On Our Scope

By Fred L. Schultz Editor-in-Chief
April 2002
Despite his reputation as television’s master of deadpan, Brian Lamb turns out to be exceptionally engaging and well informed, with strong opinions concerning the value of military service, the importance ...

Men of Annapolis: Good Show?

By Captain Sherman G. Alexander, U.S. Navy (Retired)
April 2002
A "technical representative" for the late-1950s television series tells how satisfied producers and U.S. Naval Academy officials were with the result.

They Were Commendable

By Curtis L. Nelson
April 2002
To the World War II media, the PT boat was a dashing, mysterious surface warrior, as glorified in the 1945 MGM movie They Were Expendable. The film dramatized the 1942 ...

Crisis at Cedar Keys

By Master Chief William R. Wells II, U.S. Coast Guard (Retired)
April 2002
The U.S. Revenue Cutter Service shows its military mettle against a man some called “the Crazy Mayor.”

In Contact

April 2002
“A National Treasure on the Brink” (See D. Hutchinson, pp. 30-31, February 2002 Naval History ) John Carter, President, Independence Seaport Museum I am of two minds concerning Mr. Hutchinson’s ...

Historic Fleets

By A. D. Baker III, Editor, Combat Fleets of the World
April 2002
Although the U.S. Navy operated improvised hospital ships during the Civil War and the Spanish American War, and an earlier hospital ship named Relief had accompanied the Great White Fleet ...

The Demon that Could Hardly Fly

By Norman Polmar, Author, Ships and Aircraft of the U.S. Fleet
April 2002
he first U.S. Navy jet-propelled aircraft to land aboard a carrier and the first to enter squadron service with the Navy was the McDonnell FH Phantom (originally designated FD). Its ...

Naval History News

April 2002
New Exhibit Chronicles Maritime Side of “9.11.01” New York City’s South Street Seaport Museum plans to open a new exhibit documenting the response to the events of 11 September 2001 ...

Book Reviews

Reviewed by Richard M. McMurry, Vice Admiral Gerald E. Miller, U.S. Navy (Retired), Commander Tyrone G. Martin, U.S. Navy (Retired)
April 2002
Allegiance: Fort Sumter, Charleston, and the Beginning of the Civil War David Detzer. New York: Harcourt, 2001. 367 pp. Illus. Notes. Bib. Index. $27.00 ($24.30). Reviewed by Richard M. McMurry ...

Salty Talk

By Commander Tyrone G. Martin, U.S. Navy (Retired)
April 2002
For a change, here are some clues as to the origin of this issue’s “Salty Talk” phrase, but I will leave it to the reader to discover the phrase’s identity ...