Kings Point

By Captain Giles C. Stedman, U. S. Naval Reserve
April 1944
The need of well-trained officers for the American Merchant Marine has long been axiomatic to most men engaged in the operation and construction of our merchant ships. Foreign nations discovered ...

Industrial Reconversion in 1918 and 194?

By Lieutenant Commander L. Rohe Walter, U. S. Naval Reserve
April 1944
Problems concerned with the reconver­sion from war to peace-time operation of the greatly expanded “Arsenal of Democracy”—now producing more than double the output of the pre-war years with half of ...

Semper Paratus

By Lieutenant Commander R. T. Leary, U. S. Coast Guard Reserve
April 1944
Tucked neatly away in the archives of several nations is the history of a battle. A battle which took place on one of those remote and peaceful atolls of the ...

History While It's Hot

By Commander William C. Chambliss, U. S. Naval Reserve
April 1944
Even in the homeland of my Southern ancestors, there is now general agree­ment that the North won the War between the States. But that universal ac­ceptance of what had long ...

Gunboat Saga

By Lieutenant Commander W. B. Porter, U. S. Navy
April 1944
Much has been written about the Asiatic Fleet and its part in the be­ginnings of this war. Earlier articles, however, have dealt mainly with the gallant exploits of the destroyers ...

Revolt at Night

By Sergeant Hans R. Johansen, U. S. Marine Corps, Marine Corps Combat Correspondent with First Marines
April 1944
Rule through violence and force. Assassins’ bullets instead of votes. . Bloodshed in place of parliamentary debate. Those trends have marked the prog­ress of Japan since the turn of the ...

Discussions, Comments and Notes

April 1944
Search for the Bodies (See page 11, January, 1944, Proceedings) Henry H. Porter.—I have just read “Search For The Bodies,” by Captain Damon E. Cummings, U. S. Navy. Appar­ently, as ...

Book Reviews

April 1944
Ordeal by Battle. By Captain Cyril Falls, Military Correspondent of the London Times. New York: Oxford Uni­versity Press. 1943. 186 pages. $1.75. Reviewed by Professor Allan Westcott, U. S. Naval ...

Notes on International Affairs

Prepared by Professor Allan Westcott, U.S. Naval Academy
April 1944
United States and the War Pressure on Eire.—In early March both the United States and Great Britain made strong representations to the Government of Eire urging that German, Japanese, and ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

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