Leadership In The Navy and Industry

By Captain Ernest M. Eller, U. S. Navy
June 1948
Let us build strength today that tomorrow we may be free” ought to be the unceasing thought of every American. With that thought must go the realization that a house ...

Our Vanishing Petty Officers

By Lieutenant (JG) G. P. Steele, II, U. S. Navy
June 1948
How many really competent petty officers do you have in your ship? I don’t mean competent technicians; I mean leaders who can take charge and get results without supervision. Your ...

Homer Clark Poundstone and the All-Big-Gun Ship

By Midshipman D. R. Morris, U. S. Navy
June 1948
Homer Clark Poundstone was virtually a charter member of that little group of iconoclastic naval officers known as the "Insurgents." Under the leadership of William Sowden Sims they worked independently ...

Military Lessons and Not Learned

By Bertram Vogel
June 1948
I The United States is in grave danger again—probably the greatest it has ever experienced in its history. For in a world which is more and more rapidly dividing itself ...

Arlington National Cemetery

By Major C. A. Phillips, U. S. Marine Corps
June 1948
Situated there in the wooded hills of Northern Virginia, across from Washington, D. C., is Arlington National Cemetery. Visitors often wonder what makes up the air of tranquility, so simple ...

Early Amphibious Training Experiences

By Captain James E. Hamilton, U. S. Navy
June 1948
Recent discussions of the development and successful trial of the Fleet Marine Force recalls a narrow segment of the travails which marked the early growth of the idea. My contribution ...

Discussions, Comments and Notes

June 1948
The Centennial of Pressure Pattern Navigation (See Page 309, March 1948 Proceedings) Lieutenant Wilson L. Heflin U. S. Naval Reserve (Inactive). — A persistent error, whether perpetuated by misstatement, inference ...

Book Reviews

June 1948
THE MARINE’S WAR. By Fletcher Pratt, New York, N. Y.: William Sloan Associates. 1948. 456 pages including indices. $5.00. Reviewed by Lieutenant Colonel R. D. Heinl, Jr., U. S. Marine ...

Professional Notes

June 1948
This html article is produced from an uncorrected text file through optical character recognition. Prior to 1940 articles all text has been corrected, but from 1940 to the present most ...

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