Local Civil Time and Date From Time Diagram

By Lieutenant Commander J. L. Walsh, U. S. Naval Reserve
January 1943
Although the usual methods of determining local civil time from the time diagram are entirely satisfactory, the better-known methods for finding the corresponding date are not simple and are capable ...

Under a Gallant Captain at Manila in '98

By Captain J. M. Ellicott, U. S. Navy (Retired)
January 1943
The recent sale of the old cruiser Baltimore in Honolulu leads this writer to recollections of her most famous cruise under a gallant captain. Toward the end of 1897 our’ ...

How Not to Build a Battleship

By G. W. Camp
January 1943
Relating the Strange Case of the U.S.S. Monadnock , the Oldest New Ship That Ever Entered Our Navy When a small boy excitedly told an old timer that they were ...

The Darien Disaster in Panama

By Ralph Z. Kirkpatrick
January 1943
Historically Darien, Panama, has vindicated Pirate Partan's estimate of it in Warburton's seventeenth century Darien: "Ye little ken, leddie, what it is tae crass the says, and what a sair ...

Questions for Answer

By Commander Frederick J. Nelson, U. S. Navy
January 1943
Every professional man, at times, must be critical of certain accepted methods in his work. Technical men are always inquiring why some jobs are done in a certain manner and ...

A Diagram for Great-Circle Sailing

By B. C. Getchell
January 1943
The purpose of this article is to describe a graphical solution to the problems of great-circle sailing. The work is done directly upon a Mercator chart with the aid of ...

Raw Materials Distribution

By Lieutenant William H. Wendel (S.C.), U. S. Naval Reserve
January 1943
Among the functions assigned to the Army and Navy Munitions Board which have been approved by the Commander in Chief is the task to “translate currently the joint requirements of ...

Book Reviews

January 1943
JOHN PAUL JONES: FIGHTING FOR FREEDOM AND GLORY. By Lincoln Lorenz. Annapolis, Maryland: U.S. Naval Institute. 1943. 846 pages. Special limited edition, $7.00; regular edition, $5.00. Reviewed by Captain Dudley ...

Notes on International Affairs

January 1943
NORTH AFRICAN FRONT Status of Darlan.—In Algiers at the time of the United Nations invasion, and made a prisoner at the capture of that city, Admiral Jean Francois Darlan later ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

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