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In early 2017, the Chief of Naval Operations announced the CNO Naval History Essay Contest to further our understanding of how lessons from history inform our way ahead. The goal of the contest is to inspire insight and dialogue from across the widest spectrum of academic, operational, military, and civilian personnel, both from within the naval services and from those with a sincere interest in the history of the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. There are two categories for participants to enter the contest: Professional Historian and Rising Historian. 

This year, the Chief of Naval Operations invited entrants to submit essays that apply lessons from throughout naval history to establishing and maintaining maritime superiority in an era of great power competition. Entrants considered that today's era is marked by determined efforts by China and Russia to use all instruments of national power (e.g., economic, political, diplomatic, and military) to compete for commercial, geostrategic, political, and military advantage and access. Essays provided lessons from history that can be applied today.

We held a virtual award ceremony recognizing and congratulating the winners of this year's CNO Naval History Essay Contest on 18 November at 1600 ET.


The U.S. Naval Institute thanks General Dynamics for providing support for this contest.
