Destroyer Experiences During The Great War

By Captain J. K. Taussig, U. S. Navy
December 1922
A dreadful sound is in his ears: in prosperity the destroyer shall come upon him.—(Job, XV, 21) I. THE FIRST SIX Being a narrative of the experiences incidental to the ...

Wake Island

By Lieutenant Commander Sherwood Picking, U. S. Navy
December 1922
WAKE ISLAND By Lieutenant Commander Sherwood Picking, U.S. Navy On a recent passage the U.S.S. Beaver passed close aboard Wake Island, and as the sea was smooth, and we were ...

Report Of Annual Meeting

December 1922
In accordance with Article V, Section X, of the Constitution and By-laws, two weeks’ notice having been given, the annual meeting was held at 8:05 p. m., on October 13 ...

Notes On International Affairs

Prepared By Allen Westcott, Professor, U. S. Naval Academy
December 1922
NOTES ON INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS FROM SEPTEMBER 25 TO OCTOBER 25 Prepared by Allan Westcott, Professor, U. S. Naval Academy NEAR EAST Armistice Signed at Mudania.—On October 11 an armistice agreement ...

Review Of Books

December 1922
REVIEW OF BOOKS INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, by James Bryce. (The Macmillan Company, New York. $2.50) A Review by Rear Admiral Caspar F. Goodrich, U.S.N. This is the swan song of one ...

The Spirit Of The Offensive

By Lieutenant Commander H. H. Frost, U. S. Navy
December 1922
THE SPIRIT OF THE OFFENSIVE By Lieutenant Commander H.H. Frost, U.S. Navy I. The Spirit of the Offensive and Offensive Operations When Napoleon was asked how one might become a ...

Professional Notes

Prepared By Lieutenant Commander F. W. Rockwell, U. S. Navy
December 1922
PROFESSIONAL NOTES Prepared By Lieutenant Commander F.W. Rockwell, U.S. Navy and Lieutenant J.B. Heffernan, U.S. Navy FRANCE New Construction.—The French Naval General Staff has announced that construction has begun on ...

Discussion, Personnel

By Captain J. K. Taussig, U. S. Navy
December 1922
DISCUSSION: Personnel (See Whole No. 235, Page 1507) Captain J.K. Taussig, U.S. Navy.—The reading of Lieutenant Henning's paper titled "Personnel," which was published in the September number of the Proceedings ...

Hints On Tactical Maneuvers

By Lieutenant Commander Jules James, U. S. Navy
December 1922
HINTS ON TACTICAL MANEUVERS By Lieutenant Commander Jules James, U. S. Navy 1. On making a careful analysis of maneuvers it is realized that the big problem, pervading the entire ...

Shipbreaking In Great Britain

By E. C. Hamner, Jr., Naval Constructor, U. S. Navy
December 1922
SHIPBREAKING IN GREAT BRITAIN By E.C. Hamner, Jr., Naval Constructor, U.S. Navy Ship-breaking has been an industry in the British Isles for many years, and so there are plants, having ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

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