning advantages in combat far outweighs their cost if the alternative is inadequate ASW system effectiveness.
Transient noises produced by systems that work regularly, but at intervals of from several seconds to several minutes, often provide alerting signals and classification clues to a passive listening system and should be minimized. These systems include steering gear and stabilizers. A routine operation on board most warships, paint chipping, can be heard at great distances underwater and the source of the noise is easily recognized as a naval ship. This works both ways: Surface ship systems can hear and identify the noises made by a submarine’s steering, depth control, and periscope systems.
Finally, it is important to remember that a ship’s radiated noise signature is not what its own sensors measure unless those sensors are capable of conducting a complete signature survey.
Perhaps the most heated debate in surface ASW circles in the past ten years has been over the employment of sonar in the active mode. Proponents of
We still don’t know as much about our variable depth sonars' capabilities as we might. Even so, it is clear that under certain circumstances it is the best sonar we have, especially against quiet electric-drive submarines, a type with which the Soviet Navy is well supplied. This is the SQS-35 at the stern of the Francis Hammond (FF 1067). VDS is carried by thirty-five of the 46 Knox class frigates, the eight modernized Forrest Sherman class destroyers, and the research ship Glover (AGFF 1).
active sonar once went so far as to attempt dictating to operational commanders that sonar must be active at all times when at sea. Such a dictatorial policy f°r a radar system would not be accepted by a type commander, but such was the degree of emotion with sonar that the effort was made. The proponents of passive sonar held that active sonar should never be used in a search mode because of its beaconing effect.
There is a time for the use of sonar in each mode and it is the operational commander who must set the doctrine, based on the operational circumstances- To establish adequate doctrine, his staff must understand fully the nature of the threat, the operating characteristics of the available sonars, and the environmental conditions. The following factors apply:
► Active sonar is a beacon, as is any regular erms' sion from a point source of acoustic or electromagnetic energy.
^ Just as in radar search, a submarine or other 1|S' tening platform can detect active sonar emissions at a much greater range under most conditions than the active sonar will receive an echo from the submarine-
► Submarines can make a range estimation from >n" tercepted sonar transmissions.
► Because the sonar is intentionally at higher power- its transmissions will be detected at greater range5 than other noises emitted from a surface ship at t‘,e same frequency.
► Submarines are alerted to the presence of ASxV ships and of the probability of a high value target under escort by the transmission of sonar.
j The detection of a submarine by active sonar is Tu nt’ent upon many factors in a complex equation
ese include sound propagation conditions within
encompassing both the submarine and the ship, the power and frequency of the sonar, the P n and aspect of the submarine and her size and and1^ re^ect*on characteristics, the surface weather sea state, the operating efficiency of the sonar, n rhe capability of the detection and classification
tioPass-e s°nar can detect submarines by a combina- k°n of direct path, convergence zone, and bottom- ^unce propagation at great ranges, depending on noise characteristics of the submarine and the areano§raphic conditions. Potentially, surface ships as effective passive sonar platforms as are submarines.
As with
any other passive system, there are signif-
^ar>r advantages 'to collecting tactical intelligence Jq01 Pass‘ve sonar, not least of which is that one Sq eSp1 c without alerting an enemy that he is doing tha aSSIVe systems provide more classification clues suan active ranging systems; as many clues as a tio tT'aririe s noises provide. Using time, relative mo- det an<^ ray'Path analysis, the range to a passively r ette<^ tar8et can be calculated with sufficient accu- Ca^ that LAMPS or any other available ASW aircraft
e positioned to localize the submarine and attack her.
comaaCy m 1CSS time than passive sonar does, given
contrast, active sonar provides ranges of greater
t, and also provides greater tracking accuracy. terr)VeVer’ ^ecause °h the short ranges of active sys- ' within many environmental conditions, a
speed submarine can break contact by maneu-
® and using decoys or false targets. Despite such ter^rtS’ *n conjunction with aircraft-deployed sys- ’ the surface passive-active combination can i ain contact on an evasive submarine while con-
ptlri8 attacks on her. activCC1UenCy *S 3n *mPortant consideration in both Vjj^c and passive systems. While low frequency pro- fiten ^reater ran8e ‘n active systems, high fre- sjpj cy Provides the greater accuracy and better clas- fr Catl0r>. Because active acoustic weapons use high bandency> passive sensors should cover the high Pp, , S ^or self-defense alert as well as the lower bands
f°r lo
n8-range detection.
Sub •
artl^. marine noises of uniform intensity below the -t background noise can be detected by ad- repet- • sonar processing because of their regular or *tlVe nature and their directionality, compared ca„ i t*le taodomness of the background noise, which atl U: filtered.
Both active and passive sonar systems can be towed effectively by surface ships, with the towing depth and tow length controlled to best advantage for the existing environmental conditions. Towing places the receiving sensors far from the ship, unmasked by the noises of the ship’s wake or structure. Towing and maneuvering problems are minimal.
A towed linear array provides a wide acoustic aperture for the detection of very low frequency sound propagate over long range via convergence and bottom-bounce paths.
Development of a tactical doctrine for variable depth sonar has suffered from lack of operational evidence stemming from restrictions imposed during exercises for reasons of submarine safety. When it was introduced, VDS was so respected that a Com- SubLant assistant chief of staff for operations commented that it was the capability he would least like to see a potential enemy install. Under the strong near-surface layers predominant in many ocean areas during the summer months, it is the only active surface ship sonar with short- to medium-range capability. It augments passive systems and can be used to advantage where there is a threat from quiet electric-drive submarines.
Towed passive sonars, capable of providing information for vectored attack against enemy submarines without warning, not only place considerable mental strain on the crews of those submarines, but they also make more difficult for them the achievement of fire control solutions.
Weapon Systems
The characteristics of ASW weapons are essentially the same no matter what the platform, whether surface, subsurface, or air. Therefore, any assignment of ASW roles to one or another of these based on weapons capability stems primarily from the method of delivery. The submarine is limited to a swimout or rocket-delivered weapon. The first takes a long time to get there when fired at a long range, and the launching noise of the second may alert the target.
The surface ship can vector an aircraft to attack over the full area of her power to detect and localize and can, in a tight spot, employ either swimout or rocket delivered weapons. While submarines can also vector an aircraft attack, they do so at a sacrifice of their operational freedom and their flexibility to maneuver at their optimum tracking depths.
Because she has little chance of delivering a surprise attack at short range, the surface ship should always endeavor to attack at maximum range, thus minimizing the danger of a counterattack. Surface ships can carry a greater number of ASW weapons
than either submarines or aircraft, and they can reload at sea.
Over the years warships have been growing in response to demands for better endurance, sustained speed, weapon suites, habitability, sensors, and command systems: All factors that must be weighed in determining the best size for any new ship. The threshold at which the survival of an escort ship becomes a concern in deciding whether to pursue a threat she was designed to counter is where the size and value of the ship must be cut, and this can only be done before she is built.
The ability to perform at least one important mission is essential to justify a ship’s construction or her continued operation. A multi-mission capability obviously justifies greater size than an ability to perform only one. The ability to replenish at sea is a possible trade-off for reduced endurance or payload. Reduced manning and increased automation will lessen concern over a ship’s survivability. When the survival of the force is its own first priority, its mission objectives are at high risk.
Command and Control
All escort type warships should have sufficient C3 facilities to permit continuity of mission control within a force or escort group should any one ship be lost, damaged, or detached. Specially configured command ships are easily identified and will probably be priority targets. To communicate as seldom as possible, especially before battle, while in combat is not only cost effective, but also an important consideration to survival in an electronic warfare environment.
Oceanography and Tactics
Besides ship characteristics, oceanographic and tactical considerations are the key factors in the determination of roles for surface ships. Many ocean areas present acoustical environments so favorable to submarines that they should be avoided by shipping unless blockades can be established to keep the submarines out. On the other hand, the environment can also be entirely favorable to ASW units. Where the bottom is very irregular, the water is not especially deep, and there is a good deal of biological noise, submarines can fairly easily escape detection. Of course, they are also likely to find it hard to detect the enemy. In deep water where both bottom bounce and convergence zone propagation are possible, detection probability by surface ships rriay increase to nearly 100 percent, especially against large nuclear submarines. The tactical trade-offs commanders must consider are obvious.
Knowledge of the oceanographic environment within which any ASW mission is to be conducted >s essential to its accomplishment. U. S. submarine officers were indoctrinated in the basics of ray pat^ analysis during World War II through the adventures of Sammy Submarine. Sammy was a cartoon character who depicted effectively the reasons for fre' quent dives to make bathythermograph traces anc^ how to employ the information, primarily in avoiding detection. Technology and techniques have advanced considerably to where the submariner of today is confident he can measure, analyze, and use oceanographic information to his advantage in search, detection, tracking, and attack, as well as in evasion' Surface officers require similar expertise to counter a well directed threat. Happily, various schools no" offer them the necessary knowledge.
Depending on the environment, surface ships’ paS' sive sonar systems can detect submarines many mdeS away. Long detection ranges are achievable when multiple convergence-zone propagation is present' Normally, single convergence-zone ranges vary fr0,T1 15 to 35 miles, depending on the area. The convergence zone is an annulus about the sound sourcc where sound waves converge near the surface afte^ normal refraction towards the bottom and reverse refraction upwards. The process may be repeate many times depending on the sound pressure leve and frequency of the source, providing annuli at suC' cessive ranges of about 30, 60, and 90 miles and on to several more zones. It requires very deep water an is dependent on the temperature structure of £he water column. The “wall” of the annulus is thi°’ which results in a narrow tracking zone of abor,t eight to ten percent of the range. The detecting un,r must be alert 'to obtain track solution on a submarine’ early and maneuver to remain at the convergent range while positioning a follow-up system such aS LAMPS. If the detecting ship can maneuver freely may be able to prolong the tracking until the LAMP-4’’ or another aircraft, arrives and gains contact.
Bottom-bounce propagation can occur in an^ depth of water and depends on bottom slope and re flectivity. It can most practically be used where thL bottom-reflected sound wave returns to the surface at a range greater than that of the direct-path propaF3 tion of sound from the source. It may exist with con vergence, providing range determination frorn
An SH-2D Lamps 1 from the cruiser William H. Standley <CG 32) overflies a surfaced Soviet Foxtrot class electric-drive submarine, with an old Gearing class destroyer beyond. When this photo was taken seven years ago, Lamps was a scarce article. That hasn’t changed. In spite of its virtues, there is nothing to suggest that it will become a common item in the future. Without Lamps, U. S. surface ships cannot attack a submerged antagonist more than five miles distant. Those without Asroc cannot do that well.
0fU t'~Path analysis. The existence of bottom-bounce convergence-zone propagation can be predicted high probability from climatology and fWronrnental forecasts.
^ ceanographic conditions may be reasonably sta-
ove Wlt^'n an operating area but certainly will vary
tio f 3 S^'PP*n£ or task group transit route. In addi-
the0 t0 k°ttorn characteristics and thermal structure,
tic j^r°^a^^e biological and current factors (both ver-
^ and horizontal) are important considerations.
a Path analysis is important in the use of both
f e a°d passive systems. The sonic return or echo
active contact with a submarine follows the same ^ .
noi ProPagation paths as do the submarine’s self- de ernissi°ns. There is some directionality to each Su^enc^ng on the range, depth, and aspect of the marine and the specific nature and location of the
E ■ *
pla^nvironrnental data are essential inputs to tactical are”ning and the selection of routes and operating r aS ^ven if there is little or no freedom to select av W'C^ ^avorable ASW factors, the information is f0 at>. e t0 a'^ 'n tbe determination of convoy escort in ITlat'ons and naval force dispositions, or for justify- j ® 3(Jditional supporting elements in those waters st favorable to a safe transit, in , 0rt'range predictions can provide timely warn- reg Probable changes in the environment that may 0DqU,re modification to protective formations or to gating procedures.
teal observations are required for refinement of range predictions and, for maximum tracking ^acy> are always preferable when in contact with
a Submarine
r ’
orrectly programmed, the ray path analyzer and and S^stems are particularly useful to strategic Su tactical planning. Planners who vary the as- env-x submarine and sensor depths along with the tj1ejlr°nrnental variables will be prepared to exercise options to meet the most probable tactics of rriar. aching submarines. On contact with a sub- r& ne’ tbe analyzers are useful in determining her ge’ depth, and probable movements. They are
particularly useful in support of localization with passive sonobuoys.
One of the submarine’s major advantages is her ability to operate at the best search or tracking depth consistent with the environmental conditions. Now, with towed systems the surface warship has gained a similar capability, and without sacrificing her ability to perform her other missions. Moreover, submarines operating deeper than at periscope depth, whether in an ASW or an anti-surface role, are unable to employ EW sensors, whereas the surface warship continually retains the use of all her passive sensors, and always has the option to use her active sensors.
Patrol or Escort? Many operators consider escort to be defensive and dull, and hunter-killer patrol to be aggressive and glamorous. This idea has been voiced ever since U-boats commenced unrestricted warfare on shipping in the first World War. It has always been wrong. The fact is that all antisubmarine operations are dull and exhausting until contact with an enemy is made. Then they become hectic, often brutal, contests of wits and technology. Peacetime exercises, where contacts are forced to provide training and in which nobody gets hurt, produce unrealistic expectations of warfare. Convoying could be termed offensive submarine hunting using cargo ships as bait, but that also would be wrong. The objective of convoying is the safe and timely arrival of the cargoes in the escorted ships. Convoying is an offensive operation directed at achieving a national objective. A percentage of those submarines operating at sea will manage to reach shipping lanes and attack the ships. Shipping requires and deserves all the protection necessary and available to escort it through submarine threat areas with a reasonable expectation of safe arrival. There is no point in sailing ships if they have no chance of delivering their cargoes.
Attrition of submarines before, during, and after attacks on shipping should remain an operational objective but should not be pursued at the cost of the
safe arrival of the cargoes.
Generally, surface warships are not effective in hunter-killer operations unless they can be vectored to a submarine intercept from other sources of information. Unless the submarine’s approximate location and intended movement are known, detection ranges of even as much as two hundred miles are not significant in searching the tens of thousands of square miles available to a fully evasive submarine operating in a large ocean. Quiet submarines that avoid surveillance will seek out or be vectored to their objectives, the high-value shipping. If submarines are known or suspected to be in the area, it is prudent to hunt them down and the best hunting will probably be in the vicinity of that shipping. Mobile surveillance systems such as SURTASS or TAC- TAS in the vicinity of high-value shipping, combined with the localization and destructive capability in LAMPS or other sea-based aircraft, may in effect create hunter-killer forces without the ships leaving their escort positions. If all shipping areas could be covered by submarine detection systems at all times, with no risk of the enemy jamming or masking them, then hunter-killer units conducting area patrols might be relied on to eliminate the threat. But such a capability is not likely to exist in the near future. Therefore, escort of high interest shipping is a prudent tactic. The formation of the escort, which might include submarines as well as aircraft, and its proximity to the protected shipping, should be determined by the characteristics and effectiveness of the opposing sensor and weapon systems.
While the pros and cons of convoying are beyond the scope of this essay, it is sufficient to state that when the threat of submarine action is present, shipping must be escorted in some manner. Normally convoying is interpreted to mean the close escort of formations of ships under tactical control. It is contrasted to independent and unregulated sailings. But between these extremes there is a range of escort and shipping control. The responsible commander will determine the method of escort he will use based on the circumstances, and he certainly will be influenced by the volume of analysis that has been and will have been conducted.
Coordination? The triple threat works both ways. Just as submarines, aircraft, and surface ships attacking together can do great harm to a convoy and its escort, so can similar combinations impose great difficulties upon the enemy’s submarines whenever they are in a position to threaten shipping.
Acoustic and electronic warfare? Acoustic warfare is the underseas equivalent to electronic warfare. It follows no established doctrine. The objective of acoustic warfare is, by confusing the submarine, t0 reduce or eliminate her capability to identify, 1°' calize, and close her intended targets. Acoustic warfare procedures must be coordinated with those of electronic warfare to avoid one procedure from countering the intended effect of the other. Forcing 1 submarine to expose herself to detection by maneuvering, breaking the surface, or employing active sensors, is an objective of acoustic warfare. These things can be done by the use of equipment and techniques such as decoys, signature masking, signature enhancement, and jamming. Surface warship5, supported by aircraft, are best suited for acoustic warfare roles. Maximum quietness on the part of ^ surface ships, including the high-value shipping, lS important. This requires them to eschew those distinctive emissions, whether electronic or acoustic, that identify them as to type or even as to their individual name.
Readiness factors? The operational commander re' sponsible for planning and conducting antisubmarine operations is faced with a major unknown. Whac capabilities do his assigned units actually possess' Systems design specifications set forth performance goals that are validated during independent opera' tional test and evaluation. Post-production calibre tion and performance tests certify systems after installation afloat. Ships then enter an employmenc cycle that may or may not provide measures of the*r ASW effectiveness. The normal rotation of personnel changes team composition, sometimes strengthening, sometimes weakening a ship’s readiness. Open1' tions analysts have determined 50 percent probabil'tf of detection ranges based on fleet exercises, but ho" do those ranges relate to the specific operation?
Type commanders provide readiness category based on prescribed exercises and in a standardize reporting format that may bear little relationship t0 crisis or to the mission to which ships may be u5' signed by their operational commander.
Tactical doctrine has been developed and modify from exercise results and theoretical capabilities, buf there are lingering doubts about what would happetl if the exercises were less constrained.
During periods of extended combat operation5, surviving ASW units will have proven themselves l<] combat or intensive readiness exercises. However, at the beginning of contingency operations or the out break of war, such units may have been on other duties. There have been times when ASW-capable ships were employed in AAW roles and their AS'* capabilities neglected because command performance and professional reputations were judged on factor5 other than ASW. Conversely, many AAW-capa
enemy may add to the natural phenomena at- ng premature attack. Intensive training is the
our ships with few opportunities for extended sonar contact and will make every effort to
within the established operating doctrine, for eas*er to accept a significant improvement in
'Ps were judged on their ASW performance. The ,0 em mainly stems from a shortage of time and an a sence of training facilities.
hi barking on combat operations, it behooves the Perational commander to establish standards and to uct whatever preparations are necessary to de- *ne his force’s readiness to carry out its mission, k a^se contacts? Ships less than fully ready for com- operations will engage a high percentage of false th cts' Acoustic warfare techniques employed by
0r,ly proved solution.
ln£ time? Contrary to popular opinion, coned basic exercises that restrict live submarine
’tnent are not effective measures of combat read- mess A i » • •
tv real enemy’s fast attack submarines will provide r -
^de or break through to attack escorts or shipping. Co^ turrent shift to emphasis on passive systems is ntrihoring to a more realistic appraisal of training
Sys^ actlcal development and evaluation? When a new ls introduced to the fleet, there is a natural Pl0yency °n the part of tactical commanders to emit is
E°rtntnce than it is to explore fully the new capa- VVer^' The SQS 26 sonar and towed array systems yea^e ^eployed into high potential threat areas for takeSf^C^°re °ur tact'cai doctrine was modified to ^ advantage of them.
Pro > e ^eet Tactical Development and Evaluation 'Vas^r'lrn sF>onswre<J by the Chief of Naval Operations tjv ln’tiated to encourage the development of effec- thantaCt*<'S *n 3 ^roac^er ran£e °f tactical applications }^as ^stereotyped doctrine and exercises provided. It ance een successful, overcoming the expected resist- Th ° c^an8e of established schedules and routines. S(Jrp rcsults are supporting expanded roles in ASW for PjCe warships as well as other platforms. key eterrence roles? Perception is the acknowledged CaPab° .^eterrence- It arises from visible, not covert, bjpa ‘lity- Submarines provide excellent covert capa- tjega^’ ^ut their lack of visibility tends to degrade or hU|. I" their potential. Aircraft are highly visible, re(^. eir endurance and limitations in poor weather In e SUr^ace support in many situations.
Cause rnan^ r°les the surface ship is handicapped be- CaP t ^er v's'^'hty. but as a deterrent that handi- threaUrns 'nto an advantage. If addressed as a single- Ceivej ^ro^^ern> an ASW-capable ship might be per- as a sitting duck to air or surface attack. Similarly, ships able only to conduct antiair or antisurface warfare could be perceived as sitting ducks to submarines. These are strong arguments for multipurpose ships.
The objective national interest is controlling when considering the deterrence role. The U. S. Navy is acknowledged to be vastly superior to all potential enemies except the Soviet Union. Though an ASW capability will certainly contribute to deterring Soviet aggression, it will not be the controlling element; there are too many overriding economic and political factors. However, in a wide range of situations involving less powerful nations, surface warships could well be the decisive factor in deterring the initiation of hostilities by submarines.
In waters such as the Mediterranean, surface-towed surveillance systems, backed by aircraft or other surface units, can provide others with a convincing perception of one’s own adequate preparation for any hostile activity. On the other hand, considering the potential of quiet electric-drive submarine initiatives in special situations, active sonars may be required to maintain pressure on the threat.
Active and passive sweeps with high power, low frequency sonars, moving through an area covered by towed arrays or by air-deployed fields of passive sonobuoys, can locate or flush out patrolling submarines. It is true that submarines may evade the active sonar ships, but at the risk of detection by those using passive systems.
If there were no surface warships in the long-range plans for the U. S. Navy, the question of their ASW roles would be as superfluous as it would be if all potentially hostile submarines could be eliminated quickly by other means on the outbreak of hostilities. But the mission to protect sea lines of communication requires surface ships with a flexible suite of sensors, weapons, and command systems for use against many types of submarines. Therefore, it is prudent to provide these ships with a mix of ASW systems that do not constrain their commanders to fixed tactics and will provide the required flexibility to meet their objectives.