Japanese Sea Power

By Commander J. F. Meigs, U. S. Navy (Retired)
February 1944
If there is wisdom in the ancient injunc­tion “Know thine enemy,” then we should do all in our power to understand the Japanese. If there is sense in the theory ...

Education Before War

By Lieutenant Commander H. L. Sargent, U. S. Navy (Retired)
February 1944
The blueprint for victory in the next war has been drawn during the present hostilities. It is not from a preliminary sketch drawn in a committee room during peacetime, but ...

Sea Power and the Italian Surrender

By Admiral Sir Herbert Richmond, K.C.B.
February 1944
The Italian surrender, by altering the balance of sea power, affects the mili­tary situation in all the principal theaters of war from the North Sea to the most remote islands ...

The Catamaran Expeditions

By David Whittet Thomson
February 1944
In 1804 Napoleon’s boast, “Let us be masters of the Channel for six hours and we are masters of the world,” loomed over England like a thunderhead. And, in 1803 ...

Legal Assistance for Naval Personnel

By Lieutenant (J.G.) Milton M. Ferrell, U. S. Naval Reserve
February 1944
Like every other division of the great and growing United States Navy, the legal branch of Uncle Sam’s “first line of defense” is expanding steadily under the pressure of wartime ...

Did They Forget to Dare?

By Lieutenant Ashley Halsey, Jr., U. S. Naval Reserve
February 1944
One of the biggest enigmas of the war, until the final gong rang for Italy, was: “What has happened to the Italian Navy?” Was it hopelessly crippled at Taranto? Was ...

Graphical Solution of Reduction to Meridian Problem

By Lieutenant Commander Paul Miller, U. S. Navy (Retired), and Captain P. V. H. Weems, U. S. Navy (Retired)
February 1944
The problem of finding a correction to apply to the altitude of a heavenly body, taken within about 25 minutes of meridian passage, in order to find the meridian altitude ...

Triphibious Power

By Commander J. C. Ten Eyck, U. S. Naval Reserve
February 1944
Land power has had its Jomini and its Clausewitz. Air power has had its Douhet and its Mitchell. Sea power has had its incomparable Mahan. Each of these and a ...

Discussions, Comments and Notes

February 1944
U.S.S. Wasp Rear Admiral A. Farenholt (M.C.), U. S. Navy (Retired). Few names have been borne by our naval vessels with more honor and accomplishment than that of Wasp ...

Book Reviews

February 1944
War Wounds And Injuries . Edited by R. Maginot, E. G. Slesinger, and Ernest Fletcher. Baltimore: The Williams & Wilkins Co. 2d edition. 1943. 499 pages, illustrated. $8.50. Reviewed by ...

Notes on International Affairs

February 1944
United States and Latin America Revolution in Bolivia.—In the little South American republic of Bolivia, with a population of 3,500,000, a practically blood­less coup d’etat on the night of December ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

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