Command, U. S. Navy

By Rear Admiral J. W. Greenslade, U. S. Navy
June 1932
FOREWORDThe desire to find out what makes the watch tick has been responsible for many a situation wherein the curious one has found himself with a number of extra parts ...

Statecraft and War

By Lieutenant Commander M. F. Talbot (S.C.), U. S. Navy
June 1932
CHANGING EXPRESSIONS OF THE CHANGING TIMESIf war belongs to policy, it will naturally take its character from policy. If the policy is grand and powerful, so will be the ...
Phototype print depicting the capture of CSS Florida by USS Wachusett at Bahia, Brazil, on 7 October 1864

It Happened in Bahia

By Lieutenant Raymond S. Lawson, U. S. Naval Reserve
June 1932
On 7 October 1864, the sloop-of war Wachusett captured the Confederate raider Florida in the Port of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil—creating an international incident in the process.

A New Type for the Navy

By Lieutenant J. U. Lademan, Jr., U. S. Navy
June 1932
In the modern fleets of today there exists a type of ship which has been assigned two important, dissimilar, and conflicting battle rôles. I refer to the destroyer, whose principal ...

The Influence of History Upon Sea Power

By Lieutenant Commander L. F. Safford, U. S. Navy
June 1932
From knowledge comes powerIt is presumptuous, to say the least, to question the theories of an eminent authority. This is particularly true when his ideas have been universally accepted ...

Another Star Finder and Spotter

By E. B. Collins
June 1932
The first astronomers were the ancient shepherds who, as they tended their flocks beneath the starry canopy of heaven, naturally became interested in the orbs with which it is studded ...

A Historic Parallel of Interest

By Lieutenant (J. G.) J. F. Dahlgren, U. S. Navy
June 1932
History repeats itself. We may accept this adage without examining the many events which have proved it. The culmination of a new parallel seems to be coming in the Germany ...


June 1932
Neutrality—Can It Be Maintained by a World Power?(See page 335, March, 1932 Proceedings)Rear Admiral W. T. Cluverius, U. S. Navy.—The status of the neutral has always been the most ...

Notes on International Affairs

Prepared By Professor Allan Westcott, U. S. Naval Academy
June 1932
From April 3 to May 3FAR EASTShanghai Truce Arrangements.—Early in May the long-deferred truce agreement between Japan and China for the evacuation of the occupied area around Shanghai ...

Book Reviews

June 1932
ROPE YARNS FROM THE OLD NAVY.By Rear Admiral Caspar F. Goodrich, U. S. Navy. New York: The Naval History Society. 1931. $5.00.Reviewed by Rear Admiral Albert Gleaves, U. S. Navy ...

Notes On The Geneva Conference

By Lieutenant Commander Schuyler Mills, U. S. Navy
June 1932
Although much time was consumed in discussion during the early weeks of the conference, it was hoped that some real work could be done after the Easter recess when decisions ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

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