Fifty Years of Service

By Lieutenant Commander Roy C. Smith, Jr., U. S. Navy
October 1923
With this issue of the PROCEEDINGS, the United States Naval Institute celebrates its fiftieth anniversary. It seems, therefore, appropriate at this time briefly to review the history of the Institute ...

Athletics, Beneficial And Otherwise

By Rear Admiral A. P. Niblack, U. S. Navy
October 1923
Athletics, Beneficial and Otherwise By Rear Admiral A. P. Niblack, U.S. Navy In conjunction with the Army, the National Collegiate Athletic Association, U. S. Lawn Tennis Association, Boy Scouts of ...

New Weapons And Old Ones

By Captain Gabriel Voitoux, French Navy
October 1923
New Weapons and Old Ones By Captain Gabriel Voitoux, French Navy As a consequence of all that has been written, up to the present, about the danger henceforth menacing from ...

The Answer Is 135,000 Men

By Captain J. K. Taussig, U. S. Navy
October 1923
"A JUST MAN ARMED KEEPETH HIS HOUSE IN ORDER" FOREWORD The title of this paper is the answer to this question: What is the numerical strength of the enlisted personnel ...

A Direct Reading Course and Speed Indicator

By Commander Russell Willson, U. S. Navy
October 1923
In the Naval Institute of August, 1922, there were described, under the title "Aids to Accuracy in Battleship Maneuvers" two "Course Angle Cards" designed particularly for solving more conveniently the ...

Autobiographic Sketch Of Thomas Jefferson Page

Submitted By Commander R. S. Crenshaw, U. S. Navy
October 1923
Autobiographic Sketch of Thomas Jefferson Page Submitted by Commander R. S. Crenshaw, U. S. Navy Foreword In submitting this autobiographic sketch to the Institute, Commander Crenshaw gives the following account ...


October 1923
Discussion The Protection of Capital Ships against Poison Gas (SEE PAGE 1113, JULY, 1923, PROCEEDINGS) Lieutenant Commander A. M. Charlton, U. S. Navy. - In considering the protection of machinery ...

Professional Notes

Prepared By Lieutenant Commander R. F . Frellsen, U. S. Navy And Lieutenant W. F. Dietrich, U. S. Navy
October 1923
PROFESSIONAL NOTES Prepared By Lieutenant Commander F. W. Rockwell, U. S. Navy and Lieutenant J.B. Heffernan, U. S. Navy GREAT BRITAIN Have We Enough Submarines?—"Submarines were the first at sea ...

Notes On International Affairs

Prepared By Allen Westcott, Professor, U. S. Naval Academy
October 1923
Notes on International Affairs From July 23 to August 23 Prepared By Allan Westcott, Professor, U. S. Naval Academy Germany and Reparations British Condemn French Policy. - The British draft ...

Book Reviews

October 1923
Review of Books The Russian Navy in War and Revolution, by H. Graf, Commander I. R. N. (Translated from Russian) Printed by R. Oldenbourg, Munich. This book is a personal ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

Digital Proceedings content made possible by a gift from CAPT Roger Ekman, USN (Ret.)