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Joh^eCC^ ^aS been a primary goddess in the naval pantheon: n Paul Jones wanted “a fast ship, for 1 mean'to go in harm’s rus^'. We always picture a destroyer with a bone in her teeth,
. 'n^ along at 3 1 knots or more—and we castigate our ship p ‘ 'bners because the new Spruances can make only 30, and the new only about 28. Implicitly, we assume that faster is better, hi U real*y? No-matter what their types, all of the new exotic j sPeed ships” combine high costs with low payload. They are rn^rnec"ate between conventional ships and aircraft. Any judg- r,C °f their value must balance these factors.
0f 0re we go on, we should distinguish between the two types the ^ee<^’ strateRIC and tactical. Classically, the former referred to for ^ v°yage to and from a battle area, the latter to burst per- dis ance ^ur*ng a battle. But it is no longer entirely clear that this the ttlon between speed in a limited battle area and that during COn^PProach to battle is meaningful. The transoceanic passage of a °r or a carrier task force, for example, might be opposed more
continuously for days on end. Some modern ASW scenarios a 1 a&e battles ranging over essentially the whole of the North
vers ante sPeed
ar>tic. Nonetheless, strategic versus tactical speed, or sustained Us burst, characterize effectively the two sides of ship perform- ^ Thus strategic mobility is a compound of sustained cruising bad an<^ endurance; among other things, it takes into account is .Weather performance over long distances. Tactical performance ch SCSt to t^le rate<d performance to be found in lists of warship rr>ariaCter*St'CS: speed, sustained for a short time, and useful for •j,euver relative to other ships during an engagement. be • raise rbe peak speed in a conventional hull, the power must Or n,treased without proportionate increases in machinery weight Sea k Urne- But a ship’s realistic sea speeds are limited more by her Can j ePlng qualities than by her horsepower, so that a great deal tj0ri ePer>d on her hull form. Thus, we see one of the great attrac- a rr)S hydrofoils. Sea keeping in conventional ships is mainly
size c* tbe sb‘P s s'ze> especially her length, compared to the b0Ve° t^le waves she meets; hydrofoils and, to a lesser extent,
and so
Pow. sPee^ has lain with the engine, or more precisely with the
A Harpoon missile, opposite, streaks from its launcher on the frigate Lockwood. Such long-ranged weapons, when combined with long-ranged sensors, “reduce considerably the tactical value of speed. ” But a high sustained speed, such as the LockwoodT 27 knots, has great value. Partly in consequence of these facts, no deep-sea warships of our time can match the speeds destroyers attained 40 years ago, when it was not uncommon to make over 40 knots on trial. However, given a distance to go, the modern ship, with her high sustained speed, would beat her faster, but short-winded predecessors.
1 att' or surface effect craft, can get around this limitation ever r USC more completely a really high-powered engine. How-
’ h)r conventional or displacement hulls the main hope for
____________________________________________ :______________________ • _i__ • l
^ I c"ievable per unit weight and volume. In this sense, the beer)e greatest machinery development since World War II has de tbe 8as turbine, which substantially improves possible power ’ties. That is why the Soviet Navy’s gas turbine Kashins
The Technology of Very High Speed
Conventional hulls, then, are inefficient at vetf
show such sparkling tactical performance. But, because gas turbines are not particularly efficient at anything except high power, a demand for both high peak power and long endurance requires new solutions. Many modern plants are designed to operate with several turbines shut down while cruising, so that in effect, even at cruising speed, those engines on the line are on at full power.
Strategic mobility calls for fuel efficiency, which comes from quite a different technology than that of high speed. Before World War II many naval writers considered large marine diesels the ultimate means of achieving strategic mobility, and in some of its ships, notably the three “pocket battleships,” the German Navy followed that path. The U. S. Navy achieved comparable results with high-performance steam—without which the Pacific War might well have been very different. Of course, neither oil-fired plant can provide the degree of endurance implicit in nuclear fuels.
The current “exotic” ships tend to blur the distinction between short-term tactical performance and strategic mobility, for normally they operate at or near their maximum speed; indeed, many can keep the sea only at high speed. On the other hand, their power requirements at speed are such that their endurance, in terms of time, is low. In effect they benefit from the high power density of some modern forms of machinery, but they are handicapped by the low energy density of their fuels. Thus, in some important ways they will not become fully competitive with conventional ships until some truly power- and energy-dense plant, perhaps a super-compact reactor, is produced.
Current conventional, or displacement, ships move at speeds of no more than about 40 knots, even in a smooth sea; such figures have remained very nearly constant over sixty or seventy years of considerable technical innovation—much of it aimed at improved engine power densities. Future gas turbine technology may make smooth-water speeds of even 50 knots practical; but such speeds will still be unattainable in many commonly-encountered sea states. When the waves become large enough, higher speed will mean a higher rate of slamming, and there is only so much a crew or a ship can take. Moreover, 50 knots would be terribly expensive.
The sea resists a moving displacement ship in two ways: by friction and by the ship’s wave making; for a very fast ship, the latter is by far the more important. Frictional resistance is proportional to the ship’s underwater hull area; wave making depends on the ratio of speed to the square root of the ship’s length (speed-length ratio), so that it is easier to move a long ship than a short one of equal displacement- When a ship’s speed increases, her wave-making re' sistance rises much more rapidly than does her blC' tional resistance; here “high speed” means “high speed-length ratio.” It follows that larger ships require substantially fewer horsepower per ton to drive them at a given speed than smaller ones: in some sense, they are running at a lower speed with respect to their size. For example, a Gearing class destroyer (about 3,500 tons full load) and the carrier Midway (about 55,000 tons) made similar speeds (about 33 knots) on respectively, 60,000 and 212,00^ horsepower—the small ship required about ^ horsepower per ton, the large one, 3-8. Their speed' length ratios were, respectively, about 1.7 and l-l- These figures scale up to give some idea of what very high speeds might entail. A 50-knot ship with the Gearing speed-length ratio would have to be nearly 900 feet long. If such a ship displaced 50,000 tons, she would require 850,000 SHP to drive her. ln fact, it is difficult to imagine just how such immense power might be applied, for current propellers cannot transmit much more than about 70,000 horsepower per shaft. To go at 50 knots with a Midway speed-length ratio would require a ship longer than
2,0 feet. On the other hand, a 500-foot, 50-knot ship would have a speed-length ratio of over 2-2- characteristic of some of the early destroyers (e-£-’ 180 feet, 30 knots, 22 horsepower or more to the ton). Then a 500-foot, 8,000-ton ship might well require over 175,000 horsepower. Such a figure 15 barely within the reach of modern technology- ^ way of comparison, the Spruance, at about 8,000 tons, requires 80,000 horsepower to make 30 knot5
Even in so roomy a ship, doubling her power wou leave little space for either payload or endurance. [1] [2]
t- f’Port> akin to that employed by airplanes, effec- tras ^ ^m'ts rbe s*ze ob such high-speed craft. In con- theSt ^ S'ZC tonvent*ona^ ships is limited only by r . strength of their structure—by their ability to S^st tbe power of the sea.
0 ^ar we have been discussing surface ships. Sub- ^ fines are different. Potentially, the submarine is a r -sPeed craft because it travels far below the inter, sea and air and thus makes no waves. It folSu^ inat, on the same power and displacement, ^ arines can make substantially better speeds than cla SUr^ace ships. Reportedly, the new Los Angeles sj SS submarines (6,900 tons submerged) are de- fned to exceed 30 knots on half a destroyer power t0*nt’ that is, on about 30,000 SHP, or 4 SHP per it i C^e Spr"ance requires about 10. In theory, then, Suit0Uld be easy to make submarines that will go 'v«rk ^St ^urtber imProvement might come from ^ 0n skin friction, as well as from attempts at are ComPact power sources; in fact several navies rtlarPUrsuing both possibilities. For example, sub. e resistance might be reduced very sharply by ^ln)ection of chemicals at the hull’s surface. chat 9uestion in submarine hull design, as in k 1 ob airplanes, is the onset of a turbulent boundary tj0 ’ ln effect, a region of greatly increased skin fric- fe because submarine frictional resistance is af- f0 e by rhe hull’s shape, a better shape can make the Srnootb d°w °f water over a larger fraction of fan jUr^ace tban can an inferior shape. On the other re .’ bub form determines just how much surface is ■p'red ro cover a given displacement.
0 some extent proponents of the small water sulj11’ cwin-hull (SWATH) craft try to couple low s ari"e resistance to surface-ship capabilities. The j0j ^ consists of two parallel torpedo-like hulls to a catamaran-type deck by streamlined (low jt ■ r P^ane area) struts. The advantages claimed for °C ude excellent stability. However, just as a fully
Ships with “sparkling tactical performance, ” the Soviet Union’s Kashin class destroyers, built about fifteen years ago, are powered by gas turbine engines which reportedly can drive them at 35 knots. A few years ago this ship and several others of the class were modernized and now carry four surface-to-surface missiles abreast the after funnels, as well as a small helicopter platform.
submerged submarine gains no buoyancy from going deeper (deeper "draft”)—it operates underwater neutrally buoyant, and must be subject to strict weight control—a SWATH, too, is operable only between very narrow weight limits. Unlike a conventional ship, it gains very little extra buoyancy—that is, it can carry little more weight—at deeper draft.
Sometimes single hull variants (“semi-submerged ships ) are proposed. For their displacement, their resistance is low, and because most of the "ship” is well below the waves, their sea keeping is good, but still they cannot accept large variations in weight.
This sensitivity to weight changes will affect both operational practice, making it difficult to carry overloads of fuel or ammunition not contemplated in the original design, and the possibility of major alterations once the ship is in service. Moreover, the delicacy of buoyancy carries over to a delicacy in trim, which is far more difficult to control. These problems are familiar to submariners.
Most proponents of high speed would prefer something which responds to changes in weight more closely to the way conventional surface ships do. To do this, radical changes in hull form are required. Five types have been tried: Hydroplanes, hydrofoils, hovercraft, surface effect craft, and WIG craft. All have in common an attempt to cut resistance drastically by avoiding wave making, or at least by eliminating wave making beyond some fixed speed.
water produces far more lift than a similar wing in air because of the far greater density of the water; and the supports connecting wing and body can be made slender enough to present almost no wave-making water plane. Moreover, because the wings (or foils) can be deeply immersed, a hydrofoil can operate at high speed even in fairly rough water. For example the Boeing Jetfoil is expected to maintain 45 knots in 12-foot waves. Surface conditions are important to a hydrofoil only as she accelerates to take off, or else as the waves become so big that water at foil depth is affected.
In effect, then, the hydrofoil is an airplane with icS wings in one medium and its body in another. As long as it moves fast enough, its wings can keep it in the air. However, once again there are problems analogous to those of aircraft. Unlike a ship, a hydr°' foil gains no extra lift as it is forced deeper into the water: the only way it can support more weight is hy moving faster or by changing the foil’s trim. Either solution suggests that the craft must operate with111 rigid weight, speed, and trim limits, just like nfl airplane. On the other hand, a hydrofoil can have excellent sea-keeping characteristics—as long as lC
Wave making is a phenomenon of the boundary between air and water, or the effective water plane which the ship presents. If you reduce the water plane area, you reduce the resistance which causes waves to form. Because they have no water planes, submerged submarines make no waves. Likewise, airplanes experience almost no wave-making resistance. On the other hand, the lift force which keeps them airborne has associated with it a drag, so that for airplanes (and all other craft supported dynamically) resistance consists of frictional plus drag (“dynamic”) components. The submarine is alone in experiencing nothing but friction.
The hydroplane, which dates from well before World War I, was the first exotic high speed hull form. It is common among fast pleasure craft and speedboats, and can still be seen in great numbers among the light craft of the world’s navies. At high speed a hydroplane forms a wave on top of which it rides, so that the main resistance it experiences arises from the friction of the small area in contact with the water, plus the drag force associated with the lift which raises most of the hull out of the water. For many years hydroplaning was the only way a small boat could be made to run at very high speed.
There are, of course, disadvantages. The hydroplane hull acts conventionally until it reaches a high takeoff speed, which means that considerable takeoff power is required; in fact, once they have achieved takeoff, many hydroplanes can maintain their speed on reduced engine power. Even then, the dynamics of planing are delicate: much like an airplane, the hydroplane must operate within narrow weight and trim limits.
Nor can a hydroplane withstand rough seas. She tends to plane off one wave and then crash into the next, subjecting crew, hull, and equipment to severe pounding even in a moderate sea. By way of contrast, a conventional hull drives through waves. Just as the hydroplane, its speed is limited in rough weather by pounding (that is, by the frequency at which it encounters large waves), and there is a point beyond which power goes into throwing water over the bow rather than into forward motion. In smooth water, on the other hand, even a conventional hull tries to hydroplane at very high speed. The question is the extent to which the hull is optimized for planing; planing is easiest with a broad, flat bottom and a decided trim by the stern. These characteristics are far from ideal for operation in rough water.
At speed, the hydroplane derives most of its support from dynamic forces, just as does an airplane. It follows that a ship can be supported by airplane-style wings: a hydrofoil. In theory a wing immersed in
remains foil-borne.
Both hydroplanes and hydrofoils suffer from the fact that they are very difficult to scale up in size' Hydroplanes are limited to PT boat size, or about 5 tons, and hydrofoils, so far, to about 300 tons. (A5 the hull grows, it becomes more difficult to achievC planing than air-borne takeoff; thus the difference 1(1 achievable size.) At high size each relies on the 1* generated by an area of either hull or foil, an are*’ proportional to the square of hull dimension5. Weight, however, is proportional to the cube of hn dimensions, so that beyond a point the lift area re quired grows far too rapidly. Moreover, drag is Pr° portional to lift; at large displacements a hydrofoil 15 far less efficient than a conventional hull.
Both hydroplanes and hydrofoils manage to reach point of reduced resistance only beyond some critic* speed. Moreover, hydrofoils retain their sea-keepjflj’ qualities only when foil-borne, that is, only at hi? speeds. It is useful, then, to characterize both hydr° planes and hydrofoils by that range of speeds with'11 which they are efficient, or their “performa*lC<' envelopes.” Similar measures are often applied to a'f craft.
In contrast, conventional ships have wide perfof111 ance envelopes, and they are also fairly insensitive large variations in trim and displacement. It is coh1^ mon, for example, to find large surface warship which run nearly as fast and as far at full as at h? load, which might be over a 25 percent variation
unit area) a hollow forms under it. In this sense
^placement. The same is not likely to be true of a hydrofoil.
fan^ eSc^ew‘n£ direct dynamic lift in favor of a 'generated air cushion, hovercraft obtain a far or h* ^er^orrnance envelope than either hydroplanes eve ^dr°^°^s' Indeed, they can stay on their cushion if h at SPee<^ zero- Such an arrangement is practical e air cushion can be maintained without much Wer expenditure. The lift engines can be quite for* °r’ alternatively> che main engines can be used r the initial lift and then switched over largely to
lo\v U S1°n as t^le Pressure Per square foot is
mak' ^overcraft experiences very little wave- ^ ln8 resistance; but as the craft becomes heavier
larVercrafr hall victim to a cube-square dilemma simile t0 rhat experienced by hydrofoils; but most erfraht grow in. a plane rather than vertically, so m fact their weight growth remains roughly 1 rt*onal to the cushion area. Moreover, even hrnit ^OVercrahr involve low air pressures, so that the am i m SI2C ^as ky no means been reached. For ex- Ou C’ r^e ^ov'et Union has some 220-ton amphibi- cou Warfare hovercraft. The U. S. Navy, with only a
3 On e tonners, was planning to build one of
■ >UOO tons.
their-[3]- ^overcraht employ flexible skirts to contain he' >i,air cushi°ns. The skirt raises the effective hover ski V ah°wing the craft to ride over obstacles. A gr e hovercraft can ride with its hull six feet above esc <a’ ^eav‘ng the same six-inch clearance for air the C^at a n°n-skirted hovercraft six inches over fjn(|SUr^ace might enjoy. A non-skirted craft would esc U.nearly impossible to balance the rate of air of ^e.lrnphcit in a six-foot altitude. By using a pair rig*d hull-like side walls which penetrate the
water, a purely seagoing hovercraft can achieve an even lower rate of leakage. In this way air leakage can be made quite small, and fans of no great power can support very large ships. In addition, when the craft is at high speed, its body acts as a wing, generating aerodynamic lift so that nearly all the power can be devoted to forward motion. The current surface effect ships use this configuration.
The rigid side wall makes excellent sense as long as sea-only operation is envisaged. However, one of the great advantages of flexible-skirt hovercraft is that they are inherently amphibious. Hovercraft missile attack boats, for example, can use entirely undeveloped beaches as bases; and despite some problems with sand ingestion, hovercraft are almost ideal amphibious assault craft. In the latter case speed is useful, but independence of the water is essential. Moreover, such a vehicle has high overland mobility, at least over fairly flat ground. It is not surprising that both the United States and the Soviet navies have shown great interest in such landing craft; but it is important to recognize that ultra high speed has not been the primary motive.
Because of their very shallow draft and their ability to move over land, the British used hover patrol craft in Malaysia (though when we employed them in the Mekong Delta where the river banks often were high, they were not successful). Several navies have expressed interest in using hovercraft for mine countermeasures. Here it is a matter of gaining a small pressure signature, hence low vulnerability to pressure mines, rather than speed, which is the primary motive.
These considerations are worth citing because in their absence it might be supposed that large purchases of hovercraft were entirely endorsements of the inherent value of very high speed warships.
The air pressure inside a hovercraft cushion is quite comparable to the wing loading of an airplane, which suggested to some designers that similar results might be achieved by a very low flying, very slow airplane. In fact aviators have long known that airplanes achieve much enhanced lift when flying ex-
rapidly both in order to survive hostile shellfire an to circumvent the target’s evasive maneuvering- Be fore World War II, a 10- to 15-knot margin over the target battleships was considered a bare minimum-
Thus the destroyer derived two values from her high speed. One was a reduction in her time of exp0' sure to counterattack, and the other was a reducti0(1 in the range at which she had to fire—which mat' tered because every second of additional torpedo run ning time was another second for her target to evade- The first of these advantages can still be seen, perhaps, as a reduced transit time through a danger zone. However, the size of a modern danger zone, such as that off the Soviet Murman Coast, is such that high speed is useful only if it can be maintaine for many hours or even days. The old destroyers, de signed to overload their boilers for minutes, wouldn f manage very well under modern conditions. And- with a fast homing weapon, the second advantage may have become largely unnecessary.
For a fleet as a whole, high sustained speed ha the advantage of forcing an enemy to try for very much higher tactical speed in order to carry out an attack. For example, although it was quite practica
to design 35-knot destroyers to attack the 20-kn°^
tremely close to the surface (ground effect); and the new WIG (wing-in-ground [effect]) devices use this phenomenon to achieve a sea-skimming effect. Compared to boats or ships, they can achieve very high speeds, but they require a high take-off speed.
What is unique about a WIG device is that it can operate in three distinct performance envelopes. At low speeds it is a boat. Beyond take-off speed, in the ground-effect regime, it is a surface skimmer capable of carrying substantial payloads at high surface speeds. However, an efficient WIG also can be designed to operate as an airplane, albeit an inefficient one.
What differentiates a WIG device from a conventional seaplane is the degree to which it is optimized for operation at low aircraft speed, near the sea surface.
Tactical Speed
Those who advocate “high performance” warships almost always think in terms of high tactical performance, that is, high speeds for short periods of time. Mostly, they acknowledge, the high-performance ship will steam at modest speeds and will likely do so quite economically. That is necessary if their strategic performance is to be satisfactory. However, as we have observed, some of the advanced “vehicles” just discussed are almost incapable of efficient operation at anything but high speeds. In consequence, their tactical and strategic performance levels merge.
Historically, very high tactical speed has always been valuable because it permitted ships to close to deliver their relatively short-ranged weapons, or else to escape the short-range weapons of an enemy. There is a zone around a ship in which her weapons are effective; the value of high speed in combat is directly related to the size of that zone. If the zone is large enough (if, as we shall see, the weapons can be guided or can guide themselves at great enough range), what the ship herself does tends to matter less and less, because any maneuvering she carries out during an engagement moves her very little with respect to missile range.
Classical destroyers illustrate this point nicely. They were designed to attack battleships with torpedoes during a fleet engagement, as U. S. destroyers did so successfully at Surigao Strait in October 1944. Although the torpedo had a great nominal range, in fact it had to be delivered from no more than a few thousand yards. That in turn meant that the destroyer had to close her target, and had to do it
battle lines of World War I, it was far less practiC' to go to 45 knots to overcome the 30-knot fleets 0 World War II. This same consideration is why hign speed has always been considered an important de ment of big-ship immunity to submarine attack pre-nuclear submarines were so slow that they cou not hope to close even a 20- or 25-knot fleet, at leaSt if they were submerged. Even a 30-knot nuclei submarine might find it hard to close a 30-knot car rier. ,
The vital caveat here is that the immunity depen on the short range of the submarine’s weapon. Givefl a 150-mile Shaddock, even a 15-knot submarine has a reasonable chance against a carrier of twice kef speed.
Submarine- attack proved to be very different frolfl destroyer attack in an important way: it could com6’ at any time, so that in this respect the battle nfe‘ became identical to the whole area in which the fleet cruised. Because detection techniques were prin11 tive, it had to be assumed that enemy submarine’5 might be seeded randomly through the fleet’s op°rilt ing area, and antisubmarine watch had to be cofIj tinuous. In contrast, it could reasonably be assume that a surface action would begin only after scoUc had provided some considerable warning.
In this sense the submarine began the steady e(C^ sion of the clear boundary between tactical 3,1 strategic fleet operations.
The 7,800-ton destroyer Spruance (DD 963) and the 6,900-ton submarine Baton Rouge (SSN 689) on their trials. Reportedly both ships have speeds of about 30 knots. But the submarine, one of the Los Angeles class, can manage that with about half the horsepower the surface ship needs. Even though the Spruance is driven by gas turbines, the U.S. Navy made no effort in her design to match the speed of the Soviet Navy’s older and much smaller Kashin class destroyers.
Pe u er aPphcations °P high burst speed also desPeed °n t^*e s^ort range [he weapons. High onl • ^erm*ts an assailant to escape after his attack Piad ZOne through which his escape must be
tjj ls relatively shallow. For many years escape was Wat^10131'7 va^ue attached to high sustained under-
speed in submarines. This was because, even hj ^ early sonars, a submarine approaching at
speed would announce her presence through the
e she generated. But those sonars were unlikely t , ect a slowly-moving submarine before she at- ence Once the submarine had announced her pres- c°^tht°ugh the explosion of her torpedoes, they
Sain and hold a contact. Better yet, a Marine r , ... ’ ,
Se e 0n the surface made very little noise and pre- ^ar^ °n*y 3 sma^ silhouette. Many U. S. World Japa ^ suhmarine commanders liked to approach dev |leSe conv°ys on the surface, since they could then their <>y> enou^^ sPeed—about 20 knots—to close radar tarPetS' Phe Japanese had no surface search of ar,d such radar was a vital factor in the Battle CQr^ e Atlantic precisely because German U-boat 0n ganders also liked to make their night attacks rnjtt(. ^ surfaee. A burst of speed after the attack per- the q chem to escape. The revolutionary aspect of tain f.^.rman Type XXI U-boat was its ability to sus- Was ' teen knots underwater after an attack, which iog ,en°ugh to outrun most surface ASW ships operat- suk r°ugh water. Such a burst of speed ensured the S surv'vaI because the ASW weapons suf- r°tn both a short range and a relatively low kill
* 4
probability per attack. To gain worthwhile results, an ASW ship had to stay with her quarry, attacking repeatedly. Without more speed than the U-boat, she couldn’t do this.
The PT boats presented somewhat similar problems, except that in their case what had to be avoided before the attack was the sound of engines running at high speed. In retreat, the PT boat depended on her speed and her invisibility; in fact, effort went into the elimination of the phosphorescent wake which might give away her course.
Both the creeping underwater approach of the submarine and the idling of the waiting PT boat have lost much of their value in the face of effective search radar and efficient sonar; and a 3 5-knot PT boat can no longer retreat into invisibility nearly so easily as her predecessors could. Even so, today many navies operate fast missile or torpedo boats. They are intended to lie in wait in sheltered anchorages or near
the shore, obscured from radar or visual detection. High speed is then important in attack as well as in retirement, for it minimizes the exposure of the attack boat to counterattack. This example is partly analogous to the destroyer case, when speed was in part a matter of reducing the duration of exposure to enemy attack. However, for the modern attack boat, high speed also buys a quick reaction against a time-urgent target. The boat need not remain on station, exposed to attack. Of course, as in the English Channel in World War II, high speed might allow such a boat to spend more of her time loitering on station and so allow for economies in the number of boats, and crews. The crucial factor is the range to which the boat must close before firing. Although the fast attack boat might spend far more of her life at high speed than did the destroyer, she is still designed only for short periods of high speed; she simply avoids sea conditions in which her burst speed cannot be maintained; and she operates at high speed
for only a short period at a time. Indeed, even attack boats in which speed is used partly to reac loiter areas spend most of their lives at cruisin? speed.
Recent Soviet coastal ASW practice shows anothef application of very high, short-term speed. The Soviets consider it vital to prevent alien ship5’ whether surface or submerged, from operating their coastal waters. This demands very quick tran sits by submarine craft from base to target area- not least because of the fleeting nature of submarine contacts: there is no Soviet SOSUS. Thus Soviet int£f est in hydrofoil “subchasers” and, most recently, WIG devices. Such craft do not carry out Western style ASW operations. Rather, like fast surface attaC boats, they wait in port for the word that a su marine'has b.een discovered. Then they fly out, thelf high speed minimizing the post-detection uncer tainty which would arise from the submarine’s &0 tion. In principle, the higher the speed, the less ^ need for elaborate search sonar once the point of c°n tact is reached. Of course, the trade-off betweel1 transit speed and sonar requirement depends to so&e extent on the acquisition range of the ASW weapon5
Proceedings / Naval Review 1
As for submarines themselves, high speed retai ^ its tactical usefulness, mainly as a means of manen vering relative to fast targets, for it is very difficlj^ to close a 20-knot task group in a 10-knot su marine. In addition, just as with the old destroyefj’ high speed can limit the time the submarine sp£n
tjj -^e depth charge and hedgehog had to be sent on
the f Way °n C^e basis of information available before tyas rnornent of launch; what happened afterwards fasted COntes,: between designers working towards fhe r S‘nkln« weapons (i.e., a shorter dead time) and Innianeuverability of the target.
We aCt> ranSe> rhe speed of the weapon, and what For"" Ca^ terminal guidance are all closely related. becaan Utl8uided weapon, “dead time” is a bit more, t0 tk Se °f delays in passing the fire control solution
imposed t0 atta^k, especially when her adversaries are 1 nil ted in speed by sonar conditions, fac °WCVer ’ suc^ sPeed loses much of its value in the I°ng-range weapons such as Ikara, which has a * about ten miles and can be guided in flight, t^e?r tkat matter aircraft, which can greatly extend etnal area around an ASW platform. Moreover, at Wlth current technology, very high submarine s imply relatively easy detection of the sub- ^•ne by passive sonars.
e corrimon feature of all of the examples from anc ^aSt *S s^ort ranSe and lack °f terminal guid- thg6 t^*e weaPons involved. Even at the peak of thClr ^eve^°Prnent> naval guns could not fire more a an a^out twenty miles. Their effective range Caus St maneuvering targets was far less, be-
Use^e delays inherent in the fire control techniques re . ln effect, because of the impossibility of cor- the a*m a^ter t^le moment of firing. The length of
have ^CaC^ t*me between launch and impact could je 'important consequences. Thus the remarkable str^C tame tke seven U- S. destroyers and defire yer escorts survived under Japanese capital ship in 'u t^C ^att^e °ff Samar in October 1944: by chase splashes of each salvo, the small ships could *ng b C^C correct'ons Japanese gunners were mak- c°ulde °re t*ie next sa'v0- effect the latter
fan ^*aVe keen certain of hitting only at very short sur e ’n consequence, four of the seven ships
pejQ1Ve^- Similarly, although by 1941 some, tor- g es kad ranges as great as 20 miles, obtaining a lau Percentage of hits in battle required the torpedo er t0 close; otherwise the target would have te. .t0 evade a weapon whose course had to be de- ^J*ned before it was launched.
e ASW problem was analogous. Weapons such
becau UtlSu*ded weapon, “dead time” is a bit more,
(or ^ WeaPon °r launcher. While the weapon flies dep rbe target maneuvers. The chance of a hit
bow S °n kow rbe target has to maneuver, on radi V'0lently ‘c can maneuver, and on the lethal cojj^ °f the weapon. For example, in World War II tirne^k100^ sbebs hit less than five percent of the nUci ’ Ut nowadays, no matter how badly aimed, a ar shell fired at a range of 20,000 yards would rarely miss. As ranges grow, so does the “dead time” and consequently the value to the target of being able to take evasive action and hence of high burst speed. Indeed, a fast target could use her burst speed simply to open the range and thus to improve her odds. If the attacker were the faster ship, she could use her burst speed to close the range.
Aircraft, which came into their own at sea during World War II, added something new: terminal guidance. In effect, an airplane was (and is) a missile able to overcome its “dead time” by intelligently seeking its target even many hours after launch. Of course, airplanes had other important virtues, but perhaps the greatest was that they eliminated much of the need for burst speed on the part of their launch platforms. In this sense the carrier is the prototype of all modern missile-armed warships, in which burst speed is of limited value for offensive purposes.
Still, burst speed was quite valuable during the Second World War as a defensive mechanism, even against air attack; but that was because the airplanes themselves attacked with bombs and unguided torpedoes, weapons incorporating substantial dead time. Once the air-launched weapons were provided guidance, ship speed and maneuverability lost a lot of their value—although, of course, guidance systems were not, and are not, by any means infallible, and in some circumstances a maneuvering target can still fool a guided bomb. However, it is fair to say that the development of self-guided aircraft weapons, opening in 1943 with the German FX 1400 bomb which sank the Italian battleship Roma, completes an evolution away from short-range, dead-time weapons. The great postwar development has been the extension of such long-range devices to platforms far simpler than aircraft carriers. Modern surface-to- surface missiles, then, reduce considerably the tactical value of speed, at least for the range of speeds attainable by conventional ships.
By themselves long-range weapons lack this effect; it is only when they are combined with long-range sensors that the effect comes into play. To some extent the evolution of carrier aircraft concealed the significance of the sensors, since the aircraft combined both sensor and weapon functions. Unlike other long-range weapons, which are wasted if they find no targets at the end of their runs, aircraft which do not find targets can be recovered and launched again.
The evolution towards a world of long-range weapons and sensors has been proceeding in stages, and it is vital to recognize that it is by no means complete. For example, though with their radar or plain eyesight PT boats could sense targets at 20,000 yards, they had to close to within about 500 or
1.0 yards to be reasonably sure of making hits with their unguided torpedoes. Now effective guidance makes it practical for their successors to fire from a range set by their onboard sensors, or about
20.0 yards. That is why many missiles designed for use by fast attack craft have ranges of that order. And, of course, it is easier to close to 20,000 yards than to 1,000. When external sensors can be used, ranges can be pushed far higher. Thus, the Soviets have long practiced integrated and centrally controlled coast defense operations, in which misile boats get their directions from a commander ashore. In such an environment, 200-mile weapons ashore (Shaddock) and 70-mile types afloat (SS-N-9 on the Nanuchka) become useful, and the concept of closing to weapon range becomes far less meaningful than formerly.
Moreover, long-range guided weapons do not in themselves eliminate all “dead time.” They just shift it from the assailant to the victim. That is, in the absence of automatic missile detection devices in the targeted vessel, the long range of an attack boat’s missile may, to some extent, restore the element of surprise found in classical PT boat operations. It certainly did in the instance of the Israeli destroyer Eilat when she was attacked by Egyptian Styx missiles. In such cases, the “dead time” is the time it takes the target to recognize she is under attack and to react to it. However, it appears that the emergence of great numbers of small missile attack boats will force navies to invest heavily in just those sensors required to increase their warning time or, indeed, to neutralize fast attack boats before they can close to fire. Reportedly, U. S. formations have been surprised by West German torpedo boats in exercises in the North Sea and, in the Pacific, the hydrofoil missile boat Pegasus surprised a formation far from any land. So, the time to mount the necessary sensors appears to be at hand. The important point is that larger combatants can generally carry better sensors (e.g., sonars, LAMPS) and longer-range weapons than smaller ones can. Tactical speed itself will again be a declining asset in such circumstances. This likely trend is an important consideration if we are to assess properly the worth of future large SES programs.
The evolution of ASW makes clear the connection between weapon range and sensor range. Wartime ASW weapons were designed with short sonar ranges in mind; thus the 100-yard hedgehog worked in conjunction with a 1,000-yard sensor. The gap in range was important because of the time required to set up an attack and to follow up if the attack proved unsuccessful. By 1945 somewhat better sonar ranges
were in prospect. However, submarines had gotten substantially faster (the Type XXI, just becoming °P erational as the war ended), so that more could hap pen between sonar input and weapon arrival; and ** became necessary to interpose an elaborate computer between the sonar and the weapon. Moreover, £^e new weapon had to allow for considerable variation in attack range as a result of the submarine’s maneu
vers. j
Surface ship maneuver was constrained by the nee to maintain a simple fire control solution. These c°n siderations produced Weapon Alfa, an 800-yar fast-sinking depth charge. At this time the techno ogy for a much longer range device existed, and *® fact a cruise missile to carry a homing torpedo, cam the Kingfisher, was designed and tested. Regret tably, it had to be cancelled because no sensor wlt compatible range existed. During the early much longer range, low frequency sonars (SQS-4, an then the 23 and 26) became practical, and at onte long-range ASW weapons were produced: Rat, thea Asroc and Subroc (the last for submarines low-frequency sonar). In each case the first stage 0 the weapon was ballistic, and the operator could n°c correct his aim once the missile was enroute. T"1’ solutions were employed in these weapons: term**1 ^ homing (a homing torpedo, as in Rat or Asroc) an so great a lethal radius as to correct for aiming erf (nuclear warheads, as in some Asroc and all Subro* _ Another solution to the ASW dead time problem mid-course guidance, as in the wire-guided torP jn and the helicopter-borne homing torpedo (Dash)- each case weapon capabilities reduce the demand mobility on the part of the launching platform- In fact some sonars, such as SQS-26, have detect*® ranges substantially better than the ranges of * weapons with which they are associated. In the ear sixties high surface ship speed was embraced aS f means of ensuring conversion of long-range son contacts into sinkings, and a new ASW destroy project, called Seahawk, was designed to dash to'var the enemy at 40 knots, using the new gas turbi*1^ Seahawk was dropped partly in view of the success ship-borne helicopters which could themselves da out to a submarine contact and drop a torpedo of* though a great deal of time elapsed between the mise of Seahawk and the arrival of LAMPS. 1° event, Seahawk probably would have died from failure of the heavy sonar which was to have P mitted it to maintain contact even at high speed- Meanwhile work proceeded on short-rang^ light-weight homing torpedoes which initially conceived of as successors to the depth charge- ^ though thev were homing weapons, their acquis**1
•0 tarSet- However, Asroc and the torpedo- e helicopters largely eliminate this require-
at medium ranges.
bef()e Was short: they had to come close to the target arrntcl could be launched. Hence a torpedo, S^'P still required high tactical speed to close
, u----------- a i.i i
ftent t0 any case an ASW ship proceeding at high speed W,e ^r°Secute a distant contact with short-range noise)"115 ^ost sonar capability (due to her self- Whfch an<^ ^aVe away ^er presence to the submarine, tango C°U^ s^oot hirst with her own rather longer- be L ^eaP°n. In effect, very high burst speed would anoth ’U rna‘nly to allow one ship to prosecute ASty er S ^'stant sonar contact, and for some time c^c?arl attac^cs were conducted in this way. However, the r, n WaS s'mpler, at least conceptually, to have cone 0secut‘on done by a weapon embarked on the ^tlng ^ip.
enced ULa^’ t*1‘s weaPon and sensor evolution influ- teactedthe des'8n ofASW ships. In 1945 the Navy XXi k t0 r^e existence of fast submarines, the Type its nev^ re9u‘ting considerable increases in speed in "^b-K'|SU^aCe escorts: about 35 knots in a new 1 ler (which became DL-1, the Norfolk) and
An amphibious ready group off the coast of Vietnam twelve years ago. These three ships, the I wo Jima (LPH 2), Thomaston (LSD 28), and Vancouver (LPD 2), have nominal speeds of 20 knots or more—much better than their World War 11 predecessors hut, in today’s circumstances, probably not good enough. It is in the successors to these ships that very high sustained speed may prove to be most valuable to the Navy.
30 knots in a new destroyer escort, compared to between 21 and 24 knots in the war-built DEs. The old coastal escorts were to be substantially upgraded as well, from the 16 or 20 knots of wartime PC and PCE designs. In fact, the new DE was not even built; the Fletcher class DDE conversions were regarded as an interim substitute; and the new PC became the Dealey class (which was later upgraded to a DE designation). All of these ships were armed primarily with the 800-yard Weapon Alfa. Through the late forties and early fifties they began to receive the first generation of ship-launched ASW homing torpedoes, which could make up in large part for low escort speed; and over a quarter century Asroc and LAMPS completed the process. Thus, the major speed consideration in such current ocean escorts as the Knox class is the ability, not to outrun fast submarines in rough water, but to keep up with those ships they are intended to escort. Moreover, as escorts have grown in size, the material sacrifices involved in maintaining 28 or 30 knots have diminished.
All of this would appear to leave one aspect of escort burst speed out of consideration. An escort requires a considerable speed margin over her charges if she is to be able to carry out any detached missions and then return to the main body. Such missions might include, for a convoy escort, covering a straggler, rescuing survivors from a sunken ship, or prosecuting a relatively distant submarine contact made by SOSUS or by a patrolling airplane. Unfortunately, high burst speed is extremely expensive, and the longer the weapon range in the escorts, the less the chance of missing a submarine through the escort commander’s unwillingness to detach a ship. This does not solve the problems just mentioned, but until escorts became plentiful toward the end of World War II, we didn’t solve it then either.
As electronics become less expensive, as terminal guidance techniques improve, as sensors grow in sophistication, it seems likely that high short-term speed will become a less useful tactical asset.
However, there is an important range of naval missions in which what matters is placing forces at a
can almost replace a number of slower units.
given point in short-order—not weapons, but men, so that terminal guidance is of lesser import. Moreover, in many cases it is essential that the forces be able to loiter at the point they have reached, often for some considerable time. All navies share a coastal patrol mission, yet it is impossible for most of them to afford large numbers of patrol craft. But if the craft have a good turn of speed, relatively few of them, centrally stationed, can cover a coast, provided they are alerted by some efficient sensor and communication system. For example, a major new mission of the Royal Navy is to cover the North Sea oil rigs, even though there is no possibility of maintaining a large patrol force on station. If it is assumed that likely intruders will be unable to exceed twenty or thirty knots, and that efficient air cover can be sure of detecting them an hour short of their targets, then a force of sixty-knot hydrofoil boats becomes useful. Indeed, aircraft might be preferable except that a ship or a boat can carry boarding parties, repair crews, and so on; peacetime operations often require something far short of what the airplane can hope to do, which is no less than to destroy the intruder. Moreover, the seaborne force can stay on station when aircraft cannot. In any event, the Royal Navy decided recently to buy a 45-knot hydrofoil from Boeing for this work. It is interesting that even for this role, the first five ships they put on the job, the Island class patrol vessels of about 1,250 tons, have a top speed of only 16 knots. But, with their trawler-style hulls, they can maintain that speed in the rough North Sea when nominally faster vessels are reduced to a crawl.
A peacetime role peculiar to the U. S. and Soviet navies is the “tattletale,” a shadower of enemy fleet units. For the U. S. Navy, their function is to provide early warning that Soviet units attempting to execute a “D-Day Shootout” have launched their missiles. In the Soviet case their task appears to be mainly to identify the most important ship within a U. S. formation, for the information of Soviet missile launchers. In both cases the shadower requires high speed, both burst and sustained, as she must be able to maneuver in company with the ships she is shadowing. In such a role, a ship is far more useful than an airplane because of her endurance and her ability to take station on the object of surveillance.
However, it seems likely that U. S. interest in such craft will decrease now that it has become evident that the main launch platforms of Soviet anticarrier forces are aircraft and submarines. A few years ago some of the fast Asheville class gunboats were assigned to tattletale missions in the Mediterranean. But they have been decommissioned as the relevance of such a role has come into question, and most have been discarded.
Strategic Mobility
The classic naval asset is sustained, or strategic mobility. Indeed, strategic mobility was a prime incentive for the adoption of steam turbines in capita ships as long ago as 1906. Compared to the then- standard reciprocating engines, turbines permits higher reliable cruising speeds, albeit at a cost in ruc economy. It is worth noting that the U. S. Navy- which thought in terms of Pacific (i.e., very long- range) operations, delayed its adoption of turbine5 precisely on grounds of fuel economy, or endurance- The German interest in.diesel power for their surfoce ships before World War II had similar roots; and 0 course so does the large U. S. investment in nuclei power.
High sustained speed also offered defensive advantages against submarine attack, and these still hold* Even with the advent of long-range submarine- launched missiles, most of the world’s submarine5 (and most of the Soviet Navy’s) are armed with torpedoes only, and such ships find it difficult to close with fast targets. Moreover, the faster a submarine 15 forced to move, the more noise she creates; hence the less useful her own sensors are and the smaller hef chance of remaining undetected prior to making atl attack.
High sustained speed is of defensive value eve11 against missile-firing forces, because there will st> be delays before one can get off a missile strike First, reconnaissance forces must locate the target’ then a strike must be arranged, and in such a fa5*1 ion, if at all possible, to produce a saturation effect' Therefore the strike platforms, whatever their nature have to sail, or fly, into the best possible position • The faster the target, the less the time available f°f pre-strike preparation. An optimum strike may, 1 fact, become impractical. In any case, high sustain speed minimizes the exposure of a valuable ship t0 attack, and so in itself improves the odds f°r survivability—if the target does not have to rerna|(1 in the danger zone for an extended period.
Another great advantage conferred by h‘£ strategic mobility is a kind of multiplier effect- single unit can move so fast that it can occupy sever*1 well-separated positions in rapid sequence, and 5
type of argument was of little consequence prior the advent of aircraft carriers; but the combination 1 carrier air group range and carrier speed made
quite important. World War II carrier air groups str*ke targets about 150 miles away; carriers for r^e'r consorts could sustain speeds of 25 knots extended periods. In theory a carrier group could 90^nt.consecut*ve dawn strikes against two targets ab 011 eS aPart- An escort carrier group, cruising at 660^ ^ knots’ could strike at targets separated by miles; given three days, the relevant figures tj°Uld he 2,100 and 1,380 miles. Japanese reaction fou eS Were °^ten such that strikes conducted three or Ur days apart on widely separated islands could be mered essentially simultaneous: the carrier war enorrn°usly successful partly because of the speed c|u which it was conducted. A reason for the short hav^*00 str*^e °Perat*°ns in any one place might ^een the desire to minimize the carriers’ expo- t0 counterattack. In fact, however, the carriers’
th Was used to multiply the number of targets ey Could strike while they were in enemy waters for ^determined period, rather than to reduce their st L-SUre t0 attack hur a predetermined series of Pred^ ^ten the length of their operations was qui |Cate<^ mamly on fueling and reprovisioning re-
C 's interesting that the carriers built for the war
similar speed.) Since World War II, the U. S. Navy has retained high carrier speeds for both strategic mobility and wind-over-deck. Strategic mobility has been so highly rated that efforts have been made to upgrade sustained escort performance to match. That is why the Spruances are designed to make 30 knots in rough water. However, they are not intended to make bursts of much higher speed.
erate a •
air d certain amount of wind over the deck to assist frop- C ln takinS °ff ar*d landing. Winds coming tUr
^ where they might, carriers would often have to away from the fleet course in order to launch or Ver their aircraft, and then they needed a speed "'he nta^e C° catck up to their consorts. (In fact, SQrtn they became the center of the fleet, their con- nsually changed course with them, and required
Wf.r ^es‘8ned with such mobility in mind; but they e also given high speed because of a need to gen-
The old wind-over-deck argument survives in current proposals for very fast carriers (circa 100 knots), which would not require catapults to launch even conventional aircraft in a STOL mode. In this case, strategic mobility is often advanced as a supporting argument. But limits on the size of exotic ultra-fast ships suggest that such carriers may not prove terribly useful, unless they are produced in large numbers. Another argument depends on a kind of aerial multiplier effect: ASW aircraft attacking a distant submarine can improve their payload if a carrier can move towards them while they are in flight, but only a really fast carrier can produce worthwhile results. For example, an ASW attack aircraft might cruise at 400 knots and spend one hour over the target, so that an attack on a submarine 200 miles away might require about two hours’ total mission time. During
tively. But when the weather breaks, the ship is
longer acquisition
the hour and a half spent enroute to and over the target, a 100-knot surface effect carrier could advance 150 miles toward the target, i.e., the airplane need carry only about three quarters as much fuel. Significantly lower carrier speeds would provide little advantage in this context.
The multiplier effect carries one great caveat, which is too often dismissed: it works only as long as the fast units suffer few or no losses. An expensive but highly capable ship is an economy in peacetime; but when she sinks, all of her value sinks with her, perhaps from only a single hit. If one of four individually less capable (and less expensive) units goes, the force retains roughly three-quarters of its capability. This consideration is relevant, not merely to high speed ships, but also to many attempts to exploit high technology for its multiplier effect (e.g., “one SQS-26-equipped escort can do the work of [deleted] with SQS-4”—until she is sunk).
In a sense the multiplier effect is analogous to the theory that faster transport vehicles are more productive than slower ones, and sometimes far more so if turnaround times are short: one 20-knot freighter can make two trips while a 10-knotter makes one, i.e., she is twice as productive. Often the conclusion is drawn that one 20-knot freighter is equivalent to two 10-knot ships. But that is not necessarily so. For one thing, fuel expenditure and other costs do not quite follow productivity. For another thing, the faster (hence, larger) ship may not be able to get into a port that a slower, smaller one can enter.
An important potential use of the multiplier theory is in ASW. Since the survival of the submarines’ target is regarded as being far more important than the immediate destruction of the submarines, surface ASW ships are employed chiefly to screen high-value ships. How effectively they can do so depends upon, among other things, how deep such a screen can be. As submarines become faster, and as their weapons grow in range, screens must be deployed farther and farther out, and this requires more escorts to cover a longer perimeter. The only solutions appear to be greater effective radius per escort, e.g., via LAMPS (technological multiplier effect); or effectively more escorts via the multiplier effect of high speed. Unfortunately most submarine detection by U. S. forces is acoustic, and fast and noisy often appear to be synonymous. So a ship can listen or she can move rapidly, but she can’t do both at the same time. However, proponents of very fast ASW ships suggest intermittent sensor operation from these ships in the slow, quiet mode. High speed would be used between these “drifts” either to reach other search positions or to bring weapons to bear on submarines already detected at very I00? range. In theory a three- or four-fold speed advantage over submarines should make the latter essentiall) static with respect to the ASW attack craft.
Such “sprint and drift” tactics are not new; the) were widely practiced by hydrophone-equipped craft- such as the 110-foot U. S. sub chasers, as early aS World War I. The operative point at that time vvaS that a hydrophone was useless while the sub chaser5 engines were running. The boat had to drift to 1|S ten, and then sprint at full speed to maintain an ap preciable average speed of advance.
The high search rates claimed for “sprint drift” would seem useful in barrier patrol operation5- such as in the Greenland-Iceland-U. K. Gap.
It might be argued that aircraft have far higher search rates than ships have; but ships can use largef sensors than aircraft can, and above all they can e* ecute very long missions. In bad weather neither ship nor airplane may be able to seek submarines effe<-' with her convoy, while the P-3 probably is not. Or’ if the foe has a patch of clear weather from which t0 shoot, the ship, on station, can provide some protec tion. The patrol plane, at her base, can provide none- Unfortunately, the fastest of the exotic hull fori115 begin to approach aircraft characteristics; that 15 ’ they suffer from poor mission duration at high spee ' Yet “sprint and drift” operation envisages high A- escort average speeds. The average speed of advanL’L' of a force crossing the Atlantic may be 20 knots. ThL sprint and drift escort may go 80 knots. In effeCt' maneuvering relative to the force, the very fast A- craft would travel several times as far as that force’ and that at her greatest speed; even so, she won spend the same amount of time at sea. Fuel con sumption being what it is likely to be at such spee ’ can she do it? The drift phase also presents problenlS’ for most of the proposed craft derive much of the,r sea-keeping ability from their high speed.
Modern missile attack boats show analogous c°n^ siderations. Faster boats can cover larger areas fro**1 central base; as long as it is assumed that they wl suffer few losses, their speed can be traded aga,n numbers. Moreover, attack boat speed reduces ex'P1^ sure to countermeasures, the success rate of which 1 likely to depend more on a boat’s duration of e*P sure than on any details of her characteristics. H° ever, to a considerable extent the boat’s weap^ characteristics can be traded off against her spee just as speed in the boat can yield flexibility, so longer range in the weapon. (On the other han missile range requires more effective tar? sensors, generally sensors outside ^
miles from the continental United States; and amphibious convoys might require more
boat ) c; , , .
Cra^ similarly a carrier armed with 750-mile air-
tjja Can strike many more points in a short time tan °ne armed with 400-mile aircraft—and tha <ln lrnProvement would be far more significant n that attainable by a 10-knot ship speed dif- terential.
•s i-u °n^ C^e £reat advantages of strategic mobility gtea 3t ^e*n8 at>le t0 move material en masse over ^'stance in time to affect developments ashore. Cati ^ t^le distances are really great, slow movements e r*diculously lengthy. For example, Pacific 7 5Q0landings were made at distances as great as
slow than a
le$s month to waddle to them at 10 knots or Jt j Coring which time a great deal could happen. Pbib n<> surPr*se rhat a major goal of postwar am- mUt'0us development was the 20-knot force (7,500 |jL , ln ^ days). These points gain force in view of hour^ European scenarios, in which days or even <)uire 1X1 *®bt we^ be crucial; the 20-knot force re- aSsueS.ab°ut a week to cross the Atlantic. However, of 1 rrUn^ ‘•hey could carry the fuel, a 100-knot force rfce surface effect amphibious ships could cross in
Equipped with the long-range SQS-26 sonar, a Knox class frigate launches an Asroc against a submarine some miles distant. Such sensors and weapons have “largely eliminated" the need for "high tactical speed to close the target. ” Yet, the question remains, how does an escort commander with 27-knot ships screen the 33-knot container ships or aircraft carriers he is charged with protecting?
under two days. It might be argued that aircraft would do even better; but they are far less efficient than even the exotic ships, and in addition they require elaborate landing and servicing facilities which might be among the early victims of a Soviet attack.
Moreover, a 100-knot amphibious force would restore to seaborne forces that advantage over forces moving on land which they enjoyed so effectively in the times of which Mahan wrote. Such forces could be particularly useful in operations around the periphery of the Soviet-held Eurasian land mass. They might tie down large numbers of enemy troops and masses of material which would have to cover alternative landing points. Only very effective enemy interior communications would solve this problem; and current overland transport technology gives little hope in that direction. Certainly helicopters and aircraft cannot move enough fast enough to do the trick. In effect, until the force was committed, a single very fast amphibious force would be equivalent in threat value to several slow ones.
The scenario envisaged is closely analogous to that of May and June 1944, when the Germans had to position their forces in northern France to counter the anticipated Allied landings. The area over which they had to spread forces was set by the arc Allied amphibious forces could reach after an overnight voyage from England. Anything more distant would give the Germans time to shift their forces. Then a significantly faster amphibious force might have threatened a significantly larger sector of the continent’s coast—and might have thinned German forces, or induced the Germans to hold even more in reserve than they did.
Such a specialized ultra-fast amphibious or transport force would require specialized escorts, or at least major investments in self-defense, requiring very special systems. It is important to recognize that, in view of current and prospective weapon and sensor developments, it might not be substantially more immune to attack than a 20- or 30-knot force, the advantage gained from reduced exposure notwithstanding.
An ultra-fast task force presents a somewhat similar advantage in the cold war context. There is always a high probability that a crisis will erupt somewhere far from U. S. naval forces—a probability which cannot but grow in an era of shrinking numbers of U. S. ships. Crises can develop extremely rapidly and, as in the European war, the delay of a week to permit a carrier task force to transit may be unacceptable. However, the current alternative, to move land-based aircraft into an area, is impractical: it depends, for example, upon the availability of friendly bases, and even then the aircraft have no ability to sustain operations without a massive— usually nonexistent—stockpile of weapons and spare parts already in place. Naval forces, by way of contrast, are self-sufficient, at least for short times. For example, a quick-reaction 100-knot intervention force could operate in an area for the several days required for more powerful—and more conventional—forces to appear. The recent Iranian revolution is a good example.
In this case it was not so much the speed with which the crisis developed but the inability of the U. S. government to decide upon a course of action which reduced actual available force time. Moreover, the Administration apparently feared that to begin to move carriers from the Seventh Fleet would be to telegraph its intention to intervene, and so either to indicate low confidence (from the Shah’s point of view) or excessive aggressiveness (from the rebels )• Once a decision had been made to make a show or force, there was too little time to do more than send some unarmed F-15 fighters—a gesture almost universally derided. A very high-speed task group would have made a rather better impression—but at a very high purchase cost, for relatively little combat cap3' bility per dollar. Note, too, that it would be necessary to buy an entire task group (indeed, several) because the value of the ultra-fast ships would be in their sustained group transit speed.
One final point is worth making. It may be that very fast commercial ships will prove well worthwhile. In that case, just because high speed provides little or no immunity, it will be necessary for the Navy to think seriously about escorts—or about the practice of World War II in which convoys were passed from one escort group to another during 3 transit. Although very fast warships are not so very useful in themselves, it is not at all inconceivable that 80 or 100-knot freighters may pay off handsomely, especially in view of modern containerized cargo technology, which reduces sharply the time needed to load and unload the ships. After all, the Maritime Administration has been among the sponsors of SES projects.
Costs and Benefits
High speed has always been expensive: in conventional hulls it requires large engines with large fue appetites, and sacrifices in all other qualities c° match. Sometimes the engines are inefficient at anything but high speed, so that strategic mobility suffers. As we have seen, new exotic craft are so inefficient at anything but high speed that for them 1° speeds are nor even considered normal forms of opef' ation. The great triumph in their design is th£ achievement of substantial range at high speed; buc unfortunately in many of the applications which tad be envisaged, the endurance required is measured nOc so much in distance as it is in time. The fast ad1 phibious, transport, or intervention force is a signifi cant exception.
Most current hydrofoils and surface effect craft ate able to carry significant payloads only because the) are built on aircraft rather than ship lines, whit means little space for the vessel’s operators, mainte nance crews, and spare parts, and little survivabifi^ in the event of damage. Hence, even if they can be
not take
into account the very different cost per ton
°f the
ls k tHcntion weapon and aircraft fuel stowage. It a ^ n° means clear that a fast platform capable of ning ten or twenty aircraft in one wave, but not
e Celled frequently, such craft may find extended Perations (e.g., sprint and drift cover for conven- •onal forces) difficult to maintain.
■ We have seen, a great virtue of ultra high speed lo ltS mu^t*P^er effect, an effect valid so long as
Ses are small. However, fast craft almost by their li^tLJre produce considerable noise, and this noise is y to make them targetable by submarines using ery long-range weapons—weapons the fast craft, in W cheir low payloads, may be unable to counter ^ Actively. Nor does ;t seem likely that a lightly- Ul C hydrofoil or surface effect ship would be able to , . 1Ve a single missile hit. A larger conventional P might have far better survivability simply be- Use she is more heavily built or because the missile ud hit randomly on her much longer hull, and
■ f Wt’h miss a vital spot. Moreover, the larger vit 1 ^ams some-survivability from duplication of aff S^st:erns> whereas the smaller exotic ship cannot
*)r the weight involved. Nor can she afford sig- ant armor, even of the anti-splinter variety, kj e sea-keeping ability of a hydrofoil, and proban t^at °f a surface effect ship, suffers catastrophi- y if she is forced to slow sharply, say as a result of v- lne damage—or even of engine failure. Merely by fa ^ ^Cr S*Ze’ a convent‘onaI ship may well suffer
ess if she is forced to go dead in the water for a fime.
seems important to keep in mind that one of the at Psychological appeals of exotic craft is that they e ar to offer great economies. A PHM carries so abl arrnament at such good speed even in consider- sea states; and she is so small too! Surely size luates with low dollar cost; surely a 220-ton PHM lch can wipe out a 6,000-ton destroyer is well rthwhile. The trouble is that the argument does
PHM and its exotic cousins, as compared to enttonal ships. Just as the exotic ships occupy a t\y - P°*nt *n technology and performance be- in en S^'PS ar,d aircraft, they occupy a midway point in C°St Per un‘r weight. Small is by no means always
e '60-knot carrier involves similar misconcep- i s- It seems to many that carriers are expensive CausUSe they are large, and that they are large be- er^je efodern aircraft require big catapults and pow- tL arresting gear. Surely any means of avoiding heavy fixed structures must reduce carrier size,
cost. The trouble is that carrier size is also a matter f ■ ■ •
ot air wing size and aircraft maintenance— ot to rr
lai« i *° means clear that a fast platform capable of of maintaining or rearming them, is terribly useful. Moreover, it would seem that flight deck operations with a 100-knot wind passing over continuously might present problems.
On the other hand, if the 100-knot logistic force is worthwhile, then it becomes necessary to provide with it 100-knot escorts. Presumably an important element of the trade-off calculation involved is the cost of the escorting force—which will have relatively low capability, yet very high cost. Similarly, a sprint-and-drift barrier force requires frequent replenishment and possibly a continuous stream of fresh crew; and the hidden support cost may make the entire concept uneconomical.
In many ways the greatest defect of ultra-high- performance craft would appear to be not an inability to cross an ocean and thereafter perform a mission in a short-sea area. Small, fast vessels can do that. Rather, it is their inability to perform a mission, such as screening other ships, while so moving across the ocean. Unfortunately it is still the case that high short-term speed is perceived as an obvious benefit, requiring no further analysis. Thus the rise of the PHM program and then its abortive demise on cost grounds; and thus the remaining fascination with the surface effect ship, whose high speed is often advertised as a means of restoring to us the upper hand in ASW.
It is extremely unlikely that analysis of the sort presented here will ever overcome the kind of excitement that very high speed vehicles appear to arouse. However, it is by no means clear that, in the context of current and future budgetary problems, the Navy should be investing heavily in operational craft which, though perfectly operable, have little or nothing to do with its primary wartime missions.
The prognosis, then, is that observers of the naval scene will continue to find U. S. backwardness in the matter of ship speed bothersome; that programs like the PHM will continue to be funded on an intermittent basis—and that the chief buyers of very fast craft will continue to be minor navies, seduced by what amounts to nautical sex appeal. If we look at the new Krivak class, it would appear that even the Soviets seem to know better by now.
high speeds. They require far too much power, anc they cannot sustain such speed in anything rougb£f than a glassy sea. Thus, the effective limit of .35 t0
[2] knots on conventional ship speed, which ha5 stood since World War I. Since then, however, vVe have seen the invention of a series of exotic ship forms capable of far more speed than that. They dif' fer from conventional ships in the way the watef supports them, and this in turn explains their opera' tion, their virtues, and their defects. The r>e'' “ships” differ from conventional ones chiefly because they are supported, not by the buoyancy of the,{ hulls, but by the effect of their power. This means 0
Our World War l flush deckers were designed for 35 knots. This one, the Hale, claimed to average 37.1 knots on [sassage between Hamburg, Germany, and Harwich, England, a distance of 362 nautical miles. Her powerful torpedo battery of twelve 21-inch tubes in four triple mounts required such speeds if the ship were to deliver her short-ranged weapons in battle. This photo shows the ship in the Panama Canal in 1936, seventeen years after her record run. She was one of the 50 turned over to the Royal Navy in 1940.