Korea—Back to the Facts of Life

By Lieutenant Colonel J. D. Hittle, U.S. Marine Corps
December 1950
The North Korean attack across the 38th parallel on 25 June 1950 brought our national military thinking back to the facts of life.

Development of Unification

By Commodore Dudley W. Knox, U. S. Navy (Retired)
December 1950
The House Armed Services Committee has done a most constructive national service in pointing the way towards sound development of unification. Its report on the controversial investigation that it made ...

Citizen Rainey of Peg Leg Well

By Commander Walter G. Winslow, U. S. Navy
December 1950
Citizen Rainey stood on the bridge of the aircraft carrier Valley Forge many miles from Peg Leg Well. Below him jet squadrons were taking off and landing with dumbfounding precision ...

The Limits of a Policy of Power

By William H. Hessler
December 1950
American foreign policy in these mid-century years, as pursued by the National Security Council, is a policy of power. It has been so characterized by the Secretary of State. Primarily ...

Don't Sell Gibraltar Short

By Professor Richard A. Preston
December 1950
In times of peace there is, as every soldier and sailor knows with regret, a tendency of democracies to neglect the fortresses and bastions which are essential to their own ...

The Privateer Incident

By Lieutenant Commander Malcolm W. Cagle, U. S. Navy
December 1950
671 killed in action, 116 other deaths, 2,172 wounded. 7,920 sick in action.At 1031, 8 April 1950, a dark blue U.S. Navy “Privateer” patrol plane thundered aloft from the asphalt ...

The Strategy and Tactics of Sir Francis Drake

By Commander Arthur Stanley Riggs, U. S. Naval Reserve (Retired)
December 1950
Considerable confusion marks the thinking of many highly capable officers when the never closely defined and understood terms “strategy” and “tactics” are concerned. Histories, manuals, textbooks and a wide variety ...

Has Your Anchor Been Showing Lately?

By Lieutenant (J.G.) William B. Hayler, U. S. Navy
December 1950
There is rarely anything new under the sun, and certainly the anchor is no new alteration which is only now appearing on navy ships. Without doubt it is, by common ...

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