The “Monitor” At Sea and In Battle
By the Late Captain S. Dana Greene
Editor's Note: Personal narrative always exceeds in interest the dry pages of official record. In this letter to his mother, now for the first time published, we have the account by a young lieutenant, then only twenty-one years old, of the historic voyage of the Monitor from New York to Hampton Roads, and of her subsequent battle with the Merrimac, on March 9, 1862.
The writer of the letter was not only at an impressionable age, but in a position to observe and recount the facts of which he speaks. His story is the more interesting by reason of the fact that when the commanding officer became wounded he succeeded to the command of the Monitor.
The letter was submitted to the Institute by Captain J. Blackwood (MC) U. S. N., through the courtesy of Doctor Edward Emerson, of Concord, Mass., and is published with the permission of Mr. George DeB. Greene, Captain Greene's son. It was long a prized possession in the Greene family.
Some of the most fascinating accounts of historic events repose, long since forgotten, in the files of ancient correspondence. The Editor will be glad to receive for publication such of these as may, from time to time be brought to light.
U. S. Steamer Monitor
Hampton Roads, March 14. 1862.
Dear Mother:
I commence this now, but I don't know when I shall finish, as I have to write it at odd moments, when I can find a few minutes rest. When I bid Charley goo 1 night on Wednesday the fifth I confidently expected to see you the next day, as I then thought it would be impossible to finish our repair on Thursday, but the Mechanics worked all night, and at 11 A.M. on Thursday we started clown the Harbor, in company with the gunboats Sachem and Curriturk. We went along very nicely, and when we arrived at Governor's Island, the Steamer Seth Low came alongside and took us in tow. We went out past the Narrow with a light wind from the West and very smooth water . The weather continued the same all Thursday night. I turned out at 6 o'clock on Friday morning, and from that time until Monday at 7 P.M. I think I lived ten good year s. About noon the wind freshened and the sea was rough. In the afternoon the sea was breaking over our deck at a great rate, and coming in our hawse pipe forward in perfect floods. Our berth deck hatch leaked in spite of all we could do, and the water came down under the tower like a waterfall. It would strike the pi lot house and go over the tower in most beautiful curves. The water came through the narrow eyeholes in the pilot house with such force as to knock the helmsman completely round from the wheel. At 4 P.M. the water had gone down our smoke stacks and blowers to such an extent, that the blowers gave out and the engine room filled with gas. Then, Mother, occurred a scene I shall never forget. Our engineers behaved like heroes, every one of them. They fought with the gas endeavoring to get the blowers to work until they dropped down as apparently dead as men ever were.
I jumped in the engine room with my men as soon as I could and carried them on top of the tower to get fresh air. I was nearly suffocated with the gas myself, but got on deck after everyone was out of the engine room, just in time to save myself. Three firemen were in the same condition as the engineers. Then things looked rather blue.
We had no fear as long as the engine could be kept going to pump out the water, but when that stopped, the water increased rapidly. I immediately rigged the hand pump on the berth deck but as we were obliged to lead the ho e out over the tower, there was not force enough in the pump to throw the water out.
Our only resource now was to bail, and that was useless as we had to pass the buckets up through the tower, which made it a very long operation. What to do now we did not know, we had done all in our power, and must let things take their own course.
Fortunately the wind was off shore, so we hailed the tug boat and told them to steer directly for the shore, in order to get in smooth water. At 8 P.M. we managed to get the engines to go, and everybody comparatively quiet again.
The Captain had been up nearly all the previous night, and as we did not like to leave the deck without one of us being there, I told him I would keep the watch from 8 to 12, he take it from 12 to 4, and I would relieve him from 4 to 8. Well, the first watch passed off very nicely, smooth sea, clear sky, and the moon out and the old tank going along 5 and 6 knots very nicely. All I had to do was to keep awake, and think over the narrow escape we had had in the afternoon. At 12 o'clock things looked so favorable that I told the Captain he need not turn out, I would lie down with my clothes on, and if anything happened I would turn out and attend to it. He said "very well" and I went to my room and hoped to get a little nap. I had scarcely got to my bunk when I was startled by the most infernal noise I ever heard in my life. The Merrimac's firing on Sunday was music to it. We were just passing a shoal, and the sea suddenly became rough and right ahead. It came up with tremendous force, through our anchor well, and forced the air through our hawse pipe where the chain comes, and then the water would come through in a perfect stream, clear to our berth deck, over the ward-room table. The noise resembled the death groans of twenty men, and was certainly the most dismal awful sound I ever heard. Of course the Captain and myself were on our feet in a moment and endeavoring to stop the hawse pipe. We succeeded partially, but now the water began to come down our blowers again and we feared the same accident that happened in the afternoon. We tried to hail the Tug boat, but the wind being dead ahead they could not hear us and we had no way of signaling them, as the steam whistle which Father recommended had not been put on. We began to think then the Monitor would never see daylight. We watched carefully every drop of water that went down the blowers, and sent continually to ask the firemen how the blowers were going. The only answer was "slowly," but could not be kept going much longer, unless we could stop the water from coming down. The sea was washing completely over our decks, and it was dangerous for a man to go on them, so we could do nothing to the blowers. In the midst of all this our wheel ropes jumped off the steering wheel (owing to the pitching of the hip) and became jammed. We now began to sheer about at an awful rate and we thought our hawser must certainly part. Fortunately it was a new one and held on well. In the course of half an hour we fixed our wheel ropes and now our blowers were the only difficulty. About 3 o'clock on Saturday morning, the sea became a little smoother, though still rough, and the water going down our blowers to some extent. The never failing answer from the engine-room, "Blowers going slowly but can't hold out much longer." From 4 A.M. till daylight was certainly the longest hour and a half I ever spent. I certainly thought old Sol had stopped in China, and never intended to pay us another visit. At last, however, we could see, and made the Tug boat understand to go nearer in shore and get in smooth water, which we did at about 8 A.M. Things again were a little quiet, but everything wet and uncomfortable below. The decks and airports leaked, and the water still came down the hatches, and under the tower. I was busy all day making out my station bills, and attending to different things that constantly required my attention.
At 3 P. M. we parted our hawser, but fortunately it was quite smooth, and we secured it without difficulty. At 4 P.M. we passed Cape Henry and heard heavy firing in the direction of Fortress Monroe; as we approached it increased and we immediately cleared ship for action. When about half way between Fortress Monroe and Cape Henry we spoke a pilot boat. .He told us the Cumberland was sunk, and the Congress was on fire, and surrendered to the Merrimac. We did not credit it at first, but as we approached Hampton Roads we could see the fine old Congress burning brightly, and we knew then it must be so. Sadly indeed did we feel, to think those two fine old vessels had gone to their last homes, with so many of their brave crews. Our hearts were very full, and we vowed vengeance to the Merrimac, if it should ever be our lot to fall in with her. At 9 P.M. we anchored near the frigate Roanoke, the Flagship, Captain Marston (the major's brother); Captain Worden immediately went on board and received orders to proceed to Newport News and protect the Minnesota (which was aground) from the Merrimac. We got under way and reached the Minnesota at 11 P.M. I went on board in our cutter and asked the Captain what his prospects were of getting off. He said he should try to get afloat at 2 A.M. when it was high water. I asked him if we could render him any assistance, to which he replied, "no." I then told him we should do all in our power to protect him from the attack of the Merrimac. He thanked me kindly and wished us success. Just as I got back to the Monitor, the Congress blew up, and certainly a grander sight was never seen, but it went straight to the very marrow of my bones. Not a word was said but deep did each man think and wish he was by the side of the Merrimac. At 1 A. M. we anchored near the Minnesota. The Captain and myself remained on deck. waiting for the Merrimac. At 3 A.M. we thought the Minnesota was afloat and coming down to us, so we got under way as soon as possible, and stood out of the Channel. After backing and filling about for an hour we found we were mistaken and anchored again. At daylight, we discovered the Merrimac at anchor with several other vessels under Sewall's Point. We immediately made every preparation for battle. At 8 A.M. on Sunday the Merrimac got under way accompanied by several steamers, and started direct shots at the Minnesota. When a mile distant she fired two shots at the Minnesota. By this time our anchor was up, our men at quarters, and everything ready for action. As the Merrimac came clown, the Captain passed the word to commence firing; I triced up the port, ran out the gun and fired the first gun thus began the great battle between the Merrimac and Monitor.
Now mark the condition our men and officers were in; since Friday morning, forty-eight hours, they had had no rest, and very little food as we could not conveniently cook. They had been hard at work all night, had nothing to eat for breakfast except hard bread, and were thoroughly worn out. As for myself, I had not slept a wink for fifty-one hours, and had been on my feet almost constantly. But after the first gun was fired, we forgot all fatigue, hard work and everything else, and went to work fighting as hard as men ever fought. We loaded and fired as fast as we could. I pointed and fired the guns myself. Every shot I would ask the Captain the effect, and the majority of them were encouraging. The Captain was in the pilot house directing the movements of the vessel. Acting Master Stodder was at the wheel which turns the tower, but as he could not manage it he was relieved by Stenners. The speaking trumpet from the tower to the pilot house was broken, so we passed the word from the Captain to myself on the berth deck, by Paymaster Keeler and Captain. Clerk Toffy. Five times during the engagement we touched each other, and each time I fired a gun at her, and I will vouch that the 168 lbs. penetrated her sides. Once she tried to run us down with her iron prow, but did no damage. After fighting for two hours we hauled off for half an hour to hoist our shot in the tower. As it went again as hard as we could. The shot, shell, grape, canister, musket and rifle balls flew about us in every direction, but did us no damage. Our tower was struck several times and though the noise was pretty loud, it did not affect us any. Stodder and one of the men were carelessly leaning against the tower, when a shot struck it exactly opposite to them, and disabled them for an hour or two. It about 11:30 the Captain sent for me, I went forward, and there stood as noble a man as ever lived, at the foot of the ladder of the pilot house. His face was perfectly black with powder and iron and he was apparently perfectly blind. I asked him what was the matter. He said a shot had struck the pilot house exactly opposite his eyes, blinded him, and he thought the pilot house was damaged. He told me to take charge of the ship and use my own discretion. I led him to his room, laid him on the sofa, and then took his position. On examining the pilot house I found the iron hatch on top had been knocked about half way off, and the second iron log from the top on the forward side was completely cracked through. We still continued firing, the tower being under the direction of Stenners. We were between two fires. The Minnesota had struck in twice on the tower, and the Merrimac was retreating to Sewall's Point. I knew if another shot should strike our pilot house in the same place, our steering apparatus would be disabled, and we would be at the mercy of the Datteries on Sewall 's Point. The Merrimac was retreating toward the latter place. We had strict orders to act on the defensive and protect the Minnesota. We had evidently finished the Merrimac as far as the Minnesota was concerned. Our pilot house was damaged and we had strict orders not to follow the Merrimac, therefore after the Merrimac had retreated I went to the Minnesota and remained by her until she was afloat.
General Wool and Secretary Fox have both complimented me very highly for acting as I did, and said it was the strict military plan to follow. This is the reason we did not sink the Merrimac, and everyone here capable of judging say we acted exactly right.
The fight was over now, and we were victorious. My men and myself were perfectly black with smoke and powder. All my underclothes were perfectly black and my person was in the same condition. As we ran alongside the Minnesota; Secretary Fox hailed us and told us we had fought the greatest naval battle on record, and behaved as gallantly as men could. He saw the whole fight. I felt proud and happy then, Mother, and felt fully repaid for all I had suffered. When our noble Captain heard the Merrimac had retreated, he said he was perfectly happy and willing to die, since he had saved the Minnesota.
Ah, how I love and venerate that man! Most fortunately for him, his friend and classmate, Lieutenant Wise saw the fight and was alongside directly after the engagement. He took him on board the Baltimore boat, and carried him to Washington that night.
The Minnesota was still aground, and we stood by her till she floated at 4 P. M. She grounded again shortly and we anchored for the night. I was now Captain and First Lieutenant and had not a soul to help me on the ship, as Stodder was injured, and Webber useless. I had been up so long, had had so little rest, and been under such a state of excitement, that my nervous system was completely run down. Every bone in my body ached, my limbs and joints were so sore I could not stand, my nerves and muscles twitched as though electric shocks were continually passing through them, and my head ached as if it would burst. Sometimes I thought my brain would come out over my eyebrows. I lay down and tried to sleep, I might as well have tried to fly. About 12 o'clock, Acting Lieutenant Flye came on board and reported to me for duty. He lives in Topsham, opposite Brunswick, and recollect. Father very well. He immediately assumed the duties of First Lieutenant and I felt considerably relieved. But no sleep did I get that night, owing to my excitement. The next morning at 8 o'clock, we got under way and stood through our fleet. Cheer after cheer went up from the Frigates and small craft, for the glorious little Monitor, and happy indeed did we all feel. I was Captain then of the vessel that had saved Newport News, Hampton Roads, Fortress Monroe (as General Wool himself said) and perhaps your Northern ports. I am unable to express the happiness and joy I feel to think I had served my country and my flag so well, at such an important time. I passed Farquhar's vessel and answered his welcome salute. About 10 A.M. General Wool and Mr. Fox came on board and congratulated us on our victory, etc. We have a standing invitation to dine with General Wool, but no officer is allowed to leave the ship until we sink the Merrimac. At 8 o'clock that night, Tom Selfridge came on board and took command and brought me the following letter from Mr. Fox.
"U. S. Steamer Roanoke,
Old Point, March 10, 1862.
"Dear Mr. Greene:
"Under the extraordinary circumstances of the contest yesterday, and the responsibility devolving upon one of your extreme youth, I have suggested to Captain Marston, to send on board the Monitor as temporary Commander, Lieutenant Selfridge, until the arrival of Commodore Goldsborough, which will be in a few days. I appreciate your position and you mu t appreciate 1nine, and serve with the same zeal and fidelity.
"With kindest wishes for you all.
"Most truly,
"G. V. Fox."
Of course I was a little taken back at first, but on a second thought, I saw it was as it should be. You must recollect the immense responsibility resting on this little vessel. We literally hold all the property ashore and afloat in these regions, as the wooden vessels are useless against the Merrimac. At no time during the war has any one position been so important as this vessel. You may perhaps think I am exaggerating somewhat because I am in the Monitor, but the President, Secretary and General Wool all think so, and have telegraphed to that effect, for us to be vigilant, etc. The Captain receives every day, numbers of anonymous letters from all parts of the country, suggesting plots to him. And I think some people north of Mason and Dixon's line have a little fear of the Merrimac. Under these circumstances, it was perfectly right and proper in Mr. Fox to relieve me of the command, for you must recollect I had never performed any but midshipman's duty until this time, but between you and me, I would have kept the command with all its responsibility if I had my choice, and either the Merrimac or the Monitor should have gone down in the next engagement. But then you know all young people are vain, conceited and without judgment. Even the President telegraphed to Mr. Fox to do so and so, Mr. President, I suppose thinking Mr. Fox rather young, he being only about forty. Mr. Fox, however, had already done what the President telegraphed to him several hours before. Selfridge was only in command two days until Lieutenant Jeffers arrived from Roanoke Island.
Mr. Jeffers is everything desirable, talented, energetic, educated and experienced in battle. ·well, I believe, I have about finished. Butts, my old roommate, was on board the Merrimac – little did we ever think at the Academy, we should ever be firing 150 lb. shot at each other, but so goes the world. Our pilot house is nearly completed. We have now solid oak extending three inches below the eyeholes in the pilot house to five feet out on the deck. This makes an angle of twenty-seven degrees from the horizontal. This is to be covered with three inches of iron. It looks exactly like a pyramid. She will now be invulnerable at every point. The deepest indentation on our sides was four inches. Tower two inches and deck one-half inch. We were not at all damaged except the pilot house. No one was affected by the concussion in the tower, either by our own guns or by the shot of the enemy.
This is a pretty long letter for me for you recollect my writingabilities.
With much love to all.
Your affectionate son,
(Signed) S. D. Greene.