Sea Power And World Unity

By Howard G. Brownson, Ph.D.
June 1930
The master of the sea must inevitably be master of the Empire. —Cicero in Ad Atticus. WORLD unity or the breakdown of civilization!—such is the problem. Because the sea routes ...

Better Iron Men for the Navy

By Commander L. J. Gulliver, U. S. Navy
June 1930
IT IS interesting to test and weigh the capabilities of the men of the Navy of 1929, compare the results with what we know of the crews of our men-of-war ...

Book Reviews

June 1930
BOOK DEPARTMENT Members of the Institute may save money by ordering books through its Book Department, which will supply any obtainable book. A discount of 10 per cent is allowed ...

Notes on International Affairs

Prepared By Professor Allan Westcott, U. S. Naval Academy
June 1930
From April 4 to May 3 COMPLETE TEXT OF THE NAVAL TREATY OF 1930 The full text of the London Naval Treaty was made public by the State Department recently ...

Professional Notes

Compiled By Lieutenant Commander D. B. Beary, U. S. Navy Lieutenant Commander D. C. Ramsey, U. S. Navy And Professor Henry Bluestone, U. S. Naval Academy
June 1930


June 1930
The Speed of Battleships (See Proceedings for April, 1929, p. 273; August, 1929, pp. 714 and 730; October, 1929, p. 893; November, 1929, p. 977). Lieutenant Franklin G. Percival, U ...

The Growth of Standardization

By Lieutenant Commander D. P. Moon, U. S. Navy
June 1930
Civilization and Standardization Progress Together The creation and use of standards have been the leavening powers by which man has risen from the primitive life of the first ape man ...

The Interior Control Board

By Lieutenant Commander R. B. Carney, U. S. Navy
June 1930
AT THE time of submitting this article, the Manual of Interior Control has been approved by the Secretary of the Navy for issue to the naval service, and has been ...

The First Cruiser Campaign

By Fletcher Pratt
June 1930
The campaign of Cnaeus Pompey against the pirates in 67 b.c. has an importance far beyond its outward significance as an event. It marked the birth of four new concepts ...

Riding a Hobby

By the late Lieutenant (J.G.) Harry Wagner, U. S. Navy
June 1930
All of us, it is hoped, indulge in some form of athletic activity whereby we are kept in physical trim. For some it is golf, for others tennis, walking, swimming ...

The Entering Wedge

By Lieutenant Commander Glenn Howell, U. S. Navy
June 1930
IN THE Naval Institute Proceedings of December, 1905, there is an article “Early American Visitors to Japan,” by Charles V. Stewart, listing the following early visits to Japan: 1797—Major Robert ...

Something New in Rudders

By Lieutenant (J. G.). Walter S. Ginn, U. S. Navy
June 1930
PRIOR to the Patoka’s annual overhaul last year, we received word from the Bureau of Construction and Repair that an Oertz streamline rudder would be fitted while the ship was ...

Russia Moves East

By Lieutenant Commander H. M. Kieffer, U. S. Navy
June 1930
The history of Russia is the history of a pendulum. Striving for expansion to the sea, she has swung from one point of the compass to the other. Balked in ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

Digital Proceedings content made possible by a gift from CAPT Roger Ekman, USN (Ret.)