The Navy and Public Indoctrination

By Captain Dudley W. Knox, U. S. Navy (Retired)
June 1929
Honorable Mention, 1929 Public opinion is the mainspring of national life During a recent debate in the British Parliament a prominent member urged that “a hundred years of propaganda would ...

Training Reservists Aboard Destroyers

By Lieutenant Commander Richard Stockton Field, U. S. Navy
June 1929
The purpose of this paper is to record some interesting and useful facts learned by the writer during the last three summers while engaged in training naval reservists on board ...

Gunnery Problems of 1783

By Lieutenant Commander D. P. Moon, U. S. Navy
June 1929
The shades of John Paul Jones, Decatur, and Bainbridge lurk in the background of the musty and yellowed pages of The Practical Sea-Gunner’s Companion , written by William Mountaine, F.R.S ...

Airplane Hydrography

By Lieutenant L. M. Samuels, U.S.N.R., Hydrographic Surveyor, U.S.S. “Nokomis”
June 1929
During the past four years of the U.S.S. Nokomis’ survey along the north coast of Cuba we have developed a system of shore-line establishment by airplane photography which has proved ...

A Walk Through Annapolis in Bygone Days

By P. H. Magruder, Secretary, U. S. Naval Academy
June 1929
Unrecorded Incidents in the Life of Old Annapolis at the Period, and as it Was, When the Naval School was Founded in 1845 Of those who in the dust do ...

Frozen Toes But Not Cold Feet

By Lieutenant Commander George E. Brandt, U. S. Navy (Retired)
June 1929
Imagine putting in three days of Arctic night cutting off your own toes! From the frozen north there comes the attention-arresting story of trapper J. Omera who, though lacking surgical ...

A New Line-of-Position Plotter

By Harlan T. Stetson, Assistant Professor of Astronomy, Harvard University
June 1929
The importance of line-of-position work in ocean navigation has resulted in the appearance of numerous tables for facilitating the computation and the laying down of the line of position from ...

The Siege of Tsingtao

By Lieutenant Emil B. Perry, U. S. Navy
June 1929
On the southern coast of the Shantung peninsula, that huge arm that strikes out into the Yellow Sea, is to be found Tsingtao. Variously called “the Riviera of the Far ...


June 1929
Commodore Jesse D. Elliott: A Stormy Petrel of the Navy (See page 773, September, 1928, Proceedings) Dorothy G. Wayman—The decapitation of “Andrew Jackson,” as described in the September, 1928, issue ...

Professional Notes

Compiled By Commander F. W. Rockwell, U. S. Navy Lieutenant Commander A. C. McFall, U. S. Navy And Professor Henry Bluestone, U. S. Naval Academy
June 1929

Notes on International Affairs

Prepared By Professor Allan Westcott, U. S. Naval Academy
June 1929
FROM APRIL 4 TO MAY 3 ARMS LIMITATION CONFERENCE American Naval Proposals.—The meeting of the Preparatory Committee for a Disarmament Conference, which from its opening on April 15 at Geneva ...

Book Reviews

June 1929
BOOK DEPARTMENT Save money by placing your order for all books, whether professional or not, with the Institute Book Department, which will supply any obtainable naval, professional, or scientific book ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

Digital Proceedings content made possible by a gift from CAPT Roger Ekman, USN (Ret.)