Of Pirates and Rovers

By Lieutenant Commander Charles Moran, U. S. Naval Reserve
April 1937
I “Destroyer approaching, sir, two points on the starboard bow!" On receiving this information from the lookout the officer on the bridge of the British battleship opens his spyglass. It ...

The Great Lakes Training Squadron

By Ensign Raymond J. Toner, U. S. Naval Reserve
April 1937
The Great Lakes Training Squadron is a unique organization in the U. S. Naval Reserve and this quality of uniqueness seems to have characterized it from the very first. Before ...

Professional Notes

April 1937
UNITED STATES Vessels under Construction, Progress as of March 1, 1937 Type and Name Contractor Percentage of Completion Months to Build Date of Com­pletion as Re­ported by Building Yard Hull ...

Notes on International Affairs

April 1937
The Spanish War Accord on Non-Intervention—It was announced on February 22 that the 27 nations represented on the London Non-Intervention Commission had defi­nitely agreed to put into effect at once ...

Book Reviews

April 1937
Development and Change of Airship Utilization in Naval Warfare. By Dr. Helmut Beelitz, Korvettenkapitan a.D. (In German.) Dusselldorf: G. H. Nolte. 1936. RM. 3.80. Reviewed by Commander C. E. Rosendahl ...

Discussions, Comments and Notes

April 1937
The American Marine Thermopylae (See page 503, this issue) Commander R. B. Carney, U. S. Navy, commanding U.S.S. Reid.—Fame is an unpredictable commodity; some slogan or episode captures the public ...


By Lieutenant Commander Russell M. Ihrig, U. S. Navy
April 1937
In 1926 there were established Naval Reserve Officers’ Training Corps Units at six leading universities: Yale, Har­vard, California, Washington, Northwest­ern, and Georgia Institute of Technology. The object of this new ...

The First Lighthouse in the United States

By Commodore E. S. Clark, Jr., Sea Scouts
April 1937
Boston can boast of having the first lighthouse erected in the United States. On account of the increas­ing loss of lives and property at sea in Massachusetts Bay which was ...

Action on the Yangtze

By Lieutenant (j.g.) Cameron McR. Winslow, Jr., U. S. Navy
April 1937
There is a phase of our naval careers of which the average officer has but a hazy knowledge. It is only when Asiatic sailors get together for a “bull session” ...

Insurance for Protection

By Lieutenant (j.g.) Robert T. Sutherland, Jr., (C.C.), U. S. Navy
April 1937
This article is in no sense a complete treatise on life insurance. The life insurance expert will find nothing of value herein aside from an interested layman’s opinions. Nothing new ...

A Plea for the Merchant Marine Naval Reserve

By Lieutenant Commander Louis Di Palma, U. S. Naval Reserve
April 1937
For a number of years I have been reading articles in the Naval Insti­tute Proceedings anent the pros and cons and raison d’etre of the Merchant Marine Naval Reserve. Most ...

Professional Notes

April 1937
UNITED STATES Vessels under Construction, U. S. Navy, Joint Report of Progress as of June 1, 1937 Type and Name Contractor Percentage of Completion Keel Laid Months to Build Date ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

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