2020 History Conference

This two-day virtual conference gathered actors, directors, producers alongside government, military, and academic leaders to discuss the evolution of the U.S. military’s portrayal in film. Speakers discussed the history of the military in the movies from WWI to the present, the key partnership between Hollywood and the DoD, the importance of maintaining accuracy in popular media without derailing the entertainment value and mass appeal, the role of amateur filmmakers in sharing their stories, and the implications and the influence all these mediums have on the public’s perception of the military.


All of the webcasts are now available on demand.

Please click on the links below to access and enjoy! 




20 October 2020   


3:30 – 4:30pm EDT

Keynote Discussion - From WWI to the Present: The History of the Military in the Movies  

  • Capt Dale Dye, USMC (Ret.), Military Consultant, Author and Actor (Confirmed)  


7:00 – 8:00pm EDT

Keynote Discussion – A Night at the Movies: Behind the Scenes with Military Advisor and Actor, Captain Dale Dye, USMC (Ret.) 

Moderator: Megan Eckstein, Deputy Editor, USNI News (Confirmed) 

  • Capt Dale Dye, USMC (Ret.), Military Consultant, Author and Actor (Confirmed)  



21 October 2020  


8:55 – 9:55am EDT

Panel Discussion - From Script to Screen: The Partnership Between Hollywood and the DoD   

Moderator:  Dr. Shaun Baker, Assistant Director, Stockdale Center for Ethical Leadership, U.S. Naval Academy (Confirmed) 

  • David Ayer,  American Film Director, Producer, and Screenwriter (Confirmed)  
  • RADM Dennis Moynihan, USN (Ret.), former U.S. Navy Chief of Information, CHINFO (Confirmed)  
  • Lt Col Glen F. Roberts, USAF (Ret.), Branch Chief, Entertainment Media, Department of Defense; former Director, Air Force Entertainment Liaison Office, Los Angeles, CA (Confirmed)  

9:30am EDT

Available On Demand: Interview with Heath Hardage Lee - Author of "League of Wives: The Untold Story of the Women Who Took on the U.S. Government to Bring Their Husbands Home from Vietnam”


10:55 – 11:55am EDT

Panel Discussion - Portraying the Military on the Silver Screen: Process, Implications, and Influence  

Moderator: Laura Law-Millett, Chief Operations Officer, GI Film Group; Co-Founder, GI Film Festival (Confirmed)  

  • LtCol Matthew W. Morgan, USMC (Ret.), Film and Television Consultant; Former Director of the Marine Corps Motion Picture Liaison Office in Los Angeles  (Confirmed)  
  • Dr. Michelle Pautz, Professor and Assistant Provost for Common Academic Program, University of Dayton (Confirmed)  


1:30 – 3:00pm EDT 

Collaborative Filmmaking Workshop 

  • Jess Atkinson, President, 3 Penny Films (Confirmed) 

  • Joe Schreiber, Co-Founder/Executive Producer, 3 Penny Films (Confirmed) 


Bonus Content

David Copperfield: Magic, War, and Intelligence

Join world-renowned magician David Copperfield and former Acting Director of the CIA John McLaughlin on a historical journey as they discuss how the art of deception was used to help the military and the intelligence communities. 




This event was made possible with support from the William M. Wood Foundation.



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