Publisher's Page

By Jim Barber Publisher
December 1995
This issue features several individuals who helped shape the naval history of this country and the world. Admiral Sampson had acted distant—even sometimes completely removed—from the tasks at hand. Now ...

David Shoup Rock of Tarawa

By Colonel Joseph H. Alexander, U.S. Marine Corps (Retired)
December 1995
The bloody assault on Tarawa changed the face of amphibious warfare. One Marine commander held especially steady in the fray.

Part V—A Matter of Class

By Samuel Loring Morison
December 1995
The last in a five-part series attempting to explain the sometimes inexplicable classification and designation “system” of the U.S. Navy tackles submarines.

Looking Back

By Paul Stillwell
December 1995
Thirty years ago this autumn, one issue of The Saturday Evening Post particularly caught my eye. On the 23 October 1965 cover was a painting that could have graced an ...

In Contact

December 1995
“Naval Academy Memories” (See O. North, J. M. Poindexter, pp. 8-16, September-October 1995 Naval History ) Victor Gray As a proud graduate of the Naval Academy (1962), 1 was appalled ...

Book Reviews

Reviewed by Sir James Cable, Jon T. Sumida, Major Kenneth F. McKenzie, Jr., U.S. Marine Corps, David F. Trask, & Lieutenant Commander Thomas J. CUTLER, U.S. Navy (Retired)
December 1995
Mers El-Kebir (1940): La rupture franco-britannique Herve Coutau-Begarie and Claude Huan. Paris: Economica 1994. $54-00 ($51.30). Reviewed by Sir James Cable In the long history of Anglo-French naval encounters, the ...

The USS Constitution Museum

By Commander Tyrone G. Martin, U, S. Navy (Retired)
December 1995
The USS Constitution Museum in Boston helps history buffs relive the 200- year story of Old Ironsides, America’s undefeated champion.

Naval History News

Edited By Bert Hubinger
December 1995
You’ll Find the Russian Navy in New Jersey A private emigre organization in New Jersey is caretaker for a unique collection of artifacts, books, and archives formerly known as the ...

Salty Talk

By Commander Ty Martin, U.S. Navy (Retired)
December 1995
Uniforms for naval officers—their cut, color, and adornments specified by regulation—began appearing in the 18th century. Ordinary crew members had to wait about another century before they were similarly provided ...

Historic Fleets

By A. D. Baker III, Editor, Combat Fleets of the World
December 1995
In 1942, when the U.S. Navy was desperately short of antisubmarine assets, “Reverse Lend Lease” was arranged with Great Britain to provide 25 “Flower” and “Modified Flower”-class corvettes to help ...