The Challenge
What are the appropriate roles for the military services and the Defense Information Systems Agency to establish, sustain, and operate the Joint Information Environment?
Operation of the Joint Information Environment within the Defense Information Systems Agency is evolving at light speed as the pace of technology advances faster than operators can migrate to upgraded and new systems. The military services are directed by United States Code Title 10 as being “responsible to organize and equip their services to perform all functions pertaining to their department". Title 10 also provides that "Whenever the Secretary of Defense determines such action would be more effective, economical, or efficient, the Secretary may provide for the performance of a supply or service activity that is common to more than one military department by a single agency of the Department of Defense.”
Open to all currently or formerly serving, and civilians engaged in work or strategy associated with the joint information environment.
Length of Essays
Should not to exceed 3,000 words
Please include a one paragraph bio. Authors grant USNI all perpetual publication rights in any and all media formats.
31 March 2014
Winning essay published in June 2014 Proceedings (print & online)
1st Prize
$5,000 & One year U.S. Naval Institute Membership
2nd Prize
$2,500 & One year U.S. Naval Institute Membership
3rd Prize
$1,500 & One year U.S. Naval Institute Membership