The U. S. Naval Institute was established in 1873. having for its object the advancement of professional and scientific knowledge in the Navy. It now enters upon its twenty-eighth year of existence, trusting as heretofore for its support to the officers and friends of the Navy. The members of the Board of Control cordially invite the co-operation and aid of their brother officers and others interested in the Navy, in furtherance of the aims of the Institute, by the contribution of papers and communications upon subjects of interest to the naval profession, as well as by personal support and influence.
On the subject of membership the Constitution reads as follows:
Sec. 1. The Institute shall consist of regular, life, honorary and associate members.
Sec. 2. Officers of the Navy, Marine Corps, and all civil officers attached to the Naval Service, shall be entitled to become regular or life members, without ballot, on payment of dues or fee to the Secretary and Treasurer, or to the Corresponding Secretary of a Branch. Members who resign from the Navy subsequent to joining the Institute will be regarded as belonging to the class described in this Section.
Sec. 3. The Prize Essayist of each year shall be a life member without payment of fee.
Sec. 4. Honorary members shall be selected from distinguished Naval and Military Officers, and from eminent men of learning in civil life. The Secretary of the Navy shall be, ex officio, an honorary member. Their number shall not exceed thirty (30). Nominations for honorary members must be favorably reported by the Board of Control, and a vote equal to one-half the number of regular and life members, given by proxy or presence, shall be cast, a majority electing.
Sec. 5. Associate members shall be elected from officers of the Army Revenue Marine, foreign officers of the Naval and Military professions, and from persons in civil life who may be interested in the purposes of the Institute.
Sec. 6. Those entitled to become associate members may be elected life members, provided that the number not officially connected with the Navy and Marine Corps shall not at any time exceed one hundred (100).
Sec. 7. Associate members and life members, other than those entitled to regular membership, shall be elected as follows: “Nominations shall be made in writing to the Secretary and Treasurer, with the name of the member making them, and such nominations shall be submitted to the Board of Control, and, if their report be favorable, the Secretary and Treasurer shall make known the result at the next meeting of the Institute, and a vote shall then be taken, a majority of votes cast by members present electing.
The Proceedings are published quarterly, and may be obtained by non- members upon application to the Secretary and Treasurer at Annapolis, Md. Inventors of articles connected with the naval profession will be afforded an opportunity of exhibiting and explaining their inventions. A description of such inventions as may be deemed by the Board of Control of use to the service will be published in the Proceedings.
Single copies of the Proceedings, $1.00. Back numbers and complete sets can be obtained by applying to the Secretary and Treasurer, Annapolis, Md.
Annual subscriptions for non-members, $3.50. Annual dues for members and associate members, $3.00. Life members fee, $30.00.
All letters should be addressed to Secretary and Treasurer, U. S. Naval Institute, Annapolis, Md., and all checks, drafts and money orders should be made payable to his order, without using the name of that officer.