Battle Fleet Voyage to the Pacific, 1907

December 1927
Extract from President Roosevelt's Message to Congress, December 3, 1907 Editor’s Note: Twenty years ago this month the Battle Fleet, so designated for the first time by President Roosevelt in ...

Law in Future War

By Captain Elbridge Colby, U. S. Army
December 1927
Ten years after the World War, it is being said in many quarters that the nations of the earth are drifting toward another conflict. And the question immediately arises as ...

Book Reviews

December 1927
BOOK DEPARTMENT Save money by placing your orders for all books, whether professional or not, with the Institute Book Department, which will supply any obtainable naval, professional or scientific book ...

Notes on International Affairs

Prepared By Professor Allan Westcott, U. S. Naval Academy
December 1927
OCTOBER 2 TO NOVEMBER 1 FRANCO-AMERICAN TARIFF DISPUTE Temporary Accord Reached.—The exchange of notes between the United States and France as a result of the recently increased French tariff ended ...


December 1927
Air Mapping (See pp. 777 and 793, July, 1927, Proceedings.) Lieutenant Leonard Doughty, Jr., U. S. Navy.—A great deal of nonsense has been published recently on the subject of air ...

A Tripolitan Fragment

By Philip Pratt
December 1927
A BURST of flame, searing the darkened harbor of Tripoli on a black night in 1804, is seemingly the last vestige of evidence in the death of Captain Richard Somers ...

Condition and Needs of Our Navy, 1815

By the Board of Navy Commissioners, Captains David Porter and John Rodgers, U. S. Navy
December 1927
Editor’s Note: The Editor is indebted to Rear Admiral M. M. Taylor, U. S. Navy, for the following letter found among some old family papers. There is, indeed as Admiral ...

A New Job for the Supply Corps

By Lieutenant T. E. Hipp (SC), U. S. Navy
December 1927
The Naval aircraft factory at the Navy Yard, Philadelphia, was organized during the stress of the World War when naval officers were not available to recruit the organization and the ...

British "Sloop of War" Diamond Rock

By Captain E. C. Kalbfus, U. S. Navy
December 1927
Author’s Note: The British occupation of Diamond Rock, its commissioning as a man-of-war, the annoying operations conducted from it, and its final capture by the French, constitute such an unusual ...

The Father of the American Navy

By Lieutenant Commander F. E. Cross, U.S N.R.
December 1927
Students frequently discover that historians sometimes arrive at the establishment of facts with great uncertainty of proof. Nevertheless, the opinions of narrators become, as years pass on, records of history ...

Is Enactment of the Britten Bill Desirable?

By Captain J. K. Taussig, U. S. Navy
December 1927
If the naval service is to be maintained at a high state of efficiency, new legis­lation affecting the commissioned line of­ficer personnel is imperative. That this is recognized by the ...

Submarine Sizes

By Lieutenant Commander E. W. Burrough, U. S. Navy
December 1927
Up to the outbreak of the World War, all submarines were essentially of the same type. They were all small boats of well under 1,000 tons displacement, of the coast ...

"Form H" for Destroyers

By Lieutenant Commander V. H. Godfrey, U. S. Navy
December 1927
Five destroyers out of every six have a complaint “other ship-itis.” A disease gradually increasing in severity from the second in column in a division to the unfortunate “tail-ender” and ...

Babel in China

By Lieutenant R. M. Ihrig, U. S. Navy
December 1927
The scenes of the great treaties of the modern world must present interesting studies in internationalism. Picture the scene at Versailles in 1918 when the representatives of all the Allied ...

Meridian Altitude and Reduction Constants

By Lieutenant J. E. Gingrich, U. S. Navy
December 1927
A simple and uniform method for obtaining the latitude from bodies on, or near, the meridian WHEN using the formula, L = Z+d, for meridian altitude and reduction sights, the ...

Identification of Stars

By Ensign H. R. Grummann, U.S.N.R.
December 1927
PROFESSOR W. H. ROEVER has described in detail* the application to navigational problems of several graphical methods of solving spherical triangles by the methods of descriptive geometry. He may be ...

Bulwarks of Brain and Brawn

By Clifford Albion Tinker
December 1927
(Editor’s Note: The author has died since writing this article.) MATERIAL AND PERSONNEL DURING the debates preceding enact­ment of the 1928 Naval Appropria­tion Bill by the Sixty-ninth Congress, Carl Vinson ...

The Merchant Marine

By C. E. Grunsky
December 1927
Prompted by the persistent accounts of failure on the part of the Shipping Board to point the way toward the permanent establishment of a merchant marine, I submit the outline ...

Some Aspects of the Present Pay Bill

By Lieutenant Commander J. P. Bowden, U. S. Navy
December 1927
As fleet concentration for 1927 passes into naval history with the thoughts still fresh in our minds of the innumerable lessons learned in connection therewith—the gunnery, engineering, tactical and logistic ...

Economics and the Navy

By Captain K. C. McIntosh (SC), U. S. Navy
December 1927
Since war ceased to be a matter of the privy purse and began to demand the cooperation of every citizen and the coordination of every resource, a knowledge of the ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

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