How Shall We Win? (Prize Essay, 1942)

By Lieutenant Commander Ernest M. Eller, U. S. Navy
April 1942
For when men are men of action, it is with resolved plans, at once and without waiting, that they advance .—Thucydides. We shall win the war of ideologies that has ...

Mosquito Craft Had Ancestors, Too

By Carlos C. Hanks
April 1942
Recent news stories and pictures of the two-man submarines the Japanese used against the United States Fleet at Pearl Harbor took the writer back to one day last summer when ...

Victory: In War And Peace

By Peter Marsh Stanford
April 1942
“What is our aim? I can answer in one word: Victory” . . . —Churchill The maintenance of armaments in this country has always been to protect our democratic way ...

Bogoslof Island

By Captain F. A. Zeusler, U. S. Coast Guard
April 1942
Ever-changing Bogoslof Island, the mystery land of the Bering Sea, has long been the center of interest for all vessels cruising in those waters. It has been called the disappearing ...

The Wings Of Sea Power

By David W. Kendall
April 1942
Something about the entrance of the United States into the present world conflict is strangely reminiscent of the outbreak of our own Civil War. In that case attack came directly ...

Checking The Japanese Record

By Lieutenant James O. Vosseller, U. S. Navy
April 1942
During the early morning hours of December 7, 1941, various units of the Japanese Fleet delivered a smashing attack on the island possessions of the United States scattered throughout the ...

The Salvage Of The Newfoundland Mail

By Lieutenant Stanley A. Wheeler, U. S. Naval Reserve
April 1942
On a rainy and boisterous night in the spring of 1919, two courageous men dared the North Atlantic in an airplane. They were not completely successful in their venture, but ...

The New Method Of Warfare

By Henry Woodhouse
April 1942
When Prime Minister Winston Churchill announced to the House of Commons the sinking of the Prince of Wales and the Repulse , on December 11, 1941, he indicated his apprehension ...

Discussions, Comments and Notes

April 1942
This html article is produced from an uncorrected text file through optical character recognition. Prior to 1940 articles all text has been corrected, but from 1940 to the present most ...

Book Reviews

April 1942
This html article is produced from an uncorrected text file through optical character recognition. Prior to 1940 articles all text has been corrected, but from 1940 to the present most ...

Notes On International Affairs

Prepared by Professor Allan Westcott, U.S. Naval Academy
April 1942
From February 10 to March 10 UNITED STATES AND THE WAR Assurances from Vichy.—The American State Department announced at the close of February that it had received formal assurances from ...

Professional Notes

April 1942
This html article is produced from an uncorrected text file through optical character recognition. Prior to 1940 articles all text has been corrected, but from 1940 to the present most ...

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